Welcome to East Texas, Brother

June 17, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Charles Landers, who was looking for a place to fish as he drove along a roadway in east Texas when he apparently made a wrong turn onto the man’s property.

He was met by Michael Alan Truelock who is 50 years old and mad as hell that somebody might be in his driveway.

The language is rough but bleeped, and thank God, Landers made it home safely that night.



It’s kinda hard to believe that all this took place in Honey Grove, Texas, ain’t it?

I looked up Michael Truelock’s voting record. He is registered to vote and – surprise – he votes in the Republican primary.  I wonder if there’s guns involved in voting in Honey Grove.

Thanks to Dennis for the heads up.  

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0 Comments to “Welcome to East Texas, Brother”

  1. He’s got a steady gun hand, thanks to that gut to rest it on.

  2. slipstream says:

    He seems nice.

  3. Hard to believe that Mikey wasn’t wearing a mask.

  4. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s got a sweet fishing hole on his property, and he was convinced that he was exercising his god given right to stand his ground.
    Because you know what they’ve always said here in Tejas.
    If you kill somebody in the road, make sure to drag his sorry-assed body on to your property before the cops get there.

  5. That’s one of the more serious parking fines I’ve seen. I hope he doesn’t have kids next door who play Frisbee.

  6. panthercityhorn says:

    Such a perfect blending of chromosomes with the gun. Michael’s IQ and shoe size are very close to matching, with the shoe size ahead just a little. And to think his right to bear arms and have a license to carry is endorsed by our state and the rest of the gun nuts makes me glad I live in Cowtown.

  7. Catspaw Dagger says:

    This sequel to “The Happening” is awfully bleak.

  8. Did he have a meth lab or something else he didn’t want anyone to see?

  9. Halster says:

    Thanks to playing to the camera, this brain damaged individual faces up to 20 years in prison on a felony charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and up to a $10,000 fine.

  10. dixiechiken says:

    So, the crazy gun guy is only 50 years old??? SERIOUSLY?!?!? My 85 year old mother looks younger than him.

  11. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Some folks is crazy, y’all.

  12. Jackie M says:

    Seems Mr Trulock has a history of not playing nice.
    According to the Paris News 11/3/19 he was indicted back then by a Fannin Co. Grand Jury for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

  13. Grandma Ada says:

    East of Paris in the woods? Meth factory!

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    Damn. Could two more less deserving chunks of st00pid …

    Nevermind. We had Dubya, and now Donnie* with his* maladministration.

    Guess the best outcome we can expect from the meeting of two morons is that is that no innocents were caught in the exchange.

    Would be ‘interesting’ if SCROTUS ever entertains a case between those conservatives who claim to advocate for life and conservatives who advocate for a failed economic model. Would trespassing Charles or Michael defender of land and fish be the ones to awaken Boofie, Clarence, and Sam from their evident stupor. TBD

  15. I’m with Kate and Grandma Ada on this one. They’ve got the same types in rural Oregon, and you don’t want to go on their property uninvited. When I visited friends in Grants Pass, they were firmly against stepping a toe on those properties.

  16. Katherine says:

    Oh lordy, thanks that this didn’t happen in Alabama!

  17. Old Fart says:

    “Landers claims he was so terrified while trying to escape that he crashed into a ditch during the incident in Fannin County, Texas, USA”

    Seems like a sensible person. Thank goodness he’s still alive…

  18. Jane & PKM says:

    Old Fart, you’re probably in the zone that Landers was “sensible.” But what the poaching covidiots of the world are about to realize is that those of us who have been Bundied are not likely to be so patient with poachers or other trespassers this time around.

    Our land is “posted.” Only hunting we allow is from our native american friends who are welcome anytime and an welcome addition to land management.

    Hopefully soap won’t get as serious as it was in the old wild west, but that is unlikely given the record of duh cities. One might expect some activity in Reno or Las Vegas, but even “little places” like Dayton and Gardnerville are done with the bullsoap racism. The Bundy’s done ruffled our right from wrong. The lack of federal response has put us in a place I doubt even our governor understands. It’s on, if the morons push it.

  19. charles phillips says:

    I believe I would have called the police myself. Hopefully those two brain cells that cretin has would be active enough to recognize the danger and calmed down.

  20. charles phillips:
    Maybe I misread the video, but that cretin apparently squeezed off a round in the direction of the guy running away as bravely as Sir Robin.
    Apparently not wanting to get your nostrils raped will get you a friendly shot across the bow (or rear quarter panel) in Fannin County
    Full disclosure- I woulda hauled ass long before mr. Landers did. Common sense being the better part of valor and all that.

  21. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Honey Grove is only 7 miles from Petty. And that’s a fact.

  22. Harry Eagar says:

    Jackie M., so if he was indicted for aggravated assault with a firearm. Did the police take his firearms? They would have where I live.
