We Here At The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. Certaining Endorse Being the Cute Kind of Feminist

January 28, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s a raging battle on Republican talk radio.

Should you be the “selfish, narcissistic, family-destroying whores” kind or the “Sarah Palin kind of feminism that wants to have a husband” kind.

Hey, Ladies, that’s a tough choice but Conservative Christian radio hosts Kevin Swanson and Dave Buehner are going to help us make that choice, because … well, Babe, that’s what men are for.

Okay, if I try to summarize what these dudes say, you will not believe me and you probably shouldn’t because my goodness they have women figured out better than I do.

“Right, there are two forms of feminism, and it actually has to do with a division of how attractive a woman is. So, you have the group that is very attractive, they’re in the sororities, they’re gonna be in the beauty contests. They’re actually going to get the good jobs,” Buehner said. “Now they will probably some of them become the Sarah Palin-style feminists, they’ll get themselves a husband, but they’ll never be dependent on the husband, they’ll never submit to the husband, in fact they will use their power probably to make their husband submit to them.”

“Okay, so you have the cute feminists,” Swanson said.

“Right, you have the good-looking ones,” Buehner explained. “The other ones are those who we should say are, um, attractive-deficient. … These are the kinds that will look for careers mostly likely in academia. … They can get jobs in the government bureaucracy, they can work as an FDA administrator, or you can actually run the EPA if you want, or academia. Academia’s actually the best place because you can be angry, ugly and you can also get tenure. It’s great, it’s the big trifecta.”

Now, far be it from me to be tacky, but here’s the guys who did that talking.

Hunka, hunka burnin’ love.

There are two kinds of Republican radio talk show men.  The pathetic kind who couldn’t get laid at a floozy house with a hundred dollar bill taped to their forehead and … no, wait, there’s just one kind of Republican radio talk show man.

Thanks to Don A for the heads up.

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