Well, I Guess I Better Pay the Ransom
Best I know, we have not deserted you.
I think maybe everybody is kinda stunned over the Red Wave that turned out being Little Princess Barbie pink. It was kinda like when you wash your Klan robe with you MAGA hat.
Texas: We are the most backwards state in the country.
Florida: Hold my possum jerky and watch this…
And after getting beat so badly that alligators wouldn’t even eat him, Trump announced that he’s running for president of the Semi-United States of America. He challenged democracy and turned up face down.
I have been distracted by the Republicans in my county who howled that the county stayed as blue as we flipped it four years ago, plus we added two new Democratic wins – one county commissioner (we now control commissioners court 4 to 1), and one new state representative. Republicans were convinced that we cheated at the ballot box of damn course.
They showed up loudly! and in force on the day the vote was canvassed, provisional ballots were rejected or certified, and several races were recounted. They came with lawyers, bean counters, loudmouths, people who were just mad and didn’t exactly know why, and a couple of guys who were born before chocolate chip cookies were invented. We countered with sending one lawyer – never send two lawyers because they’ll spend all day arguing with each other -, three retired grade school teachers, and some righteous precinct chairs who had read the Texas Election Code. They were headed by a tiny gray headed African American woman who was one of the first people to integrate the University of Texas and then worked her way to be an executive with AT&T. God made her short so she could chew butt and then spit it out over a bonfire she had simultaneously started by stomping her foot to keep the devil from coming up and making a ruckus.
Twelve hours later, Democrats emerged with the vote total rising in every single damn race. We didn’t just beat them, Honey. We beat them good.
They went home with their tail between their legs.
It was so much fun.