Wait, Wait, That’s Nuts
Okay, okay, I see this headline this morning …
And I think, “wait a minute, wait a minute, settle your butt down and wait a minute.” Nobody can force anybody to resign. By definition, resigning is a self-initiated choice. Your boss can’t force you to resign. There’s another word for that and you’d think Donald Trump would know that word since it was the catch-phrase of his teevee show.
Trump, who has tussled with Schiff since entering the White House, called the congressman a “pencil neck” during a White House meeting Tuesday with Senate Republicans.
During the confab, Trump also said Schiff would be a horrible golfer because he would only be able to drive the ball 50 yards down the fairway.
A number of Republicans and White House administration officials have called on Schiff to step down since Barr released his summary of Mueller’s findings Sunday.
Pencil neck? Bad golfer? Trump really wants to name-call when he’s wearing an animal on his head, has a triple chin, walks weird so his thighs won’t chafe, cheats at golf, has tiny hands, and has an enormous butt?
Besides, golf is not a sport. It’s billiards on the ground. It’s an excuse to drink, like darts, bowling, and pool.
Holy cow, how in hell did we get here?