Waited 7 Years for these Photos

April 04, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: Corruption, Criminal, Trump

34 felony counts including conspiracy.  The DA also asked the judge for a protective order to stop TFG and his henchmen from publicly threatening him and his family.

0 Comments to “Waited 7 Years for these Photos”

  1. If Trump can’t claim payment for sexual services and hush money as an expense on his taxes, what’s next? Taxpayer deductions for dependents? Medical expenses? They’re coming for our mortgage interest write offs! And guns! And Nativity Scenes!

  2. slipstream says:

    So, instead of calling him 45, can we call him 34?

  3. BarbinDC says:

    That pop you heard was me opening a bottle of bubbly.

  4. I can’t believe the Judge didn’t issue a gag order for TFG. Could that be a dare to Trump to keep spewing trash on media?

    I’m not popping my bubbly until he is tried and convicted. I expect that his lawyers will appeal and delay as long as Trump has money.

  5. Rick @ 1,

    Reagan and GOP came after SSI and SSI has been federally taxed ever since. What you say could happen…

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Jr trumpf posted a picture of the judge’s daughter. Hope the judge takes notice. He says it was because she worked for an organization that supported Biden. Hmm. He has no issue with the spouse of a supreme actively trying to overturn the election or his father posting a picture of himself holding a bat next to the DA’s head. We know what Jr was really trying to do- suggest retaliation against the judge’s family, just like the son of a mob boss would do.

  7. WA Skeptic says:

    Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving lump of detritus

  8. Sandridge says:

    Trump’s plane departed from LaGuardia runway 13, where’s a flock of Canadian geese when we need them?

    Garrulous notorious NYC criminal mob boss arraigned on 34 felony counts in Manhattan courthouse, keeps mouth shut first time ever. [judge even had to tell him to ‘speak up boi’]

    Putrid Mr. Pecker helps put Don’s pecker in a pickle.

    Lock Him Up!!

    Gonna be a real shitshow from Mar-A-Pendejo this evening…

    Papa @4, Exactly my first thought when Judge Merchan didn’t caution the Mango Motormouth about a potential gag order. The Judge, knowing tRump well, was deliberately giving the sonuvabitch just enough rope to hang himself.

  9. FrauFree says:

    I’m with Papa@4.
    (Gagging and popping.)

  10. Sandridge @ 8,

    I think we should get a pool together and place bets on how long it will be before tRump begins inciting threats and violence. We just know he can’t control his mouth.

  11. Sandridge says:

    Papa @10, I thought that we’d’ve already heard that tonight at Mar-a-Pendejo.
    But I haven’t seen that shitshow on the boobtoob, was flipping channels a bit and didn’t find it. Was looking for wall-to-wall coverage like earlier today, guess that I’ll look online [maybe the media has finally woke-n up?].

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Sandridge, this is all I could find about TFFG’s return to mar-a-la-la-go land tonight. If this is true then a lot of his other actions to overturn the election should be criminal as well, like in GA.

  13. Sandridge says:

    [tks Steve]
    I found several videos, but most were crap.
    The best, most viewable, usable one is from the PBS NewsHour; you can control it. Just finished watching it, and came over to post link. Feeling queasy, need some Anejo Cuatro Anos rum…

    The first 1h:29m can easily be skipped [just use the time slider, useful to rewatch also] as it’s the NewsHour programming [worth watching].
    Then comes the actual Mar-a-Pendejo shitfest from Komrade Donnei, which is about 26m, with a 5m outro showing all the luminaries leaving; the mangled captioning is a hoot..

    **Be prepared to be assaulted by almost 30 minutes of abject lies, prevarication, disinformation, propaganda, seditious conspiracy, and pure fabricated bullshit [recommend a stiff drink in hand].
    ***But remember, his millions of braindead MAGAot zombies are lapping this putrid piss up and begging for more. They are absorbing every word and plotting ways to act on them.
    And they are prepared to foment violence and literally kill every hated liberal and Democrat who crosses their paths when the time comes…

    WATCH LIVE: Trump speaks at Mar-a-Lago after pleading ‘not guilty’ to 34 felony counts in New York
    PBS NewsHour :


  14. And I’m Not exaggerating or kidding :
    “And they are prepared to foment violence and literally kill every hated liberal and Democrat who crosses their paths when the time comes…”

    Listen to the Mango Mussolini’s words and implications, he is carefully prepping them to be ready to do this for his “Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer” Führerprinzip.
    If he succeeds in his quest, the streets of the good ole USA are going to run red with blood..

