Barometric Pressure? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Barometric Pressure.

October 29, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just in case you were wondering what is causing a ginormnous hurricane on the east coast…

The Pastor Weatherman

Gays.  Of course.  But, you gotta hand it to this guy.  Although he doesn’t recognize science, he’s really big on math.

“Just last August, Hurricane Isaac hit New Orleans seven years later, on the exact day of Hurricane Katrina. Both hit during the week of the homosexual event called Southern Decadence in New Orleans! Hurricane Sandy is hitting 21 years to the day of the Perfect Storm of October 20, 1991. America has been under God’s judgment since this event. Both of these hurricanes were cause by freakish weather patterns that came together to create. Twenty-one years breaks down to 7 x 3, which is a significant number with God. Three is perfection as the Godhead is three in one while seven is perfection. It appears that God gave America 21 years to repent of interfering with His prophetic plan for Israel; however, it has gotten worse under all the presidents and especially Obama. Obama is 100 percent behind the Muslim Brotherhood which has vowed to destroy Israel and take Jerusalem. Both candidates are pro-homosexual and are behind the homosexual agenda. America is under political judgment and the church does not know it!”

Israel. Just because God is one mean son of a gun.

Journalist and White House correspondent William Koenig explained to WND that some of the United States’ most catastrophic storms and events have correlated closely with the nation’s God-defying attempts to divide the land of Israel.

Y’all, I have pondered this and I think it was caused by people who don’t believe in unicorns.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Barometric Pressure? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Barometric Pressure.”

  1. Wasn’t there something about divination in the Bible? And fortune telling and witchcraft. Or is it ok if a Khristian calls it prophesy? Geeze are these guys forming at the mouth yer?

  2. daChipster says:

    This guy’s got a low pressure system in his head. He’s the prefect storm trooper.

    I’m confused, though. Is it the gays or Israel policy that’s at fault here?

    What about gay Israelis?

    This requires some Springsteen:

    Some brimstone baritone anticyclone rolling stone preacher from the east
    He says “Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that’s where they expect it least”

  3. I’m confused. Wouldn’t 21 years to the day have been October 20, 2012, not October 29?

  4. West Texas Oldster says:

    As a retired meteorologist I have to respectively disagree with this gentleman’s analysis of what is the cause of Hurricane Sandy. It’s definitely a record low pressure system that has developed in the lower atmosphere as a result of the gigantic sucking sound generated by the Republican lies, voter suppression and divisive efforts intended to tear the voters of this country apart along racial, income, religious and gender lines. Israel is just going along for the ride thanks to RoMoney’s buddy Bibi NetanYahoo!.

  5. And the Muslims weren’t responsible at all?? I think he’s missing something.

  6. Still waiting to hear why that god bothering pustule doesn’t use the power of prayer to get everything he wants. Doesn’t God listen to holy men such as himself?

  7. Maybe it’s not homosexuals or Israel. Maybe God just doesn’t like pastors like this jackass.

  8. Then there are some people saying that the Frankenstorm is God’s way of saying the presidential candidates should be talking about climate change. I don’t buy that one either — I think God’s got better things to do — but at least there’s a relationship between the storm and the issue in that case.

  9. Corinne Sabo says:

    I think God’s getting hacked off about being plamed for natural disasters.

  10. I had dinner with Star this weekend and she was wondering how long it would take some dingbat (my word, not hers) to use the storm for their “godly” agenda against someone. Good grief.

  11. Sam in Kyle says:

    The reason I thought everybody else was a thief is because I was a thief myself. The reason I think God is a mean vindictive being who hates people for their sexual orientation is because I am……………

  12. Holy cow! Now besides all the other identities God has, His Divineness is also a meteorologist??? No wonder so many people are taking a pass on organized religion!!!

  13. Didn’t someone like this predict President Obama was going to whomp up a hurricane just before the election, delay the election and use the time to engineer a military takeover of the country?
    I mean, if our President is possessed of such supernatural–indeed, divine powers shouldn’t we be celebrating?

  14. Oh ick, now I was perusing on that whack website. Gonna have to dip my iPad in Clorox!

  15. I’m still waiting for one of these idiots with a direct hotline to the presumed creator of the universe to explain why nearly everyone who died in Hurricane Katrina was a poor black person, probably very few of whom were gay (or at least out).

    I mean, if I wanted to tout my god, I wouldn’t trumpet to everybody that he’s got really bad aim.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    You sure it isn’t the Druids? I betcha they had something to do with it. Go check and see if any folks are running around nekkid and painted blue.

  17. JJ your unicorn theory lacks cred; it’s missin the 7’s and 3’s.

  18. If god wanted to use natural disasters to show his displeasure WRT homosexuality, why not push San Fran into the ocean? It’s plenty guy, right on the sea, and on a fault.

    But no, he sends hurricanes and tornadoes to harm everybody. I am sure that some of the people who have had to evacuate due to the hurricane are homophobic Christians who do not support any gay agenda. Shouldn’t they be spared the inconvenience?

    If someone actually believes that god is doing these things, why worship a god that can’t shoot straight and punished many for the sins of a few? What kind of morality is this anyway?

  19. TexasEllen says:

    Iless, the 63 dressage dancing unicorns of Central Texas are crushed by your doubt. But they are convinced that it is doom and thunder preachers that are causing all the trouble with false prophesies.

  20. One of the many, many logical flaws with this argument is that storms smite true believers just as hard as they smite gays. Is he saying that his God just has bad aim or is it that God harms the innocent?

  21. As a friend of mine suggested: If gays are responsible for the storm, wouldn’t it be prudent to increase the fabulosity of drought-stricken areas of the country?

  22. aggieland liz says:

    Dear Rhea, God was tired of white bread and harp music up there in Heaven, so he rounded up the wards in New Orleans to spice things up a bit? I kind of like that idea. For one things, I am sure God (FSM) likes those people better than TeeVee preachers; for another thing, I bet it would work, too! There’s gotta be a place for soul food in Heaven!

  23. aggieland liz says:

    Hee hee, blackened Ra-Men?! Works on bunches of levels!? O lord I want to be in that number (dance – dance) when the saints go marchin in (clarinet trill..)

    Ok, Liz is putting down the phone, slowly backing away and going for her second cup of coffee now..Hee hee hee

  24. There is a vast difference between an act of God and an act of nature. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.
