Hey, I Have a Gun, Vote For Me!

August 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, this guy is the GOP nominee for Senate – Senate! – in Alaska.


Hey, if he’s not any good at congress, we can always use him to kill all the other useless old giant teevees in America.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Hey, I Have a Gun, Vote For Me!”

  1. Not all that long ago there was some galoot in Alabama who was trying to run for state Agriculture Secretary and he did w big man big gun video. It backfired big time! It was obvious he was trying to distract voters from the fact that he had nothing to offer for the job. Might work again here.

  2. Alaska is one of the top states for accepting federal funds from Washington D.C. I forget, what do you call someone who asks to take money that’s not his, while waving a gun around in the air?

    Elvis had a lot more style when he popped a few rounds into his television 50 years ago. And it was a lot more original back then too.

  3. Sullivan has far more “outside” resources than Mark Begich does…all the GOP and Koch Brothers money they are using to try and buy the Senate is heading right up here to Alaska.

    I for one applaud any person or organization who funds Mark’s campaign…I am one of them (I applaud me too.)

  4. Yep, keep Washington out of Alaska, and hurry up with my big government subsidy check.

  5. betty@georgetown says:

    “stay out of Alaska” or what? Dan Sullivan will shoot you?

  6. The Permanent Fund check (aka the “big government subsidy check”) doesn’t come from Washington. It’s an investment fund (from oil taxes) held by the State of Alaska whereby Alaska residents get a dividend paid out annually, and it fluctuates widely from year to year based on the current economy.

  7. Or maybe I misunderstood, Rhea, and you weren’t talking about that.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    Majority of Sullivan’s monies come from Ohio which I believe is far removed from Alaska. Depending on what day it is Sullivan has officially been a resident of Alaska for between one and ten years. Like Darth Cheney’s daughter,he even lied about his residence on his fishing license.

  9. Apart from shooting holes in TV’s, what qualifies him for office? He’s a Koch-head.

  10. Yes, e platypus, I immediately looked up his history when I heard his accent, he was born in Fairciew, Ohio. Served under Sarah when she was Gov. Mark Begich is a native Alaskan.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    bunny,he also served as Assistant Sec of State under Condie Rice and lived in Maryland and voted in Ohio. Oh what a tangled web we weave when we are wingnuts.

  12. So he’s one of those “Washington friends” he purports to despise. Wonder if Begich’s camp will air that interesting fact.
