Talk to the Hand

April 13, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, the Belles of Heaven Republican Women’s Club have their own personal state representative in Austin.

Republican Molly White – of the Ain’t-No-Muslims-Comin’-In-My-Office fame – has a new rule.

Now you cannot talk to her unless you agree with her.  Her mind is made up about everdamnthing in the world and you, yes you, are dead to her if you disagree.

Screen-Shot-2015-01-29-at-12.30.10-PMThe Temple Daily Telegram reported last week that White’s staff had initially greeted Frank Carlson of Equality Texas, before turning him away upon learning who he represented.

Her staff told Carlson, who works on behalf of the largest LGBT rights organization in Texas, to “drop off your literature and leave.” White’s staff informed Carlson that the lawmaker “is against anything LGBT.”

Poor child better strip herself naked then, and watch to make sure her steaks don’t come from one of those gay cowboys.

Although the LGBT community will be heavily impacted by her bills, especially allowing businesses to discriminate on religious grounds and a constitutional amendment to make one man one woman marriage immune from court rulings, she just doesn’t want to hear it.

Her mind is made up.  Don’t confuse her with facts.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Talk to the Hand”

  1. As with most GOPers.. there’s simply no mind in there to be made up… she’s a bigoted waste of flesh undeserving of a place in civil society.

  2. “Her mind is made up. Don’t confuse her with facts.”

    In other words, your basic Republican.

    She ought to take her brain out and have it cleaned. Anyone can see it’s all caked up.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Is Reince Priebus a sorcerer? That big tent of his, and the women’s section is full of Michelle Bachman clones, the Latino section consists of those two NOT Latino, Cubans Cruz and Rubio, the African American Community of two, Carson and West. And has anyone including Lindsey figured out which token of the LBGT Community he might be?

    Meanwhile, ratchet up your crazy, Molly White. The section reserved for foaming at the mouth rabid bigots is full.

  4. I have an image of Molly going home after a long day at the office, pouring herself a tall glass of Anita Bryant approved orange juice, then sitting down to an evening of Gilligan’s Island.

    An island where everyone is white. An island with just one married couple, but it’s clear there was no funny business going on between the single folks, one way or the other.

    An island where adults could live for three years in perfect abstinence, so that troublemaker scientist the Professor didn’t have to waste his time distilling some kind of birth control concoction from coconuts.

  5. maryelle says:

    The Ant-Christ is strong with this one.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maryelle, it’s a disgusting combination, when the Anti-Christ is strong and the antiperspirant is weak. With the words issuing from Molly White’s mouth, her dentist deserves a crowd funding. As for the rest of her doctors, may they rest in peace.

  7. AliceBeth says:

    So she only represents the people she chooses to represent? She picks and chooses the Christian principles and the US laws she likes????

    What a truly horrible person.

  8. Marcia in CO says:

    If she ever came up missing … do you suppose anyone would miss this ugly creature! My God, how do they live and breathe and reproduce? Wait … I don’t want to know how they do that last part … Ugh!!!

  9. Now, now, people, she’s probably doing the best she can with the brain capacity she has, bless her heart. Perhaps she is representing the majority of her district as they wish to be represented. I’m just hysterically happy I don’t live there. But I am left wondering why she doesn’t use a more recent publicity photo. Anyone know? You don’t suppose she doesn’t look that good — and young — now, do you?

  10. Marge Wood says:

    If more Dems got in a huff and voted, things would look different in Texas. Remember Blue Ribbon Lobbying tomorrow the 14th at the Capitol. If you aRe real rah rah and get up before dawn cracks, you can be there at 8 a.m. I’m not but 11 is okay too, since there will be a meeting at 11 down in E1 across from the cafeteria. I might even be there. The issue at that time is housing, aFfordable, one would hope.

  11. Molly White is against anything that contradicts her rightwing ideology. That would include facts, data, logic, science, evidence, equality…Oh, and LGBT.

  12. Wa Skeptic says:

    It’s too bad that people forget that “One Man, One Vote” only counts if you don’t have billions of dollars to spend on political campaigns.

    This woman has obviously gotten the memo that she needs to remember “to dance with the one who brung her” and everyone else can go pound sand.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    In a related story-

    If irony was chutzpah or something like that.

  14. So this was brought up in a blog. Her salary is paid by taxes collected from ALL her constituents. Therefore to refuse to speak to someone because of your personal beliefs really means that you are no longer representing ALL your constituents, which is your JOB or SERVICE. Therefore you are not providing your services based on religious beliefs which I believe is against the law.

    Time to bring in the ACLU and start suing the bejeezuz out of her.

  15. coozledad says:

    Well, obviously she doesn’t need gay input. Just look at that Tractor Supply pancho she’s wearing.

    Can you blame her? The queers would rip the vinyl siding off her ranch before you could say mid-century racist.

  16. Angelo Frank says:

    It’s truly sad that people of this mentality are elected to seats in the state house. The refusal to truly represent all her constituents shows a lack of responsibility and maturity.

  17. So her mind is made up and she knows beforehand what she won’t do despite the facts? Well, damn! The woman will never leave a burning building in response to a fire alarm!

  18. I thought that right-wingers already thought that everyone agreed with them and figured that some of us say otherwise just to be mean.

  19. Rick — that was an excellent image of the face she presumably wants to show the world (disgusting though it is). Still, I wonder how goody-goody people like her really are. Wouldn’t it be lovely to hear about a jaw-dropping scandal with her as the centerpiece?

  20. linda phipps says:

    One thing that scares the crap out of me is those toothy wholesome “christian” grins … you just know they are getting ready to eat you.

  21. I never understood how a women could be a rePUKEian, Xtian, isLame, or fundie jew….as they all hate woman, just read their dogmas (books o’BS). But these comments help to explain that she aint got the brains to put words together much less read. And that schity grin of ‘ignorance is Bliss’!!!!

  22. e platypus onion says:

    White is against anything LGBT meaning if a Lesbian said White had a beautiful body would she hold it against the Lesbian,White would hold her body against the Lesbian. Yup,makes perfect sense.

  23. Not too surprised that a close-minded bigot would propose a law to allow businesses to not have to serve the public iif it’s against their religious beliefs.

    It must be that reading is also against the principles of White and her staff. (Regardless of that “drop off your literature” comment).

    Obviously, none of them read the news. Or…
    they all would know just how well that crap went over in Indiana.

    Ignorance truly is bliss….(I guess).

  24. gabberflasted says:

    Why is it that close-minded often is followed by open-mouthedness?

  25. Fred Farklestone says:

    Whew! All that cheap gin she’s been guzzling sure has taken a toll, on her looks!

  26. Marge Wood says:

    So her constituents who didn’t vote for her have to fire her, that’s all. Such a small number of people vote that it makes it real easy for her kind to elect that kind of people.

  27. e platypus onion says:

    gabberflasted-it has to do with one of the first principles of physics-every action has a reaction equal in strength and opposite in direction. So when their tiny little brains get squeezed,their mouths open in reaction.

    I’ve said it before,a wingnuts head has to explode before their mind can expand and fortunately their mouths go shut,too still yet.

  28. Wa Skeptic says:

    Went to the link re: the recent photo. Br-r-r-r-r. She looks like she’s ready to rend some flesh.

  29. Marge Wood says:

    Mildly curious. Wonder what happens when the principal calls her up about her kid whom she thinks is perfect and principal doesn’t agree. Logging off now for awhile. Love y’all.
