Welcome, Marco!

April 13, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s your red nose ball and big shoes.

Not surprisingly, he called his major donors before he talks to us.

And if our customers aren’t having enough fun yet, Bill Kristol put the icing on the cupcake.

When asked which Republican who has not yet decided to run for president should consider a 2016 bid, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol smugly suggested that former Vice President Dick Cheney throw his hat into the ring.

Sorry, but I don’t think I have that much good karma left.

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0 Comments to “Welcome, Marco!”

  1. I definitely think that Ronald Reagan should run. Once they dug him up he’d be a lot more appealing than most of the candidates they actually have. And much livelier-looking than Dick Cheney.

  2. I saw Kristol’s comment and thought, “You want to run a candidate wanted for war crimes. Smart thinkin’.”

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Hey now, what’s a Clown Car full of sociopaths and psychopaths without Dick Cheney with the ghost of Ronnie Rayguns riding shotgun?

    New format for the GOP convention: line them all up on stage over a ducking pond. Last goober gasping for air wins.

  4. How could Dick Cheney leave his dungeon torture room long enough to run for President? P-shaw people!

  5. Marge Wood says:

    All us Tayuksins can talk together about this silliness tomorrow at the Capitol during Blue Ribbon Lobby Day. One issue is homelessness, which I believe any of the candidates who tried it for a week would get real interested in a solution to it. Free parking east of the Capitol in that big parking garage. Or maybe the GOPers should just go campaign at the ARCH, and spend the day hanging out with homeless.

  6. Boy! He really wasn’t prepared for that question, was he! But Billy Kristol never was much good at fielding stuff!

  7. Marge, I like it. And I think anyone advocating it should be a day should up it to a minimum of three nights homeless. I don’t think many of them would make the week, but I cheer you for trying.

    When I worked for MHMR (no longer a state agency), the new commissioner spent a day and night at each of the state schools and the state hospital in Austin before starting work. I think that’s just sensible.

    It’s a shame we don’t have a women’s issues equivalent.

  8. linda phipps says:

    Now, watch out, the TeaPublicans would possibly get a lot of steam going with the campaign pledge, “since he can’t go anywhere, he will have to stay here and work!”

  9. It would be interesting to have a President that was not allowed to leave the USA.

  10. Corinne Sabo says:

    Wish we could enforce a sign I used to have on my desk “no bozos allowed”.

  11. if Hillary can’t beat these dudes, we are so screwed.

  12. maryelle says:

    Cheney, the Ant-Christ, for Prez? If that happens, I’m off to foreign shores.

  13. Marcia in CO says:

    Oh, Marco is spewing his hollow promises at this very moment on Reverend Al’s time slot on MSNBC … oh, praise God, he just finished telling how he is going to REMAKE the whole damned world! What lies he spews … what garbage flows so easily out of his piehole!!

    If any … ANY … of these RWNJs ever get a toe into the Oval Office due to Dem’s laziness to get out the vote for Hillary or Bernie Sanders or whoever runs … then we are totally screwed!! Personally, I’m voting for Hillary!!

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maryelle, be at peace. Consider .. would it take even a week on the campaign trail and 3 meals of Iowa fair food to accomplish what a heartless chest was unable to do to Darth Dickey?

  15. Corinne Sabo says:

    If he is on Florida’s ballot for pres, he can’t run for senator. Good way to get rid of him.

  16. But we’ve already had Cheney the Antichrist as Prez. Didn’t work out all that well.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Rubio has a child named Getty Images. Who knew?

    Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., with his wife, Jeanette, and their children. (Joe Raedle, Getty Images).
