Water, Water Everywhere

June 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Huckabee

Mike Huckabee is one damn comedian, y’all.  He said he would interested in becoming transgendered when he was in high school so he “could shower with the girls.”

Let me just say this.  No one, no where, at no time, of any damn gender should be forced to shower with Mike Huckabee.

And then get this:

Screen Shot 2015-06-03 at 3.54.27 PM“For those who do not think that we are under threat,” he said, “simply recognize the fact that we are now in city after city watching ordinances say that your seven-year-old daughter — if she goes into the restroom — cannot be offended and you can’t be offended if she’s greeted there by a 42-year-old man who feels more like a woman than he does a man.”

Does he understand how women’s bathrooms work?  Tell me, is this guy drunk or lost?  Hint: women’s bathrooms have doors on each potty.  We do not, despite whatever fantasies Mike Huckabee has, scamper around nakkid in the bathroom.  Hulk Hogan could be in the bathroom but he’s still not getting into my business.

Making this about “what will we tell the children” is silly.  Grown ups tell their chidden to mind their damn business in the bathroom.

Additionally, you old fool, we don’t have “bathroom greeters.”  I would tell my children – male or female – that if anybody tries to greet you in the bathroom, holler for your momma.

One more thing.  I promise this is the last thing.  I was raised with only brothers, no sisters, I married a man and give birth to three sons, no daughters.  I have shared bathrooms with men my entire life.  As far as I know, the only positions for a toilet seat are up or wet.  It may have been disgusting a time or two or eleven but it hasn’t killed me yet nor, and this is the important part, made me a pervert who is overly concerned about whether somebody jingles or jangles when they go in the bathroom and close the damn door.

And that’s that.

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0 Comments to “Water, Water Everywhere”

  1. I think his pervy fantasy about showering with the girls in high school tells us more about his freak than it does about any real policy issues.

    Although I seriously doubt that overweight teen-aged Wee Willie Huckie would have been comfortable being laughed out of the girls showers in high school.

  2. I would love to see any of those ordinances that say people can’t be offended. What they probably say is that trans people can use the appropriate facilities. Nobody has to like the law; we just have to obey it. Huckabee is infuriating. First, he completely trivializes trans people. Would somebody Like Bruce Jenner really do this on a lark? I can’t imagine the degree of anguish that would make someone change sexes, and Huckabee doesn’t care to. Second, he lies about everything. There is no law that prohibits feeling offended. To say there is is just a lie. Why does anybody care what he has to say about anything?

  3. Republicans must look around for new groups of people they can offend, with bonus GOP points if it involves the contents of someone’s underpants.

  4. If Huckabee had tried showering with the girls after gym class in high school, once would have been his limit.
    Probably would have been laughed on out of there.

    When the offender becomes the offended.

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    Hucklebuck is just a schmuck!!
    And with a whit of any luck,
    Someone will actually give a f___!!!

    But not me!! These morons diving off the deep end because Bruce Jenner prefers to be Caitlin and, for now, keeping his “junk!” But she sure went for great boobs at the age of 65!! I wish I had a pair like that at 71 but, alas, mine are now so lowly hung!!


  6. Corinne Sabo says:

    Hey, Huckabee, it was and never has been no big thing.

  7. I’m about as liberal as they come. I worked with a lovely person who was a cross dresser and obvious about it. When she started using the women’s restroom, many employees were taken aback and I confess I wasn’t totally comfortable. I guess we should become as blase as the French. Once on a bus trip in the Loire we stopped at a restaurant with male/female designated br’s. Since most on the bus were women and the men’s room wasn’t being used, some of us decided why not. When a gent came in while we were there, he sort of did a double take but then just went on about his business. Everyone respected privacy by virtue of no further eye contact let alone sneak peeks and no one was scandalized.

  8. Linda Phipps says:

    I have posted this comment before so you might have seen it elsewhere, that the 7th grade Mikey (which he is channeling) would be beaten to a pulp no matter how he “faked” it, by the girls soccer team.

  9. O, Mikey, Mikey, Mikey! You and your ilk are nowhere in contact with reality. Its just all clouds under your feet. The only good thing you can say about that is wow! what a view!

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Huckabee has to watch Porky’s movies to see his fantasy come true and prolly does.

  11. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I’m with Henry in my disgust for Huckabee’s trivialization of transgendered people. As “Elizabeth Esther” said over on Twitter….”Just in case you were unclear about whether Mike Huckabee is a douche-canoe:”

  12. Huckybee has commented on Caitlyn Jenner’s news story in order to make himself less trivial. He will fail quickly in this re-invention step as well.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Admittedly, I am not as well versed in transgender issues as I should be. But dayum, even this lunk headed cowboy gets the gist of the conversation. Women, yes ‘even’ those who ‘merely’ think of themselves as women use the ladies’ room, while men in body or soul use the men’s room.

