We don’t need no education
Meet Nancy Mace. She is one of the MAGA people in Congress. She chose to wear the Scarlet letter as a symbol of pride. Well, maybe not. I’m not really sure why she wore it, but I’m fairly certain she didn’t read the book. Maybe a copy of Spark Notes would have been helpful before pulling this stunt. The self-own is the cruelest own of all.
It’s been a long week and it’s only Thursday. We’ve had some tense moments. We have international crises in different parts of the world. We have a rudderless ship in Congress. Maybe a little bit of right wing idiocy is what we need to limp through before the Friday margaritas. If you can explain what the A stands for in Nancy’s mind please feel free to let us know. I can’t figure it out.
“A” for autocracy perhaps? Isn’t that what the “reds” are pushing? JS!
1She’s being ‘demonized for doing the right thing’. Uh….honey, that’s not what the “A” stands for. Get the Cliff notes. Though the way a number of Congressvarmints (and a former occupier of the White House) have acted in their personal lives, several of these T-shirts should be on order.
2You want us to explain Rethugs to you? I haven’t got the first clue. I’m more concerned about the people who voted for this numbskull. What were they thinking?
3“A” for Attention. She wants to get her share of attention from far RW nuts, too. Why let MTG, Boobert and Gaetz get all their headlines.
4She may just be advertising…
5In this woman’s case that A stands for Asshole. No doubt.
6Sorry but sometimes the simple truth is a bad word.
It stands for Anti as in
Anti-affordable healthcare
and all the other anti’s the Republicans stand for. There just wasn’t enough room on the t-shirt to list them all.
I liked Colbert’s take last night when he photo shopped a man standing next to her wearing a tee shirt that said,”-hole”
8KEEP telling the truth its all we have against the daily lies.
9It’s just her way of announcing she’s screwing her pastor.
10She’s Advertising her Availability for the Appalachian Trail.
11Occam’s Razor: Asshole
12Throw a circle around it and you are getting close to the red “A” for “Atheism”. This is where I would greet her wide-eyed and say, “Wow, you’re an atheist? Not many in congress would admit to that, it takes real courage.” Then let her scramble to come up with a denial.
But ultimately it’s just performance art. Or at least, just a performance. Why didn’t any of the “journalists” ask her about the Israeli-Palestinian dust-up, or why she votes for subsidies for oil companies, etc.? Why let her get away with free publicity for vaporware?
13Harry @11:
14Your literary and literal comment is hilarious!
I suppose it plays well with the Evangelical crowd too, in a Trump supporting makes-no-sense kind of way. “Well sure she committed adultery, but at least it was with a man of faith.”
it reminds me of a Miss Fisher’s Mysteries…
A circle around it for “Anarchy.” Which really seems to fit accurately the goal these days of Repubs.
15She should have worn it last July, when she told about how her hot boyfriend tried to keep her in bed but she managed to attend Tim Scott’s prayer breakfast anyway. She wanted them to know what a good Christian she is. It’s not Hawthorne but it’s a little closer.
16Thanks for the laughs, Nick. But on to the serious part of your question regarding Nancy Disgrace and most of the QNP quackers. There’s literacy then the illiteracy of the QNP. It does not require an English Lit major to recognize the Scarlet A. Albeit it’s been a while, but iirc that was junior high school assigned reading.
Seriously, we should demand that those running for Congress at a minimum be capable of passing the literacy tests they demand of immigrants, the drug tests they demand of welfare recipients, and the mental health checks for weapons purchases. OOPS Yeah my bad. Apologies y’all. The 3rd “requirement” is not in place totally due to Republicon intransigence.
17I’m going with “A” for Anencephalic. Works for all Republicans.
18The saddest/scariest part of this whole dynamic is that she really and truly believes in her own victimhood. And she has a solid core of the voting population that is drinking the coolade