Well, It Finally Hit Big News
There has been some rumblings about Trump having an illegitimate child and how the National Enquirer paid a doorman $30,000 to kill the story.
I didn’t much believe it.
Then the New Yorker and the Associated Press printed it. And this morning, CNN felt comfortable enough to send out a Breaking News story. However, they are still calling it “allegedly.”
To me, it all comes down to rumors so I’m still not willing to bet my best pair of pink boots on it. They are saying this shows a pattern of behavior of payoffs to kill stories. Worse has happened in politics. Plus, I don’t think Trump’s supporters give a big bear’s butt about him being a liar, a thief, and a serial nincompoop.
But there you have it. This counts as news now days.
Thanks to Phyllis for the heads up.