We done whipped ya once…

April 10, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

by Primo Encarnación

This week marks the 150th anniversary of the end of the Confederacy as a going concern.   Liberal America ended a large hunk of injustice perpetrated, defended and sanctified by the 19th century’s right wing nut jobs, and broadened the definition of what it means to be fully human, as we usually do.

But Doctor James Dobson of Focus on the Family(but only some of them) says we’re heading for another one.

Bring it on.  We done whipped you, once.  And you been beggin’ for another one ever since.


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0 Comments to “We done whipped ya once…”

  1. These people need to get a grip. Why are they so desperately against people loving each other and wanting civil rights, when they could be using their energy fighting child abuse, sex trafficking, rape, domestic abuse, and any number of other things that do vastly more damage? If Jesus could see where they were spending all their time and volume… well, come to think of it, I don’t remember Jesus saying much about those other things either, more’s the pity. I wish he had. But it doesn’t excuse these foamers.

  2. Let’s just let them secede this time, and good riddance. See what they do for a welfare state when the rest of us aren’t paying for their ignorance.

  3. I am tired of this reverence for the Confederacy. They were traitors to this country. They committed treason.

    The Confederate flag is a symbol of treason. It needs to be gone. I believe in free speech, so I don’t think we should ban the Confederate flag, but certainly all of the state governments that have it as part of their flag should be required to change their flags.

    And we need to call those calling for a new civil war exactly what they are — traitors and terrorists. Yes terrorists, because they threaten violence against this country in support of their religious goals.

    Time to call a pig a pig.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    Oh Primo honey, it’s great to see you back. Hope y’all been doin’ well. I can’t wait for a new round of storytelling.

  5. Mullah Dobson is no better than any other American Christianists like Frank Graham, Tony Perkins, demented Pat Robertson, etc.

  6. UmptyDump says:

    Civil War – does the war part means he wants those who share his view to go out and kill gay people?

  7. Ditto Rhea! Also, what the heck is it about the right wingers and how badly they want war — any war, anywhere, anytime. Better still, a “religious” civil war. Yeah, that sounds fun; let’s do that.

  8. AKLynne has it right…
    No War Needed! Just Agree to let them secede, with a don’t let the door hit you on the ass. We’ll have to sort out a few refugees as Tea Baggers head south and Liberals head north but both sides will be able build the government they desire. Without us having to pay for “Teh Stoopid.”

    They can privatize their government infrastructure, cheapen their education, exploit their natural resources, kill labor unions, be bigots & racists, and eliminate all workers rights. Go For It! Show the world how despicable they really are. ISIS/ISIL has nothing on these guys…

    In the end when their failed welfare state is sitting there with Texas tired of paying for the leeches surrounding them and falling revenues because the rest of the world has weaned from the hydrocarbon teat they can rot in their own mess…

    They can ask to come back but only find us willing to accept them as a US Territory and a several hundred year grudge that prevents them from full statehood…

    And of course they’ll have to clean themselves up before we’ll even consider that….

    Clean up their environmental problems, human rights problems, turn over a few billionaires for treason trials. etc….

  9. Ralph Wiggam says:

    So, on one side we have the keyboard commandos and on the other side we have the United States Marine Corp, the 82nd Airborne Division and the 1st Cavalry etc. I really don’t think a Civil War would last more than 5 minutes. But hey, give it a try, attack Ft. Hood and drive out that nasty old Armored Division that lives there. That’d be fun to watch.

    Here is a nice little statistic. The 1st Texas Regiment lost 82% of it’s troops in one Civil War battle (Antietam). I don’t think Texans are ready for that just yet. And I don’t think Mr. Dobson has the slightest clue what Civil War is all about.

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    You can thank Colorado Springs, CO for housing Dobson and his RWNJ Focus on the Family so-called “church” … no thank you!! It’s probably a good thing that Ft. Carson is there, too … when Dobson and his Crew go all Civil War on everyone but their “followers” … the Army may have to be mobilized to save the surrounding communities!!

