Well, I Certainly Hope He’s Only Pro-White After Labor Day
Anna Zubkova is running for probate judge in Connecticut. I generally don’t hold married couples responsible for each other’s behavior, but there are exceptions. This is probably one.
Her husband of 17 years, Rob, has a blog were he expresses some strong views on race and white pride. I mean, strong. And he’s been to a couple of neo-nazi rallies.
Her defense?
“He did not have those views when we married, but acquired them after,” Zubkova told the paper. “What am I supposed to do? Divorce him? It’s not unusual for husbands and wives to have different views.”
Anna, Honey, I do not blame you for his views. I do, however, question your judgement and your ability to lead, negotiate, and be a damn judge.
“I am pro-white, because so much out there is anti-white,” Freeman wrote.
You need to let him get out more often, Anna. Buy him a teevee and let him look at congress.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.