Victim Trump
Poor little Donald, everybody is being mean to him. They are writing bad things in the newspapers, people boo him when he goes out in public, they jeer him, they hate him, they lynch him … whoa, wait.
President Trump on Tuesday called the impeachment inquiry a “lynching” in an inflammatory tweet that drew swift condemnation from Democrats as a senior diplomat viewed as a key witness testifies.
Lynching? Are you kidding me? Until I see that sumbitch hanging from a tree, he needs to just shuddup.
The “acting” ambassador to Ukraine is set to testify today. He became alarmed over text messages he was receiving and now he’s going to tell congress why.
I gotta admit something. I think Trump likes having people appointed to positions as “acting” so and so. I think it means more to him that simply the fact that they haven’t been vetted and approved. I think he likes actors. I think this whole thing is a reality teevee show. But, I’m losing my mind over it all so who knows.