Chili and Kool-Aid

June 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have a friend who works with a governmental thing in Houston.  Sometime she has to work to surrounding counties and deal with the Agenda 21 people.  They scare the peewadiddle out of her.  She is way more afraid of the people who believe there is an Agenda 21 conspiracy than she is of Agenda 21.

Screen Shot 2015-06-03 at 8.46.32 AMIf you have some free time this morning, mosey on over to this bandwidth.  I have to admit that it took me a while to figure out if it’s satire or real because it’s that damn crazy.

These people believe that the flooding in Texas was a weather event set off by Obama and the Agenda 21 people.  Why Texas, you ask.

Both ex-Governor Rick Perry, and now current Governor Greg Abbott of Texas, have been a HUGE thorn in President Obama’s side ever since he took up residence in the White House. You name the issue — Gun control, Obamacare, Illegal immigrants, Gay Marriage, JADE HELM[1]. The list goes on and on, but there are enough in the aggregate for the geoengineers in the West Wing Situation Room to rain on a Texas parade whenever possible.

Last time I checked, President Obama had a 55% approval rating.  Rick Perry is polling at 3% and Greg Abbott is an idiot. Huge thorn?  Nah.  More like a little prick.

The guys are not burdened by reality.  Get this —

The Obama Administration has already demonstrated no reluctance whatsoever in commencing purely political prosecutions as they have against potential presidential candidate Rick Perry. Using their Austin-based proxy prosecutor to file a patently false indictment against Perry shows just how far Obama & Company will go to force the state into complete submission.

Oh dear.  First of all, Perry’ indictment is not a federal case. It’s a state indictment. Perry was indicted by a Republican special prosecutor who was appointed by a very Republican judge.  Odds are pretty damn good that they didn’t even tell President Obama about it.


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0 Comments to “Chili and Kool-Aid”

  1. There once was a guy in my neighborhood who drove around in a white pickup truck checking to see how many cars were parked on private property. If it was above a certain number he squawked about it to the county authorities inasmuch as the number of cars usually meant that a county law about how many related people could live in one house had been broken. He also screeched about foreclosed houses that had been overgrown with uncut grass, one of which was right next to me. I actually cut that grass. I don’t want anyone’s house making look better than I really am. This jerk pulled up in front of my house one day when I was out cutting my own grass and then began gibbering his jabber about how he reports all these different things and that he was always the first one into the county office about such stuff. I stopped him right there and told him, no I beat you to it when I told the county that I would cut my former neighbor’s grass when I could. He was deeply offended to find that he wasn’t the most “righteous” SOB on Planet E. and drove off in a tire screeching huff. I spoke to my county office friends about this and they told me he had been a total pain in the patoot and was a well known bully who loved to intimidate folks. They were surprised that I threw him a curve. Thats what those Agenda 21 specimens remind me of, the guy who had only one claim on posterity — being a selfish dimwitted bully! Best yet, he never showed his face on my street ever again.

  2. Richard says:

    I hope this is true because I want Obama to keep up the pressure on Texas. Nail those suckers.

  3. Did the reality challenged think about the possibility that if Obama could make it rain whenever and wherever he wants that California should have got some?

  4. gabberflasted says:

    I am sorry Juanita. I had just finished my breakfast porridge when I saw this. I went to the “bandwidth and could only read I don’t know how much but, had to exit. I have COPD and my lungs do not deal with oatmeal very we.

  5. Wyatt Earl says:

    “More like a little prick.” I love this blo. . .er, Professional Political Organization.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Agenda 21, Area 51, Roswell …. and let’s not forget the Grassy Knoll, twin towers and teh gays with their awe inspiring powers to direct Dog’s wrath via weather events, conspiracy nuts have convinced me that they cling to their fantasies to keep themselves entertained while they bury their collective heads in the sand.

    Or, how about some Benghazi? Current count, HRC 4 and never a feeble mention of the US Congress reducing funds to defend our embassy. Ronald Reagan, 221 dead and ‘crickets’ from the right. Iran/Contra, Trickle Down and all those other inconvenient facts about Ronnie Rayguns.

    Maybe we should hit the social media and remind the gun humpers that their hero Ronnie was first to inspire gun control legislation, both in CA as governor then later as president.

    Yeah buddy, the ghost of Reagan is coming for your guns.

  7. Teh Gerg says:

    This is just more proof that delusion and paranoia are not virtues; they’re mental illnesses.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    Chimps Can’t Cook, But Maybe They’d Like To
    New research shows that our closest evolutionary relatives have all of the cognitive capacities required for cooking—except an understanding of how to control fire.

    From National Geographic. More proof that wingnuts are de-evolving as chimps have surpassed nutters in mental competence.