    [I would get muhself banned if I expressed what should be done …]

  15. Sandridge says:

    BTW, to further explain :


    “The Führerprinzip (German: [ˈfyːʀɐpʀɪnˌtsiːp] (listen); German for ‘leader principle’) prescribed the fundamental basis of political authority in the Government of Nazi Germany.
    ***This principle can be most succinctly understood to mean that “the Führer’s word is above all written law” and that governmental policies, decisions, and offices ought to work toward the realization of this end.[1]

    [[just where have we heard this theme lately, hmmm…]]

    In actual political usage, it refers mainly to the practice of dictatorship within the ranks of a political party itself, and as such, it has become an earmark of political fascism. Nazi Germany aimed to implement the leader principle at all levels of society, with as many organizations and institutions as possible being run by an individual appointed leader rather than by an elected committee. This included schools,[2] sports associations,[3] factories,[4] and more. Nazi propaganda often focused on the theme of a single heroic leader overcoming the adversity of committees, bureaucrats and parliaments.[5] German history, from Nordic sagas to Frederick the Great and Otto von Bismarck, was interpreted to emphasize the value of unquestioning obedience to a visionary leader.[6] ”

    Remember the only book(s) that Komrade Donnei has on his nightstand and may actually read…the basic Nazi core curriculum beginning with ‘Mein Kampf’.

  16. Wyatt_Earl says:

    He finally pays one of his bills and he gets indicted for it. Works for me.

  17. I thought it was great when he came out of the door that the officer in front of him let the door shut in his face. No one was holding it open solicitously for him like when he was prez.

  18. Grandma Ada says:

    I’m sure Melania sent her thoughts and prayers . . . For a speedy trial, conviction and jail away from her!

  19. Oldymoldy says:

    SAD day for murka! What a POS this country has become! How is it possible that this miserable, despicable, self-inflated MFer drags us around by the nose and yet still flies home after a serious criminal charge, in a 747, no doubt paid for by the american taxpayer… well, some of’em! (insert sad droopy face here)

    Donjr and the pic of the judge’s daughter! What’s to say? They are disgusting spiteful criminals without even a nickel’s worth of self-awareness. The whole bunch of them should be, ah, well… removed!

    I happened to be in a neighboring town yesterday. One that I’ve lived nearish to for well, all told, more than forty years. I’ve never really needed to go there so never really have, except to drive through. Recently I’ve wound up with a bit of a reason to go there and to actually participate in a modicum of social intercourse. Without going into details, let’s just say it suddenly occurred to me what a sad-looking place it is, and having walked through a couple of, sad grocery stores, what a sad-looking group the occupants seem to be. All of this is to say that there is much evidence of a certain group of folks that probably voted for the miserable subject of this post! It’s most disconcerting!

  20. slipstream says:

    Oldymoldy, it’s a 757. A bit smaller than the 747, but customized luxury all the way.

    I agree with you. If I had been charged with 34 felonies I would have been handcuffed in court, then I would have been slapped into jail until the court hearing next December, or out with a huge bail. What happened to equal treatment under the law?

  21. Steve from Beaverton says:

    As was mentioned yesterday, I think the judge did in fact give TFFG and his team (and mob family) enough rope to hang themselves with sanctions and a gag order. Seems he’s used all that rope already.
    My big question and concern is how long before this goes to trial. I’m sure he and his lowyers are not asking for a speedy trial so they can stretch this well into 2024 and leverage for more campaign donations/grifting. I read Alan Dershowitz is predicting he’ll be found guilty. Hope that doesn’t jinx us, those of us hoping they throw the book at him.
    Also, what impact will this indictment have on all the other investigations and suits in progress? It would be great to squeeze every penny out of him for legal fees which he’ll likely use campaign funds to pay for.

  22. Lordy, I do have to repeat something: indictments are contagious! It may even mean that any further indictment could over-ride the necessity of any other due to the charges et al. I wouldn’t be surprised to see any other indictment come to trial before the New York one. As for all those Maggots screaming that there is nothing to the New York charges, apparently they have no idea how some of the most unsavory crooks in our history went down big because of what seems to be nothing-burgers such as punctuation, etc. (See the case of the gangster who went down big on tax evasion due to a hardworking IRS number cruncher.)

  23. Sam in Mellen says:

    MTG reminded us that Trump is compared with Jesus and Mandela because they all went to jail. So did Charles Manson, John Dillinger and Al Capone.

  24. The Surly Professor says:

    … and the grift machine kicks into high gear, as if it wasn’t already going faster than an 18-wheeler without brakes on the downslope from the Rockies. At least $47 for a t-shirt saying “I stand with Trump”:


    Now, not everybody here rush to buy them. Their website might crash or something. Maybe we should make a similar offer, but $23.50 for one that says “I can’t stand Trump”, using the same font and color. With proceeds to go to the Texas Observer.

  25. TTPT, I enjoyed watching that door close on him too.

  26. Oldymoldy says:

    “Oldymoldy, it’s a 757. A bit smaller than the 747, but customized luxury all the way.”
    shrug, what’s a hunnert among friends?

  27. Buttermilk Sky says:

    It was always a long shot but I hoped Judge Merchan would send him to Rikers until December. Allen Weisselberg would be happy to show him around.

  28. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The MSM has continued to downplay the chances that the current indictment of TFFG will actually result in a conviction. Now they’re going to go nuts over news that Judge Merchan made some political campaign donations to Democrats and Biden- totaling a massive 35 bucks.

  29. As she got off the bus, I overheard Blind Justice say, “the great thing about grand juries indicting assholes, after the indictment you can just walk up to the prick and grab him by the balls!”
