Wayne Slater and Peggy in Williamson County

October 29, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Several of our long time customers here are from Williamson County and they will testify that Williamson County is so red that it shames a baboon’s butt.

Dallas Morning News ace political reporter Wayne Slater decided to test voter ID laws in Texas by trying to vote in Williamson County with his utility bill as his identification, which is perfectly legal.

But Williamson County poll worker Peggy was having none of that stuff.  Wayne Slater has that liberal look – you know, like he might have read a book or attended a lecture series.  Shifty guy.

She challenged him, dismissing his attempt to vote as if he were an ant at a church picnic.

Wayne stood his ground.   Which not only was on shifting sand but also was surrounded by glaring Peggy.

The result is that Wayne got to vote with his utility bill.

But you have to wonder. What if an elderly person or a  black or Hispanic citizen with English as a second langugage had done the same thing? Would they have been turned away? Would they, intimidated, have retreated? The most charitable thing I can say is that Peggy, an official poll worker, needed better training. But how many other Peggys are out there?

A bunch, Wayne, a bunch.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

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