    Come on chimpy light my fire
    We’re get set wingnuts on fire-they’re destined to burn in hell cuz Juanita Jean hates them and so does I. 🙂

  9. Ole Scout says:

    abbott, perry & shrubs II & III are at best pin-pricks in our culture. For a while some thought they were pen-pricks, but they were found to knot no what a pen was. Soon maybe we will remove the pin appended to their characters.

  10. AKLynne says:

    Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain….

  11. e platypus onion says:

    The black ‘column’, which protrudes through northern Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska on the image above is not natural in any way, shape or form. It’s very squared off, much too angular, and straight-lined.

    National Weather Service is showing wingnuts the proper way to draw congressional districts.

  12. I’m not going to listen to the stuff they broadcast. I try to keep my blood pressure down best and as much as I can.

    However, why would anybody be upset about an “indictment” for Rick Perry. Texas Republican politicians wear an “indictment” like a badge of honor. In Texas, if you are a Republican politician, being “indicted” for criminal activity is a GOP vote getter.

  13. Have all the mental health professionals fled the state in despair?

  14. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I like the way they end their accusation with a question mark.

    There is a adage in journalism that says that any headline ending in a question mark can be answered “NO”!

  15. I tried to look at it but apparently my corporate firewall blocks access to raving monster loony websites…

  16. I love how 7 billion people flinging tons upon tons upon tons of whatever they can lay hands on into the atmosphere cannot possibly have any effect on climate, but one Kenyan muslin usurper in the White House can single-handedly change the weather. Mwahahahaha!

    All righty then. Carry on, nutballs.

  17. Perry and Abbott are not so much a “HUGE thorn in President Obama’s side” as they are a HUGE dump in Texas’ trousers.

  18. It occurs to me you might be running out of “tinfoil” in Texas. If so I will be happy to send you some, I’m making a Costco run today in Vermont, we have plenty on the shelves here.
    Just let me know.

  19. I’m relieved to know the President can control the weather. He should be able to fix global climate change all by himself.

  20. I wish I was sufficiently intelligent to have earned an MD and then been in practice all these years. Cause these guys need meds bad. Line ’em up and hose ’em down with Ritalin. Or Prozac. Now.

  21. I thought these were the boneheads who didn’t believe climate change was caused by man. They need to make up their mind.

  22. maryelle says:

    AKLynne has identified the problem: the man behind the curtain.
    In the story, The Wizard of OZ, he turned out to be a charlatan.
    In this case, he’s the all-powerful President Obama, who is definitely not a charlatan and could possibly send in drones, but make rain? Not sure that “geoengineering” was included in his platform. If so, the people of California do have a legitimate gripe.
    I’m just hoping that with all that flooding, some of the ammo stockpiles got drowned.

  23. I have read Agenda 21 and it is real.
    BUT….if anyone says anything like the post and uses Agenda21 as the cause you can instantly know he is crazy and so dim that the light in his eyes is just the stupid insanity shining out.
    And the rain is caused by the power of the gay agenda!!!
    The gays are more powerful then the gawd the texans pray to.

  24. I read far enough down in this “erudite” piece to come across this little nugget:

    “There was a recent post at an alternative new website titled: Bastrop TX Stood Up Against the Jade Helm Exercise AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED — DEADLY WEATHER WARFARE.”

    Einstein was right. Genius has its limits, but stupidity goes on forever.

  25. If Obama could control the weather, and if Perry & Abbott have been a thorn in his side, I doubt Obama would even bother to rain on their parade.

    Plenty of other people wouldn’t do what they are capable of, that is, they wouldn’t piss on Perry & Abbott if the two of them were on fire.

  26. e platypus onion says:

    Micr-use pepper spray,please.

  27. Why would Obama mess around with the weather when he could have just ordered the FBI to use the drones they’ve been stealthily flying all over the U.S., to bomb parts of Texas?

  28. Also, what the heck is Agenda 21 (I don’t want to view their website for an their explanation)?

  29. Sandridge says:

    “…a weather event set off by Obama and the Agenda 21 people.”
    These effing cretins are all batcrap max insane.
    They are far beyond any recovery; I know many of them, it’s sad how the propaganda has catapaulted their (former) ‘minds’ into an alternate universe.

    For a look at the best reports on our recent severe weather in Central/South Texas from our great, taxpayer-supported, science and reality-based NOAA WFO for San Antonio/Austin (actually in New Braunfels), look at this link:
    Memorial Day Weekend Severe Weather and Flooding Episode Across South Central Texas

    and click on the pictures for some very extensive reports and analysis on the ~Memorial Day floods and tornadoes. This was the essentially same system that continued on to the Houston area and brought the major flooding there.
    Keep in mind, as the report states, that this was just several outbreaks of severe weather in a long string of them this year.
    When our rivers rise 20+ feet in an hour, 40+ feet in a few hours, it’s serious.

