Well, Lookie Here.

December 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know all that chatter about Hillary Clinton running for President in 2016?  The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. is probably ground zero for those rumors.

Hillary says she’s not going to do it.  We don’t believe her.

And neither does Rick Perry.

And how do we know that?  Texas congressvarmints are demanding Hillary’s testimony on Benghazi.  Yep – it’s not about the sex Benghazi; it’s about the perjury.

Rick Perry does not want to run for President against Hillary Clinton.  However, I am willing to bet my best pair of pink boots that Hillary would not mind running against Rick.

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0 Comments to “Well, Lookie Here.”

  1. scottybeamer says:

    To paraphrase Ann Richards:
    He can’t help it, he was born with the
    “stupid” boot in his mouth.
    I suspect just about any sixth grader could garner
    more votes than Perry. Hasn’t that man embarassed
    himself and Texas enough already? Get out the “stoopid” spray and make it go away!

  2. I am wondering if Ricky can find Benghazi on a map.

  3. Sharing good news makes one happier. I just read that. I think Hillary would get her tired wrinkles gone if she ran against Ricky. Just think about it. She wouldn’t have to work near as hard on her speeches and dang, she can testify to her heart’s content and smile all the way home. Let’s hear some good news.

  4. Or possibly she took a look what the GOP put her husband through (never mind that he behaved like a fool) when it was Bill and Hillary’s business to deal with it, or what kind of hell they have made Obama’s life. She may very well have reconsidered if she wanted four or eight years of that. Guess we’ll know when the time comes.

    And both couples are better examples of family values than any of those GOP hypocrites are. If Bill and Hillary could stick it out together, that’s just pretty darned impressive. They have done what it takes to make their marriage last whether it is how we would have done it or not. Sure not for me to judge. They are 100% more successful than I ever was.

  5. Off topic.
    We are in the middle of a major snowstorm 12-16 inches.
    I can barely see the houses across the street.
    Turkey soup on the stove and a batch of cookies make this all better!!!

  6. In any race except that for the governor of Texas, Rick Perry would be the ideal opposition. What we need is someone who can beat him for governor.

    I escaped the Texas cold front just before it hit Austin and am in northern California, where the sun is shining brightly even though it’s the rainy season. Glad I’m not confronted with Diane’s snow!

  7. Should Hillary decide she wants to run I will support her and vote for her. Somehow, I am thinking she is going to leave it to Chelsea’s generation for the first Woman President. Hillary has done everything else. I would not want to put up with 8 more years – actually it would be 12 counting the campaign – of the morans in DC.

  8. Juanita Jean, Nancy Jane Moore is Gloating- again!!!!

  9. Hillary will turn 69 a few months before inauguration day 2017. The last time we had a President of that age it was Ronnie Reagan.
    Sec. Clinton may desire to become the President, but is to much of a patriot to risk not being up to the task due to age. On the other hand Chelsea will be 36, above the Constitutional minimum.

  10. Goodhair just wants to get to the bottom of just exactly what Hillary did to that guy Ben Gazzi.
