Welcome to Bosque County

June 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I wanna welcome y’all to Bosque County, Texas.  Bosque County is 1,000 square miles on the Edwards Plateau between Waco and Comanche.  The population is 18,000 people and 36,000 goats.  They are so far out in the country that they don’t get the Today show until tomorrow.

The county commissioner’s court, which decides how all the county’s tax money is spent looks like this.

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And here’s the man who presides over commissioner’s court, the county judge.

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And here’s the sheriff.

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And the above are the pictures I show folks who want to know why the hell Bosque County needs an armored vehicle like this.  (More pictures here.)



So if any rambunctious goat herders show up, Bosque is ready!

Too damn many white boys and not near enough goats.

Thanks to Richard for the heads up.

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