    Only a Republican perv would make the leap to children in danger. In their fantasy world, Josh Duggar is forgiven and they are otherwise too st00pid to comprehend the dangers of the Huck-a-grifter. He said it; he admitted it; the old pervert would do anything, including becoming transgender, for the benefit of showering with little girls.

    It cannot happen fast enough that the LGBT community is free to live normal lives far, far, far away from Republican fantasies.

  14. Is Mike considering “Michelle” Huckster for a new identity? Maybe he’s still thinking about showering with little girls. Send him to a women’s prison, where they’ll beat hell out of him and his little weenie.

  15. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    It’s taken me more than the allotted 14 times, but I’m finally in the habit of putting the toilet seat DOWN when I’ve finished my business. It’s the least I can do to show my appreciation for SWMBO (she who must be obeyed). Porcelain can be awfully cold in the middle of the night. Guys, get in the habit of putting the seat down every time.

  16. But if Huckabee were transgender then he’d be more interested in showering with the boys.

  17. LynnN

    “But if Huckabee were transgender then he’d be more interested in showering with the boys.”

    You’d think so, but not so much really. Gender identity isn’t something I know much about, but I do know that gender identity and sexual orientation are two different things. To our cis-gendered heads, it sounds crazy a bit, but it is what it is and the heart wants what it wants. So a guy that has always been attracted to women but is a woman himself will transition and still remain attracted to women and become suddenly a lesbian !?! I don’t entirely get it, but I completely respect it. Lots of people don’t get my same-sex attraction.

  18. e platypus onion says:

    Huckabee showers? A warm bath with candles would be more his style.

  19. Ever been to a hostel??? The toilets & showers are all co-sex. But unlike the ‘merican people the Europeans try to respect each others space, so no problems. The sleeping space is also a common room. The problems with this are all in the fanatic religious person’s fantasy. If they were not psychotically obsessed with sex they would be better off.

  20. shortpeople says:

    Many moons ago I went to the infamous McSorley’s bar located near Cooper Square in NYC. For historical reasons and just plain cussedness, the place had only one bathroom. If the need arose (and it would after several brews) to use the facilities, wimminfolk had to avert their eyes from the young men standing at the urinals while they (the wimmin) made their way to the stalls. The guys didn’t seem to mind, and the stalls were actually quite clean.

  21. Of course those of us who live in the Houston metropolitan area (which is quite a few folks) know that the whole sermon subpoena kerfuffle was all about this exact thing. I don’t understand it, but long before Mike Huckabee opened his big yap there were plenty of Houstonians all spun up and wrapped around the axle over the prospect of cross-dressing perverts lying in wait for unsuspecting little girls. Not enough of them to get the recall on the ballot, but enough of them to make a whole damned bunch of noise and heat.

  22. maryelle says:

    When my kids were young, I made sure to accompany them to the bathroom and my boys came in with me. As J.J., says the stalls have doors on them, so there was never a problem. The real danger is from tap dancers, like Repug congressmen, who are using the restroom for illicit purposes and nobody is safe from them. What does Huckleberry propose to do about them?

  23. maryelle says:

    I’m speaking of PUBLIC bathrooms.

  24. This guy’s own mouth is going to sink it all for him. Please reserve the life preservers and the life raft for others who are worth saving!

  25. Mister Lee says:

    Oh, I think a transgendered Hucksterbee could be allowed to shower with little girls–but only after the surgeons finish the final cuts to remove the excess tissues. You know, the cuts in front below the belly button and above the kneecaps.

  26. daChipster says:

    Why is it that anyone who is not heterosexual is immediately assumed to be a child molestor? And if they aren’t actual child molestors, then they just haven’t found the right opportunity. But now: heeeeere’s transexuals! They’ve found the perfect cover to go in and do their business while doing their business.

    Molestation, rape, sexual assault: these are not crimes about sex, they are crimes about the power dynamic between two people, and the more powerful one is using sex as a way to dominate and humiliate the other person.

    Kind of like how republicans treat everyone who is “different:” blacks, latinos, women, muslims, poor people. Conservatives s–t on these people BECAUSE THEY CAN.

    It’s the Party of Power Molestors.

  27. Marge Wood says:

    I had a grandpa who peed off the back porch. I grew up in a one bathroom family. I spent high school travelling with the marching band which often involved changing into uniforms on the bus where we all just looked the other direction. I raised sons and a grandson during which time if I could FIND a restroom I was thrilled. Folks back then weren’t as hung up over body parts. If you gotta go, you gotta go.
