I’ll Be Damned

June 18, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bubba just hollered at me as he was leaving for court – the Supreme Court just ruled for DACA.   Hope I heard him right.

Okay, this 5-4 decision simply stalls Trump’s efforts to end DACA – Roberts wrote the opinion.  The court said the Trump administration did not follow the law in HOW he tried to roll back DACA.  If Trump is re-elected, he can go after it again.

After some pondering, I suspect that John Roberts does not want his legacy to be the most political court in the nation’s history.  Please don’t forget that the is the man who gave us Citizen’s United and shook his head NO during the President Obama’s State of the Union when Obama suggested it was a harmful decision.  He has not switched sides, he’s just picking his fights.

… more to come!

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0 Comments to “I’ll Be Damned”

  1. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Next week, Baptist is the national religion.

  2. panthercityhorn says:

    Sweet Jeebus on a joystick! Little Donnie must be curled up in a fetal position in the WH basement sucking his little thumb while determining what to tweet in response to his justices not doing his bidding.

  3. Old Fart says:


    I’m feeling “pink cloud”-ish with this and protecting LGBTQ+ folks

  4. thatotherjean says:

    I’m sure you’re right–that Chief Justice Roberts is looking for a way to give Donnie what he wants, but is refusing to accept the specious reasoning that his administration is offering. So, we can’t let Donnie be re-elected and give him another go at it.

  5. Old Fart says:

    “Chuck Schumer Visibly Moved By DACA Decision”


  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Read Trumpf is tweeting today that the Supreme Court doesn’t like him. Oh boo hoo ! He is 0-3 this past week. Would be too much to hope that at least a couple of justices picked by the party of exclusion have grown a conscience. I’m sure Donnie is doing his “Christian” chants for the health of RVG.

  7. Roberts is no hero either. He’s only protecting his name. It’ll be the ‘Robert’s Court’ throughout history and he doesn’t want to end up like Roger Taney. Gorsuch. Alito, Thomas and Kavanaugh don’t care because they’re SOBs.

  8. mollusk says:

    It looks like they punted by relying on the current occupant and his minions not being able to figure out how to put the order together correctly – they failed to address consequences as part of the rule making process. In general, the Supremes will take the procedural way out if they can. Regardless, it’s unlikely that they can fix the procedural flaws before January 20. In the meantime, we have work to do so they don’t get their do over.

  9. Mister Lee says:

    Hooray for the DACA ruling! This was not the ruling I expected from McConnell’s packed court.

    Of course Ted (aka The Calgary Kid) Cruz was on the Senate floor to denounce the ruling on the Senate floor. I guess he still thinks that some children born abroad and taken to the US as children are more equal than others.

    I hope we have a Democratic-controlled Senate and Joe Biden in the White House in January.
