Holy Crap: The Devil Made Me Text You

August 08, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so there’s a priest who tried to exorcize the devil from a young woman.

He failed.

So, now he’s getting text messages.  From the feekin’ devil.



So, here’s what I’m wondering.

Does the devil have autocorrect?  And if so, has he ever texted anything embarrassing?  Because that would be cool.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Holy Crap: The Devil Made Me Text You”

  1. If I want to send a text to old Mammon, should I use #666 ?

  2. Sweet Crabby says:

    I wonder if the Devil butt-dialed Rafael Cruz and started this whole mess by accident.

  3. As long as he doesn’t send selfies.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Pardon both my irreverence and schadenfreude at the old hack being hacked. But seriously, Father, if you want understanding, give your phone to a techie, not God.

    #666, really Satan? Powning can be fun, but picking on an old guy?

    #PKM get me Ted Cruz’s number and I’ll cut the priest some slack.

  5. legion357 says:

    Good grief, usually the satan person taps me on the shoulder and gives me a idea… then common sense or a tap on the the other shoulder tells me that’s not a good idea!

    lol, just kidding, well sorta, but durn, satan testing a priest because of the priest s failed exorcism?

    Just maybe it isn’t the devil texting, it’s the priest conciseness trying to tell him that he shouldn’t try to cure a mental illness or a abuse problem with prayer.

  6. maryelle says:

    Now I’ve heard everything. The devil is living in a cell phone? and he knows how to text?
    I had no idea Satan was that tech savvy.
    Wonder if he is on face book.

  7. Marcia in CO says:

    @Maryelle … I guarantee you Satan is ALL OVER Facebook … all you have to do is read comments and you know for a fact that Old Nick is there … but usually responds as a TeaParty hack or Righteous Right Republican or some other freak of nature!! Ugh!!

    I have blocked so many of those fools that if I keep at it, the only folks I’ll be able to see on Facebook are my friends and the pages I actually subscribe to … and even some of those piss me off!

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Score one for Juanita Jean. Where’d you find this?

  9. Wait a holy moley minute! I grew up in that church and the only exorcists are the ones who were specifically trained, not your friendly neighborhood cleric. Somebody is pulling somebody else’s leg or pointy tail as the case may be. As for the freakyness on the girl’s cell phone, again i raise the case of somebody pulling somebody else’s nether limb! I would swear to that last one on my old copy of the DSM!

  10. I’m having a tremendous amount of trouble trying to use my new super wonderful high-tech computer. Perhaps the devil is in it. Until I get the hang of it or until the devil decides to pick on somebody else, I’m still using my old Mac most of the time; it seems to have an anti-devil sort of firewall.

  11. Sounds like an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

  12. e platypus onion says:


    He’s got bigger problems than the devil. That ain’t no priest-it is Dr Death,Jack Kevorkian,who was supposed to be dead. Here he is giving a lecture at UCLA.

  13. daChipster says:

    JJ per yr rqst: Satan’s autocorrect

    Satan: u dont wanna mess w/ me
    daChipster: orelse…?
    Satan:u get firestone rims
    daChipster: ??
    Satan: s***!
    Satan: fire
    Satan: and
    Satan: brimstone
    daChipster: rotflmao!
    Satan: good day autocorrect!
    Satan: *god damn… f***!
    daChipster: frm yr pov isnt god damn a good thing?
    daChipster: ?
    daChipster: u there?
    daChipster: lol
    daChipster: too bad i cd use new rims

  14. Marge Wood says:

    da Chipster, grin.
    I think the Devil sneaks up on us looking really respectable and like our favorite cousin. How can you turn down a deal with one of the people you know only has your best interests at heart?

  15. Actually not too surprising. One wonders if the devil hasn’t always been an intimate part of the phone company. Ever talk to their billing department? Or sales department? Or their customer service?

  16. Corinne Sabo says:

    I didn’t know the devil had thumbs…

  17. UmptyDump says:

    Maude! I tole ya them thar newfangled text message thingies are tools of the devil!

  18. If you encounter the Devil at some point that is really bad luck.

    If you encounter the Devil always and everywhere, then maybe you’re the Devil.
