Waiting For A Picture

July 02, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so now we are being told that a small-time drug dealer in Afghanistan became the middle man in the bounties being paid for killing American soldiers.

Azizi collected the money supplied by the Russian military intelligence agency, the GRU, in Russia, and is reportedly believed to have paid Taliban-linked militants in Afghanistan through other countries. The bounties netted upwards of $100,000, according to Afghan officials cited in The Times.

Azizi frequently traveled between Russia and Afghanistan, “but no one knew what he did,” a provincial leader said, The Times reported. Friends claimed they weren’t surprised by the outcome after seeing the smuggler “not even having a blanket” to owning several high-end cars and bodyguards. One of his homes was also upgraded to become a four-story villa, The Times reported.

Both Trump and Russia are denying the report, while even members of NATO say they were briefed on it.

I’m just waiting for the selfie picture with Azizi and Don, Jr. at Mar a Lago. After all, I’m sure they can share stories about selling out America to the Russians while living the fancy life.


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0 Comments to “Waiting For A Picture”

  1. Of course the Republicans will look the other way and lie.

  2. megasoid says:

    A fusion of history and treason separated by 244 years or so: Benedict Bonespurs

    One picked another side. One picked up a doctor’s excuse and THEN picked another side.

  3. The Surly Professor says:

    Papa@1, that’s not completely true. First Susan Collins will furrow her brow, make a vague statement about how terrible it is. Then she will look the other way and lie.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Dimwit Junior Mint, Azizi, and Mo Bin Bone Saw-saudi can celebrate the 4th together at either one of Epstein’s abandoned islands or some nice place scouted for them by Erik Prince. Or, we can all hope they gather at Merde-duh-Blowhole to exchange gifts of COVID-19 with each other and the Toddler-in-Thief*. Maybe Herman Cain will join them. Followed by quarantine on Bitsy DeVile’s yachts; each yacht to sail to the South China Sea to receive a barrage of “tots & prayers” from above by Little Kim.

  5. slipstream says:

    Surly Professor: Don’t forget Lisa Murkowski. She will be deeply concerned. Then she will look the other way and lie.

  6. Sandridge says:


    The federal death penalty was re-instituted a week or two ago.

    I don’t know if a firing squad or hanging are still available, OK since they’re slower, presumably more painful. COVID19 would work too [Rethug Herman Cain apparently caught it in Tulsa].
    Suggest a guillotine be an option. Guillotines would be more efficient, since there are large numbers of these traitors needing ‘processing’.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Anytime Putin denies it and Trumpf calls it fake news and a hoax, you know it’s all true. It’s like asking Rudy Giuliani for a straight answer. I’m sure somehow Billy Barr will weigh in and sick his DOJ on the “leakers” who in my book are heroes.

  8. Jere Armen says:

    Not to be a downer or anything, but I would like to remind people that in the 1980s the Americans, through the CIA, were funding the mujahideen with arms and cash to kill Soviet (Russian) soldiers. So that gives a bit of context to what the Russians are doing today, doesn’t it?

  9. Jere Armen @8:

    You make a legitimate point. But I’m not surprised the Russians might attempt such a thing. It’s the Trump Administration’s failure to respond, to take measures that would protect our soldiers that’s the outrage here.

    Whatever reason the administration picks out of a hat today for their negligence, all of their explanations place the blame somewhere in their chain of command. It was in the PDB, prepared daily for Trump, which Trump doesn’t read. That’s blame enough right there.

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    This whole situation is so disturbing and wrong. I’m so sad for military families left wondering if their service member was sacrificed for money.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Putin is and has been Trump’s buddy for the last 4+ years. Trump’s buddy has been sending an enemy money, an enemy that has been and still is killing our troops. The trail of money is compelling evidence whether you call it a bounty or not. What I call it is aiding and abetting an enemy, and by Trump’s doing nothing, he’s complicit. And he’s still not doing anything, except rewarding Putin. That’s treason, plain and simple. I’m with you Grandma Ada

  12. Rick @ 9 nailed it.

  13. tesshin says:

    Okay, I’ll give $1.98 for Azizi’s head . . .

  14. Azizi sounds like the kind of “rags to riches” success story Repubes love.

  15. Sam in Superior says:

    Anyone who allows Russia to place bounties on American soldiers without responding aggressively needs a bounty placed on their head(s).