  11. Angelo Frank says:

    Gay wedding cakes evidently pose a greater threat than global warming or terrorism…

    Churches Petition Supreme Court Saying Gay Marriage ‘Denies” Them ‘Liberty’

  12. e platypus onion says:

    So Dobson is a moron. Nothing new here.

  13. RepubAnon says:

    Typical Republicans – when they’re winning, they speak of imposing their will on rational folks by force. When they’re losing, they want to retreat to their Fortress of Delusion.

  14. OK. he’s how old? he’s way overdue for a certain kind of checkup and diagnosis. That might shut him up but from what I can tell, what he’s got is catching and as soon as he is safely tucked away where he can’t hurt himself or anyone else, some other specimen who has liberally imbibed on Dobson’s hate liquor will pop up and do an instant replay. That’s where the real work needs to be done. And I say, put the tranquilizers in their water source. Somewhere somehow this country has to get some decent sleep and all these babbling noisemakers have to shut the bleep up!

  15. How is Jame Dobson different from a terrorist?

  16. Well come on down, seditionists – I live 17 miles from Gate 4, Ft. Campbell, home of the 101st Airborne – surely they will be happy to help you!

  17. Diane, Dobson guilts himself as a terrorist out of his own mouth. When you confront him on the subject, he will deny it and tell you that it is God speaking truth through him. Well, that is pretty much what ISIS is doing and look how altruistic they are! And thats one of my big nagging points about the RWNJs. Not a shred of altruism anywhere in what they say, do or think!

  18. BarbinDC says:

    Cousin Primo! Good to see ya again!

    Apparently, Dobson hasn’t noticed the religious wars going on in the Middle East. He wants us to do the same?

  19. gabberflasted says:

    600,000 lost in one way or another during a serious butt kicking, 150 years of ruined shoe toes (my Mother used to beat my fanny because of recalcitarnt foot dragging) and they remain convinced they were put upon. Their honor was not assaulted, their butts were!
    It is truly remarkable that a seriously deficient number of mouth breathers still think they were/are correct. Amazing!

  20. So perhaps it is time for a divorce. And the South gets custody of James Dobson. And Louie Gohmert. And Ted Cruz. Etc.

    It would be interesting to start a serious national discussion about splitting the United States into two or three smaller countries. Of course we would need to make sure that everyone understood the economic realities. I wonder how long it would take for the South to change its tune.

    We have a similar situation here in California where some counties want to form their own new states. These are, of course, the poorest counties–the ones who receive the most state money compared to what they pay in. Somehow they have deluded themselves that they will magically get richer if they can only secede.

  21. Marge Wood says:

    I have friend doing on street research on homeless. He’s really riled about budget cuts in Texas. I said take a bunch of the homeless guys, (where would they live? North or South?) over to the Legislature with a reporter and visit the legislators about the budget. I assured him we have THE WORST LEGISLATURE EVER. No contest.

  22. The only surprise here is that he uses the term “civil war” instead of the “War of Northern Aggression” which of course lays the blame on President Lincoln and the Yankees.
    Rather than encourage southern/western secession, why not predicate their federal subsidies on the percentage of cooperation with federal law. Governors and senators, like Mitch McConnell who openly defy things like the EPA rulings should be penalized in the purse.

  23. Corinne Sabo says:

    Confederate traitors (all who fought) were pardoned. Maybe a mistake?

  24. The people who live in a geographic and particular cultural area who so identify with the losing side of the War of 1860 – 1865 that it becomes worship, are the problem or perhaps one of the problems. They will not accept on equal terms those who are different from them. The glorify, concentrate on the difference. Not born here? bad. Not white? bad. Not a narrow flavor of Christian? bad. Not heterosexual? bad. Not dirt poor? bad. Not dumb as a box of rocks? Bad. Didnt quit high before 12th grade? uppity, bad. They are the lowest common denominator. Before someone’s panties get in a wad or burst into flame I dont want to hear it. My mothers family made the jump from Baldwyn MS to east Texas because there was no economy in MS. I accompanied my mom and a herd of her sisters back to Baldwyn some years ago. Frankly it made Deliverance seem autobiographical. Can you squeal like a pig son? I will never return. If there was DNA bleach to remove MS from the mtDNA I’d be first in line.

