Warning: You Cannot Un-See This

August 18, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A group named INDECLINE, inspired by “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” Hans Christian Andersen’s story about an overly confident leader without clothing, has done something funny.

They have put up 80 pound life-sized statues of Donald Trump all over America.

The group unveiled life-size statues of Trump in the nude Thursday morning in public spaces in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland and Seattle.



You can see the front side here.  But, I probably wouldn’t if I was you.

Of course, cities are taking them down.

The artist, who has a full-time job, said he spent up to 25 hours each week working on the statues since they were commissioned in April. Ginger used 300 pounds of clay and silicone to create the statues and said the candidate’s mouth ended up being his biggest sculpting challenge.

He knew they were going to torn down …

“I don’t expect these things to last more than 30 or 45 minutes,” he added. “But I would love to watch some irate 65-year-old Trump supporter try to take the thing down with his bare hands.”

Yeah, that’s my idea of fun, too.


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0 Comments to “Warning: You Cannot Un-See This”

  1. The front side view proves that Donny was correct when he said his hands were big, relatively speaking.

  2. Andrew Zachary says:

    Wonderful comment from the NYC Park’s Department:

    “NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small.”

    And the comment doesn’t appear to be apocryphal.

  3. Reminds me of a British novel and Masterpiece Theatre series set in an English private school. The boys didn’t like the new headmaster, Mr. Alcock, but the main character, a teacher, couldn’t understand why their nickname for the man was “Noble.” Then he saw a posted notice, signed by Alcock, under which a boy had written “and no b***s.”

  4. My husband found this:

    Statement issued by New York City Department of Parks & Recreation after removing nude Trump statue from Union Square: “NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small.”

  5. Rhea, thanks for the laugh!

  6. Hey, Indecline . . . um . . . good show!

  7. Lunargent says:


    I’m afraid he still doesn’t have the expression right. It’s missing the small, puckered-sphincter poutiness of the lips, and the piggy little squint.

    The guy should get a medal, though – talk about toxic working conditions!

  8. See, Donald, that’s sarcasm.

  9. 1smartcanerican says:

    Love both the statue and the comment by the NYCDPR! Both show a wonderful sense of humor – Indecline for sure 🙂

  10. Tilphousia says:

    Laughing so hard it’s hard to type!

  11. Someone in NYC has a great sense of humor.

  12. Butt ugly!

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “300 pounds of clay and silicone”

    Isn’t that Donnie’s standard order to the plastic surgeon for the remakes on his mail order brides?

  14. Don’t know what the lag time is– Andrew Zachary’s #2 wasn’t there when I posted my identical #4.

    The Guardian has extensive coverage and even a video, which I didn’t watch because there’s not enough eye bleach in the world.


  15. JAKvirginia says:

    Well, goodbye dinner!

  16. WA Skeptic says:

    Keep putting those things out in public every few days until the election; sure fire winner!

    Go, HRC!

  17. Ohhhhhhh Myyyyyyyy Goooooooood! This is hilarious! Perfect! What better way to expose that vain a $$hole than by taking a direct shot at his vanity! Woo-hoo-hoooooo!

    (Of course the teeny weenie surprises no one.)

  18. Pretzelogic in Philly, PA says:

    I love the title the artist gave this, er, piece: “The Emperor Has No Balls” (apparently “The Emperor Has No Clothes” was taken or something. Hee hee.)

    In any city where they’re not tearing it down immediately (I think it may still be standing in Seattle?) I just hope that they treat it like most jurisdictions treat campaign posters, etc.: they should have to take it down after this long national nightmare of a campaign has finished.

    A man who lives in a glass house should change in the basement.
    – proverbial, sort of

    I demand to see Chump’s long-form worth certificates!

    Keep America Great Again!
    Clinton/Kaine 2016

  19. The best thing to happen in this election. LOL LOL LOL

  20. That Other Jean says:

    OK, it’s funny, and I laughed out loud and scared the cat before I called my husband to have a look. He laughed, too. And then I got to thinking: if somebody did the same thing to Hillary Clinton, I’d be worse than outraged. Some things are beyond the pale for election season, and this is one of them. I’m all for making fun of Trump’s every utterance, but not of his naked body.

  21. What The Other Jean said. What happened to, “When they go low, we go high?”

  22. Marcia in CO says:

    I wonder if his butt is really that puckered ugly!!
    I saw this on-line yesterday and totally laughed out loud and then said: It is both horrific and hilarious!! OMG I wonder if Trump has actually seen one of these … OMG
    People were leaning in to take pictures of the “little prick” nestled under the yellow-orange tuft of pubic hair … LOL
    The artist, Ginger, is a genius of design!!

  23. JAKvirginia says:

    That Other Jean and Msb: Yes, philosophically I agree. But this is not from the HRC campaign. A private person/group exercising their First Amendment rights. Just like the Donald when he shouts “Crooked Hillary” and the like. This would not be my choice, but if the Donald thinks it’s OK when HIS supporters are vile and abusive, he’s just going to have to suck it up when that opinion boomerangs back in his direction. And if you think this “art” is bad, I suggest you steel yourself for the slime that will be coming from Trump/Pence from now until Nov. 8. It will not be pretty.

  24. Linda Phipps says:

    Please don’t get all righteous and suggest that Hillary (or Sanders) supporters would be just as upset about any equally demeaning statuary. How can anyone forget the nasty Obama (Obummer, Obomination, Obambam) images that were in our face for 8 years. And there are some pretty disgusting things out there about Clinton as well. Payback.

  25. @ JAKvirginia
    True, but, when we complain about them sliming Hillary, they’ll say: “but the statues …”.
    Also, I don’t see how I can complain about T/P saying and doing hateful things, and endorse somebody doing the same to them. I’d like to hope I have a higher moral standard than either of them knows about, and how can I have it without showing it? Finally, it’s always a tactical error to get in the mud and wrestle a pig. You get dirty and tired, and the pig enjoys it.

  26. JAKvirginia says:

    MSB: Maybe the artist was just being sarcastic. 🙂

  27. two crows says:

    Some news organization interviewed a red-headed guy at the scene of one of the statues. He said, “Thank you, Ginger! As a ginger myself, I have been writhing in embarrassment at Trump’s antics. You have redeemed us all.”

  28. With regards to PB’s small “hands”; it gives new meaning to the child’s exclamation of “I can’t see it!”…

  29. Annabelle Lee says:

    In San Francisco, we actually have a city supervisor fighting to keep ours. I love this crazy town.

  30. two crows, Trump is not a ginger, speaking as one. It’s his face that’s orange.

  31. Marcia in CO says:

    I believe Ginger is the name of the sculptor!! It was this Ginger that the young man on TV was thanking!!
    Two Crows … I saw that interview, as well!!

  32. NicaBrian says:

    How long until we see these on eBay?

  33. When I read the article in the link I thought it was hilarious when the author described her difficulty in finding an image of “saggy old man butt” on Google. Looks like she did well. Hahahahahaha!!
