Friday Toons

April 10, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized















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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    Hornswoggled by gawd as ever was! What is that thing on Christies right sleeve? It looks like a weiner and appurtenances in an overstuffed chair.

  2. the most dangersous men in America

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, at a guess the Outlaw Jersey Whale is wearing his gastric bypass on his sleeve. The only “wiener” associated with Governor Shovel It In is the famed Coney Island hotdog. His other wiener hasn’t been seen since his Pop Warner days, another curiosity in of itself. Pop Warner defines most of its divisions as older/lighter. Older kid maybe; lighter kid? Not a chance.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    Notice the flip-flop between hair parts on the first two cartoons. Apparently,Randy Rand wants his hair to appeal to both the right and left.

  5. Marge Wood says:

    Y’all, as a somewhat artist and because of the location, I’d say that the peculiar looking object on Christie’s right side is supposed to be an arm in a wrinkled sleeve but it sure don’t look like any I’ve ever seen. Your guess is aS good as mine. These are a sad bunch of cartoons.
    Now, to cheer you up, go look at the lower part of the front page on today’s STATESMAN where it talks about the two Texas Titans. Huh. I mean they coulda talked about the rain and how nice it is, such as it is, but noooo.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    And I haVe some otherwise sane friends who really like the Paul family. Sigh.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Last cartoon only tells a part of the story. What if the suspect had been black? He’d probably been blasted from a safe distance,in the back,and then had his camera taken away. Not all cops are that way,but, then the good ones don’t make headlines for good deeds.

  8. Images #3 & #4….Heinlein was suppose to be a libertarian but reading his books you soon realize something important, his heroes are SMART caring strong people who would not think of robbing you or taking advantage, And in relation to libertarians like Paul do you think those characteristics apply, or let’s say they do would you want to live near half the people you know under minimum laws???? The main problems with libertarians is they do not qualify to be such and neither do most people. Our representative democracy was adopted because the founders knew the faults of most systems and of people in general.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    Maybe we need to start pushing good cop items. Last night we were coming home from an event and suddenly there was blockage up ahead. Two car wreck. Cop cars, EMS, firetruck, you know. It took about five minutes for all of them to clear it out. Amazing.

  10. Yes I too realize this, despite that terrible events of minorities being killed, all the cops I’ve interacted with have all been great and nice people. Most cops like most people are basically nice people doing a hard, thankless job. When I have been involved with cops and fire and rescue and they do a good job I always thank them.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    All those cops feeling pressured to hand out the Revenue tickets need to spur their unions into siding with we the people against unlawful shake downs by LE at the behest of corrupt politicians.

    BTW What was Mr. Scott’s ‘crime’? Failure to have a C-note tucked behind his driver’s license for the convenience of Officer Twitchy Finger?

    And yes, there are good officers who buy a kid an ice cream or give them a stuffed animal. Recently a pair of officers went to the store to buy a couple a car seat for their new baby, instead of issuing a citation. Acts of kindness do need to be recognized.

    But LE also needs to man up and expose the rotten racists in their ranks.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    According to the video,he was told he had a brakelight out and said okay or something to that effect. I’d check Fake Noize because they would have had an update on his criminal record on hand before he was shot. Funny,it seems that way sometimes. But then we all know or surmise truth isn’t in Fake Noize’s lexicon.

    Can’t hardly wait for George “I killed Trayvon and got away with it” Zimmermouth to show up on Fake Noize and give his learned opinions.

  13. I once had a job as an animal warden working out of the town police station. One or two cops were jerks, but most of them were nice and they put up with a lot. Officer Maria said that because she was new they always gave her the nut jobs, like the guy shoplifting lingerie and stuffing them into the girdle he was wearing under his raincoat.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Smiles, Rhea. Great story.

  15. It’s important to remember that the experiences of white people with cops are often very different from those of brown Americans. I’ve had mostly good experiences with cops. Of course I’m a middle aged white woman.

  16. BTW, dumb butt Frank Graham is continuing to insist that it’s the deceased’s fault because they did fall down limp immediately.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Franklin Graham has CAFO waste for brains.

  18. The cop pix reminds me of question……
    Would you rather be mugged by a cop or a crook???

  19. Marge Wood says:

    I’d druther not be mugged.

  20. I hate to say anything about cops killing civilians, but here I go anyway.

    Based on what I’ve seem in videos this violator was stopped and may have been uncooperative and an escape risk. Under the given fact set, neither uncooperative nor escape risk qualifies as life threatening to the officer. He had handcuffs I’m sure. He should have cuffed the violator, maybe stowed him in the back seat, called for backup and a Supervisor, and got all this sorted out on the side of the road. No hurry. No fuss. No dead violator.

  21. Old Fart says:

    First off, as I’ve stated before, most cops are good and decent people that have to be able to deal with other people that may be having the worst day of their lives.

    Second, the video makes it look like the cop just couldn’t be bothered to chase the fleeing suspect. How on Earth is a person that chooses to kill, rather than picking up his radio and calling overwhelming assistance or even running, allowed to be a policeman? Worst, the casualness of how the murderer plants the frame *in front of another officer* shows he is *used* to getting away with it.


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