  25. daChipster says:

    I want to be very careful as a Yankee from making this a North-South thing as opposed to a liberal-nutjob schism. Many of y’all are southerners with all of the gracious, hospitable friendliness that entails, and the north is rife with rednecks of our own. Intolerance is no longer tied so closely to a regional economy as it was two centuries ago.

    It floats.

    And we must resist it wherever we find it.

  26. LynnN — same thing in Washington State. Periodically the east side (read “red” side) yammers about a separate state from the west (read “blue”), because the Seattle side “gets to make all the decisions.” This is because the west side has most of the population and pays most of the taxes. Eastsiders look at their dams, freeways, bridges, airports, etc. etc. and forget who paid for that. DaChipster is right — it isn’t regional.

  27. Also, thanks, Fred Farkelstone! Those links made my day a whole lot jollier!

  28. e platypus onion says:

    Diane-a terrorist doesn’t care who gets killed,including him/herself. Dobson doesn’t care how many die as long as it is not him or his family. That is the difference.

  29. epo has the best answer to Diane’s question: “How is Jame Dobson different from a terrorist?”

    Mullah Dobson is not a religious fanatic. He’s a greedy old bastard and religion is his scammer tool.

  30. Wa Skeptic says:

    My mother’s family migrated from the South at the beginning of WWII; it’s the best thing that could have happened to all of us. We proudly proclaim ourselves “C.I.O.s” which is California Improved Okies. My aunt and mother, who were never able to graduate from high school, were proud to proclaim that there were eight college graduates, an airline pilot, and five teachers among their descendents. You can be sure this would never have happened in OK, AR, and AL which was where our families had lived since the Civil War. There is hope, but it’s definitely an uphill battle.

  31. Rubymay, do your guys want political representation to be based on geographical area rather than population count? Ours do.

  32. linda phipps says:

    daChipster, as usual, you offer rational well thought out comments on some of the most irrational, not thought out at all bs being touted by the conservative christians. However, I am starting to see a trend toward the Balkanization of several of our states, and as gracious as many southerners are, so are some Russians.

  33. Corrine, I had to do some research on the pardoning of Confederates post-war. It was an exercise of Executive Action (sometimes called Executive Order) and it was supposed to help bring the country together again. Lincoln used this during his Administration in regards to confederate military who wished to switch sides. They got a change of uniform and were posted to the western frontier, far enough away from the war. Also learned that as the war progressed, Louisiana and at least one other state literally dropped out of the Confederacy. Furthermore, I guess folks just don’t realize how much of Northern and Southern and off shore economies were super-glued to cotton!

  34. Old Fart says:

    The South shall rise again. What does that mean, exactly?

    The war of Northern Aggression. Who fired cannon at Fort Sumpter?

    Gay folks that *never* hurt my marriage before legalization of marriage equality, somehow damage it now? How?

    How many people that haven’t rendered themselves legally incompetent have had their firearms confiscated by the federal government?

    Why are these people so freaking afraid of EVERYTHING?

  35. LynnN — Yes, indeed they do! In fact, they think they want the eastern sides (mostly agricultural) of Washington and Oregon to form one state called “Columbia.” Compared to the large metropolitan areas of Seattle and Portland, believe me, the eastern sides of both states are positively desolate.

  36. GAWD! James Dobson ruined my teenage years. It was Dr. James this Dr. James that. Don’t let your teenagers have a closed bedroom door unless they are changing(didn’t keep the perv adopted dad out anyways)they are hiding something! Don’t let your teenage girl wear pretty underwear because Dr James says you just want to show them off(they must be sliced and diced with the holy sword of scissors. Don’t allow your teenagers to read books not approved by Focus on the Family and appear on their approved list.Don’t let your kids watch the smurfs they are the devil..the list goes on and on. Then I hear this windbag James Dobson on a SECULAR radio station handing out advice to the very heathens and jezebels listening to this said secular music, that 15 years prior he said would lead to promiscuous sex and rebellion. I hate that friggin guy!
