Victim Trump

October 22, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Poor little Donald, everybody is being mean to him.  They are writing bad things in the newspapers, people boo him when he goes out in public, they jeer him, they hate him, they lynch him … whoa, wait.

President Trump on Tuesday called the impeachment inquiry a “lynching” in an inflammatory tweet that drew swift condemnation from Democrats as a senior diplomat viewed as a key witness testifies.

Lynching? Are you kidding me? Until I see that sumbitch hanging from a tree, he needs to just shuddup.

The “acting” ambassador to Ukraine is set to testify today.  He became alarmed over text messages he was receiving and now he’s going to tell congress why.

I gotta admit something. I think Trump likes having people appointed to positions as “acting” so and so.  I think it means more to him that simply the fact that they haven’t been vetted and approved. I think he likes actors. I think this whole thing is a reality teevee show. But, I’m losing my mind over it all so who knows.



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0 Comments to “Victim Trump”

  1. No, it feels like children in cages, some of them dying, like withholding disaster relief to the point of victims dying, like subverting the lawful immigration policy.

    Like taking massive amounts of foreign money to stay at your hotels, denying children of school lunches. Like inciting violent dog whistles to your white nationalist/fascist/christian hate mongers, spending NO money on infrastructure, manipulating stock markets with verbal dog whistles. And absolutely like being the biggest, foulest prick on the planet.

    You whiny little vulgar bastard!

  2. Linda Phipps says:

    Megasoid, I am at a loss for words: you said them all. However if anyone calls Mulvaney a “cootie”, that’s mine.

  3. Jonathon P Hubbert says:

    trumpl-thin-skin reverts to acting this or that so he doesn’t have to deal with Senate confirmation process. He’s a 3-y/o tantrum in continuous motion. He diverts attention away from the real damage being done to governance; this is a ‘lesson learned’ by the republi-cons during the shrub admin. It’s also a lesson-not-learned by mods, libs and other practicing ethicists.

    The media is complicit; it is no longer a public trust to be cherished and protected. Newspapers are being concentrated by hedge-fund ownership; they are now revenue units whose production is protected by the Constitution. That ensures their profits are indirectly secured through constitutional means.

  4. Linda Phipps @ 2 You’re copyright is registered! There is probably not enough band width to list all the crimes committed any way.

  5. I’ve read two things about the “acting” issue.

    1. It’s not necessary to get Senate confirmation for an acting cabinet member.

    2. If Pence wanted to 25th-Amendment Trump, the vice president and eight (of fifteen) sitting cabinet members are needed to remove Trump. I don’t know if an acting cabinet member is legally considered a “sitting” cabinet member.

    I wish someone would ask Trump about hiring “the best people” and why he’s made so many hiring mistakes.

  6. Here’s a link to a BBC article about the song “Strange Fruit”, titled: “Strange Fruit: The most shocking song of all time?”.

    Bless Dotard’s insufferably ignorant heart…

  7. Don’t y’all forget that some recent surveys/polls/studies have found that 99%+ of Rethuglikan white evangelicals, and 96% of regular Rethugs, have asserted that there is absolutely NOTHING that Mr. Trump could do to turn them away from him.
    They comprise 30-40% of the US [voting] population.
    These vermin are total RWNJ fanatics, utterly and willingly brainwashed fools.
    NO amount of polite, rational, factual discussion with them will ever change their ‘minds’ nor votes.

    Any Democrat or Democratic politician who wastes any effort, time, or money trying to persuade these creatures to rationally vote for Dems is an utter fool. These rats cannot be reached, period. Ignore and overpower them. After the Dems have total control perhaps a few might then be deprogrammed, but the risk -now- is too great.

    All we can do is turn out as many Democrats, ‘should-be Democrats’, and actual independents to vote for all Democratic candidates [no room for purity bullshit this time].
    We will need at least a 10-20% over-turnout to overcome the Rethug [and ‘team’, ie- Russkis, etc] voting corruption and ‘irregularities’ this time. Failure is not an option.
    If the Repukes retain power, with the decennial redistricting [yes, a vital issue that Democrats should all be prioritizing, unlike the 2010 disaster], it will be the end of American democracy, and the solidification of Republikkkan fascism.

  8. @Suzanne: if that’s the case, if there were 7 actual sitting members of the Cabinet, then only 4 would be needed to put him on the beach. But as soon as he sends a letter saying that he’s all better now (which he probably has on file already), it takes 2/3 of BOTH houses of Congress (who are in attendance when the vote is taken) to keep him out.

  9. Suzanne, they weren’t “mistakes”. They were just exactly what he wanted.

  10. Jere Armen says:

    I agree that he likes “acting” secretaries, ambassadors, directors, etc. because that means he can have any old body in the position without having to submit that person to the Senate advise and consent approval process. He loves circumventing the structure of government. He has his hands on the system’s reins and nobody can make him change.

  11. To compare the functioning of a Constitutional process with lawless murder, often involving torture and mutilation, is just despicable. Every time you think trump’s hit the nadir of human behavior, he picks up his little shovel and goes back to work. And Lindsey Graham’s down there in the mud with him.

  12. When I read 45’s tweet, I went into an immediate time warp to the Clarence Thomas hearings and his moaning that he was getting an “electronic lynching.”

    Fellas, what you were and are experiencing is discomfort. Please don’t mistake it for violence.

  13. I’m losing my mind, too…

  14. “Acting” = no job security without “loyalty.”
    Yer in, yer out at the whim of whatever mood Trump is in when yer name pops up in his Wack-A-Mole thought process.
