“Undecided Voter”: Really?

August 29, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Biden, Trump

Today, the Washington Post published an article about an “undecided voter” from Indiana named Mike Baker.  Baker supposedly watched both conventions yet still can’t make up his mind who who is the best candidate for president.  My first thought on reading this is that Baker is either a closet Trumpist too ashamed to just admit it, or just simply a dumbass.  In the article, Baker fretted over Trump’s personality; he had fretted so much over that key feature that he even sat out the 2016 election, saying that he couldn’t have Trump as a guest in his house.  Okayyyyy….

Baker went on to say that his number one concern, though, was the economy and that he liked Trump’s “pro business” policies.  It was then that I realized that Baker doesn’t understand the economy, not in the slightest, since the economy is in the ditch and has been whipsawed since Trump’s “biggest crowd EVER”  inauguration day up until about 5 minutes ago.  Unemployment exploded this spring to 22 million people, and still is hovering at 13 million.  By all measures that affect American workers, the economy has collapsed.

Fretting about Biden, Baker said, “Trump is defining Biden, but I sort of need to hear Biden define Biden, or at least the Democratic Party to define Biden. It’s got to be more than [Trump] is the worst person on Earth.”  My answer to that is this: When you were watching the Democratic Convention, you must have had your head up your ass looking out through your navel.  The convention carefully laid out Biden’s and the Dems goals and policies.  Oh, and there’s that little detail that Joe Biden has been in the public eye for half a century.  If you don’t know his polices, you’re not paying the slightest bit of attention.

Mike, you’re worried about Turmp’s “personality”?  How about the fact that he’s a fucking felon and corrupting the entire government while destroying centuries long alliances and America’s standing among the entire global community?  How about the fact that he is sabotaging the Post Office, extorted a foreign government, and his lying in a continuous stream about the US voting system simply to steal the next election?  How about the fact that he just used the White House, OUR White House, as a political prop for his cheesy display of corruption and narcissistic obsession?  How about the fact that he’s already said that he’s not going to accept the decision of the voters in November if he loses?

If a voter is “undecided” now, that person is either lying or truly a dumbass.  I’ll let you decide.

One more comment: I find it hard to believe that the Washington Post actually published an interview this stupid.  They had to look really hard to find someone willing to make himself look like an idiot in a national newspaper.  C’mon, folks, you can do better than this.

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