Well, It Finally Hit Big News

April 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There has been some rumblings about Trump having an illegitimate child and how the National Enquirer paid a doorman $30,000 to kill the story.

I didn’t much believe it.

Then the New Yorker and the Associated Press printed it.  And this morning, CNN felt comfortable enough to send out a Breaking News story.  However, they are still calling it “allegedly.”

To me, it all comes down to rumors so I’m still not willing to bet my best pair of pink boots on it.  They are saying this shows a pattern of behavior of payoffs to kill stories.  Worse has happened in politics.  Plus, I don’t think Trump’s supporters give a big bear’s butt about him being a liar, a thief, and a serial nincompoop.

But there you have it. This counts as news now days.

Thanks to Phyllis for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Well, It Finally Hit Big News”

  1. Wyatt Earl says:

    Doorman regrets selling out – he could have had $130,000.

  2. This story also was posted at the UK newspaper, The Guardian online.

    If it’s true, I wonder when the mother of the alleged Trump illegit child will come forward with her hand out for money to tell it all or maybe the child her/himself.

  3. Well . . . didn’t you just know that all sorts of flotsom and jetsom would eventually arise? I am betting on The Guardian source as true. Will also bet that this part of his background has been covered up under a certain heading in his corporate books. As for whether or not his base gives a hoot, consider that some of them might have the same experience. After all, they voted for him because “he was just like them” (however almighty implausible that is!)

  4. It’s just a wild oat’s thing, And only one [to speak of] that’s not many. He just has to take another mullion. Or add 2 strokes.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    There is some curious wording in the NDA template used by Donnie’s legal beagles. Specifically the phrases “paternity information” and “alleged children” produce a little wtf reaction. We could “accept” that that is merely boilerplate language, or we can speculate that the attorneys were covering the bases for any and all eventualities. Mostly this is a personal issue between Messy and Donnie, if not for the many attempted cover-ups. Did none of these people learn anything from Nixon?

  6. Remember John Edwards?

  7. Evangelicals will see the silver lining in this news, should it prove to be true. “See” they’ll say, “Donald Trump reflects our values.” If there’s a love child out there somewhere, it proves he’s pro-life.

  8. Annabelle Lee says:

    Wonder when this happened? Not that it matters, I’m just curious as to which wife he was cheating on at the time.

  9. Just a bit of WH trivia — one of the presidential campaign slogans in 1884 was, “Ma, ma, where’s my pa? Gone to the White House, ha ha ha!” Grover Cleveland, only president to enter office as a bachelor and marry in the WH, countered that yes, he had fathered a child by his mistress, but he paid good child support, and it was better than using prostitutes. He went on to marry his ward, the daughter of his late law partner.

    The other slogan of 1884 was “Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine, Continental liar from the state of Maine,” a reference to Blaine’s shady railroad business dealings and how he tried to pass them off.

    Some things change. Some things don’t.

  10. Speaking of WH lore and legend one must start to wonder who in demented donnies inner circle will think of filling Mrs. Harding’s reputed role in the death of her husband?
    If the demented one is looking at jail and his hand is moving towards the red button to distract from his crimes one must wonder if there is anyone within the wh to look at historical legends and decide the same thing that Mrs. Harding is reputed to have done.

  11. NicaBrian says:

    Something I don’t understand about these non disclosures is, at least in this case, the max payback is a million. Heck, he could easily pick that up from gofundme funded by at least a million of us who would actually like to see a NDA violated for some good dirt.

  12. Seen on Crooks & Liars, an updated twitter statement from the doorman. https://crooksandliars.com/2018/04/wow-national-enquirer-paid-former-trump

    Trump doorman Dino Sajudin releases statement: “I was instructed not to criticize President Trump’s former housekeeper due to a prior relationship she had with President Trump which produced a child.”

    Dang… I think I’ll need a box of wine to go with the popcorn for this one, if its true.

  13. Lunargent says:

    I dunno. I guess it’s possible. But it’s such a standard political slander, I’m a bit doubtful.

    The Bush campaign used it against John McCain in 2000; rumors of an illegitimate, half-black child. And the right wing has obsessively accused Bill Clinton of exactly the same thing for the last 30 years. Note that the alleged offspring is of mixed race, for added piquancy.

    If it turns out to be true of Trump, I don’t think it will matter at all, except to his kids and anyone else sharing in his estate, assuming there is an estate after all the bills come due. He’s already the prime douchewad of the galaxy, and none of his supporters or hangers-on seem to care.

  14. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I can’t understand how a one-night-stand is worth 130K while a love child is only worth 30K?
