Well, Darn, I’ll Be Second Cousin to a Monkey

June 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Honey, you could knock me over with a feather.

The Supreme Court on Monday tossed out a provision in Arizona’s voter registration law that required proof of citizenship.

The 7-2 majority said the state’s voter-approved Proposition 200 interfered with federal law designed to make voter registration easier.

The state called the provision a “sensible precaution” to prevent voter fraud. Civil rights group countered that it added an unconstitutional and burdensome layer of paperwork for tens of thousands of citizens.

So democracy is coming around, huh?  And Republican heads are exploding all over America.

Damn, this is going to be a good day.

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0 Comments to “Well, Darn, I’ll Be Second Cousin to a Monkey”

  1. I’m not even going to speculate on the (2) who dissented.

    But I would suspect their names start with Scalia and Thomas.

    Maybe I’m wrong. Could very well be. But I honestly can’t think of (2) other members on the Court who would think it’s a good idea to deny people the right to vote.

  2. My apologies to Justice Scalia. It was Alito and Thomas. Read another article that gave the information

    Supreme Court Justices Alito and Thomas would deny people the right to vote.

    Thank goodness for the (7) who thought otherwise.

  3. Aggieland liz says:

    Ha! My money was on Alito!

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I need an umbrella so I don’t get any Teapublican brain matter on me today while I dance in the streets.

    LOL @ Arizona

  5. Still no ruling on Shelby County.

  6. I used to live in Shelby County (Montevallo) Alabama. It’s a lost cause. I hope the SC realizes that!

  7. BarbinDC says:

    Wiser heads than mine are predicting that the Voting Rights Act will go down. I’ll happily rescind my Hex on the SC, should they uphold the law.

  8. What just about made my head explode is that not only did Thomas disagree with Scalia, but Scalia wrote the majority opinion! I guess it’s true that even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while.

  9. Bo Leeyeau says:

    What channel is FOX News? I gotta see this.

  10. Because I’m not a lawyer, I probably read this all wrong.

    But, the way I read (and Scalia wrote the “majority opinion”. This is going to be kicked back and forth in the courts for a while.

    I’m thinking that the way he worded it was that Arizona can attach any restrictions that they want to the “federal applications”, and the Court would review the legality of all that.

    I’m not sure anything got “settled” here. Again, I’m not a lawyer.

    I guess we may just have to wait and see.

  11. maryelle says:

    This may be the sweetener designed to make the Voting Rights issue go down more easily.
    Sorry to be so cynical, but there’s no trusting those Repug judges.

  12. Miemaw, I heard on the radio in my car on the way to work that SCOTUS held the Arizona criteria was indeed burdensome and unconstitutional. Sang the rest of the way down the road! I knew this day would come! Glory be!

  13. @Bo, it depends on where you live and the cable company you have. I’m in San Antonio and it is 210 on U-Verse. The guide lists about 6 different channels numbers for Fox, covering all the cable companies.

    Can’t believe the Arizona law was shot down, but am happy about it. TV talkers on MSNBC are saying Chief Roberts is very concerned about the Court’s reputation and is trying to moderate the opinions being handed down instead of everything being 5-4. He, being the ranking member on those who voted to overturn the law, probably selected Scalia to write the opinion in order to give Scalia some “moderate creed.” Maybe he was as shocked as the rest of us on Scalia, or he promised Scalia something Scalia wanted. Nothing would shock me much on what the SCOTUS does these days.

  14. Can’t figure out why Roberts is suddenly concerned about SCOTUS’ reputation. I fizzled to 0 with ‘Citizens United’.
    Bit late to close That barn door..

  15. *It fizzled..

  16. Corinne Sabo says:

    What’s happened to SB1070? Getting what it deserves?

  17. Although the SC shot down the Arizona law, Marco Rubio isn’t giving up. TPM is reporting that as soon as the SC handed down its’ decision today, Rubio wrote an amendment to add to the immigration reform bill which is intended to override the SC’s decision in the case. In the TPM article, I also discovered that Rubio has an amendment to the immigration reform bill that prohibits any undocumented immigrant presently in the country from ever being eligible for citizenship. What better way for Rubio and the GOP to tell American citizens that you don’t care about their relatives who are undocumented? So much for the GOP’s Minority “Outreach” Program.

  18. Last week Clarence Thomas wrote a Supreme Court decision I agreed with. Further, it was unanimous, which is virtually unheard of on this court. This week Scalia does the same thing.

    All I can say is that it must be getting really cold in Hell about now because those fall on my list of things that would happen when Hell freezes over.

  19. “All I can say is that it must be getting really cold in Hell about now because those fall on my list of things that would happen when Hell freezes over.”
    When you Think you can trust SCOTUS, you’re in deepchit.*
    They are Clearly poised to bury us with some Other odious decision..

    *Sorry Momma- cleaned it up the best I could..xo

  20. What have you done with our Supreme Court?

    And can you please continue doing it?

  21. This decision has some dictum in it that is designed to cause some problems down the road. Dicta is a part of a legal opinion that is not necessary for the ruling and so is not officially binding on other courts. Unfortunately, dicta gets cited anyway and can cause some problems. In this case, Scalia has laid out a road map for Arizona to challenge the federal law in the future. Hopefully this will not happen and Arizona will give up on this stupidity.

  22. Katie Johnsonius says:

    Skeptical optimism is in order here.

    Or maybe optimistic skepticism?

    DOMA decision is coming down soon.

    These guys are all over the map now. June, I suspect that you may be right about Roberts. Citizens United was such a bad decision and has caused so much turmoil that it will almost certainly affect Robert’s long-term reputation as Chief (in)Justice. Maybe he is trying to correct the boo-boo indirectly.

    And Miemaw, you may not be a lawyer, but you ain’t no dumb-ass. Thanks for paying attention to details.