  30. I’m trying hard not to picture their image of Obama in a long robe with mystic symbols on it, sacrificing a goat in the White House basement (Michelle’s holding the bowl?) and invoking dark (needless to say) deities to send flooding rains to Texas….

    These people used to believe in demons and witches, and they burned and hanged and otherwise tortured quite a few people to feed their own delusions. A bit harder now to actually kill their victims, but they’re still working away at it, and making no more connection with reality than they did then.

    What happened to Agendas 1 through 20…?

  31. Sandridge says:

    e platypus onion says:
    June 3, 2015 at 11:52 am
    Micr-use pepper spray,please.

    He!!, I’d recommend napalm, lots of it, followed by any of the “B&C” part of NBC; all applied liberally.

  32. 1smartcanerican says:

    per Wikipedia: Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development.[1] It is a product of the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is an action agenda for the UN, other multilateral organizations, and individual governments around the world that can be executed at local, national, and global levels. The “21” in Agenda 21 refers to the 21st Century. It has been affirmed and modified at subsequent UN conferences.”

    Thus, according to the conspiracy nuts, it is the UN taking over the US for some nefarious purpose that is far from clear, at least to me. But you can ask Glen Beck, or read his book “Agenda 21” for a more complete description 🙂

  33. AliceBeth says:

    If I could only go back in time and not click on “to this bandwith”, if only I could. I would be happy to not know that there are that many people who are that delusional, paranoid and bigoted.

  34. RepubAnon says:

    @maryellen: I’m with you – if President Obama can control the weather, how about sending some rain over to California?

    On the other hand, I’ll bet the lawns of the Agenda 21 folks are nice and green, given all the bovine-derived organic fertilizer they spew…

  35. Corinne Sabo says:

    Those two are not enough to be one little prick.

  36. @Sandridge
    I’ve seen napalm and M9 flamethrowers used up close. This lot’s behavior is psychotic not violent (yet). On the use of force continuum there are many options open short of crispying their critters. I original suggested a medical aerosol for its ease of use. PKM suggested pepper spray, I think to add a slight punishment component to discourage repetition in their psychoses.

  37. I apologize that was EPO who suggested pepper spray. I guess my short term memory is less that it takes to scroll from 26 to 33.

  38. Teh Gerg says:

    What Agenda 21 is and what these nutcases say it is are two very, very different things.

  39. e platypus onion says:

    Napalm or white phosphhorus works. Light up the night sky and a bunch of wingnuts,too.

  40. I think the way it works is that they know diddlysquat about science, and don’t want to know, and don’t want their kids to know. So anything beyond counting their fingers and toes sends them into a frenzy about dark forces and demons and controlling forces. They must run around during lunar eclipses screaming “MOON-EATER!!!”

  41. Linda Phipps says:

    I am resisting checking out this Agenda 21 thing because I am old and can’t afford to replace this computer right now. PKM can I quote your excellent response? I am old but still work and don’t have the time or mental tools to write it all down. I do have the mental tools to know that the Republicans are working on Agenda 22 which is to destroy us.

  42. @EPO
    Willie Pete is overkill, so to speak, for this lot. They cra-cra not violent. Willie Pete is for folks … well nobody really deserves that glimpse of Hell. WP just is.

  43. Wa Skeptic says:

    I suggest some of what Willie Nelson smokes; it’ll calm them down and help that paranoia go away. These poor souls probably haven’t had a good night’s sleep in YEARS.

  44. Uncle Igor says:

    Lessee now…Texas suffers a monumental drought and Rick Perry urges all residents to pray for rain. Nuthin’.

    President Obama desires all Texans to bend over for Agenda 21 and orders torrential rains and flash floods to ensure their obedience. Result, the Lone Star State (and much surrounding territory) finds itself underwater.

    By the transitive power of wingnut logic, therefore–Obama is more powerful than God.

    No wonder they’re so askeert of him.

  45. Probably these conspiracy guys just heard that the storms and flooding were caused by El Nino and figured that meant President Obama. They have been known to call him “Boy.”

  46. Why, heck, if you know what to look for in this rant, he actually gets right to the danged truth!!! He writes:

    “As the 1000-year flood slowly makes its way across the state, one question emerges — was it a manmade or natural weather event?”

    There it is, in plain English! The rains and floods are indeed man-made… Human-Caused Climate Change!!!

    In case it’s not clear, later on he says:

    “Why does the Mainstream Media always fail to tell the inconvenient truths and report the frightening facts?”

    Al Gore’s film about Climate Change is called “An Inconvenient Truth”. And the Mainstream Press *is* failing to present the truth about Climate Change by not reporting the frightening facts.

    OK, the rest of it is a load of delusional hooey, but still…

  47. Marge Wood says:

    Sigh. Well, be sure and get your spot in the tunnel between WalMarts sooner than later. Please. Where’s a better state than Texas?

  48. Marge Wood says:

    And there’s folks in other states having this fantasy life too.
