Welcome to Texas. Have a Glass of Wine.

August 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is a here-ya-go headline if I ever saw one….

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Yep.  Just in time for election season, they denied all scientific speculation and conquered frontiers of ignorance to bring you a $99. beer pack with 99 beers.

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It’s brewed in Austin, where we keep things weird.  The beer is named Peacemaker.  I doubt it works.


Thanks to Eileen in Austin for the heads up.



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0 Comments to “Welcome to Texas. Have a Glass of Wine.”

  1. Good GRIEF!

  2. I saw the ad on teevee last night and I just didn’t believe it! This is frat boy toga party thinking! And on daddy’d nickel! Just in time for the Labor Day holiday when gazillions are going to be on the road either coming from or going to holiday parties. Next question: how do liquor stores or any other store that sells beer make room for packaging like this! A package this size means a lot of heavy manual labor just to stock let alone get in onto the conveyor belt at checkout! Then you gotta shove the damn thing in your car! I know it will fit in at the bed of most pick up trucks, but that means you can’t stop anywhere and leave the truck alone for a par-second or someone will help themselves! I know something this size will present an automatic built in challenge to some guzzlers and there will be contests, damn it! Fall down drunk type contests. The cops are gonna have to work overtime wherever this is sold.

    God! I love the “thinking” that went into this product!

  3. W. C. Peterson says:

    Is that 99 bottles or 99 cans? If it’s bottles, they finally fulfill the old song . . . if they can get it up on the wall. Think of all the new opportunities for the monumentally stupid from the macho boys. “Here. Hold my beer and watch this…” Alcohol is the universal solvent for improving the gene pool.

  4. Too bad it’s not Shiner.

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    I second Banana’s “good GRIEF” … yup, by golly, as if they aren’t st00pid enough already … suck up a few beers and watch how smart they think they become!

  6. Any Texan knows to load the beer in a vehicle. Have a beer party at the pick up location. Drink the beer until the remaining containers fit into the vehicle.

  7. bananas, my initial reaction was, “O sweet Jesus!” He’s going to need to be looking after the idiots drinking these. I hesitate to think what alcoholics could do with something like this enabling them.

  8. So, do they also offer a 99 pack of guns to go with it? I mean, this is Texas.

  9. 99 cents per can? That’s a lot of really bad beer.

  10. That’s the catch. You must be a non-discerning beer drinker to guzzle that swill. More in it for the buzz than the beer.

  11. Good grief. Then that means the purchasers…if they make it to the polling place…are more likely to vote conservative. At least according to an article a while back on voting trend while intoxicated.

  12. Ranger Jay says:

    Actually, brilliant marketing.

    Rule #1: Know your market!

  13. charles phillips says:

    In Oregon, we have many well-established micro-breweries, and none-none-release anything in anything larger than a half case. Or a can. This achievement is the triumph of quantity over quality.

  14. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    There is one good thing about this. You know whoever buys it has a least one friend. Of course, a person could get a friend this way. Okay, so maybe two good things.

  15. So, will this spread to PA so “the little woman” can pick up a 99 pack to go with the bottle of wine and two 6-packs that Tom Corbett must drink every night?

  16. When will the “Everything is Bigger in Texas” crowd realize they might want to start shooting for is “Everything is Better…”

  17. W.C. Peterson — The first thing that popped into my mind was the “99 bottles of beer on the wall” song. Dang, I hope that doesn’t get stuck in my head now!

  18. This beer “Peacemaker” is actually a Pale Ale from Austin craft brewery Austin Beerworks. They only made 20 of these 99 packs. It’s an obvious marketing ploy, but apparently it’s working. They’ve gotten a ton more orders for these. This is not a skunk beer whatsoever. Learn more about it here: http://austinbeerworks.com/beer/

  19. yellowdogintexas says:

    this was on “@Midnight” on Comedy Central last week. They did a good bit on it. I find the whole thing a bit bizzare
