Turn About is Fair, Right?

July 23, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

We all have the memory of the SCOTUS actually backing Abbott and Patrick’s vigilante law last year that allows any idiot to sue anyone they decide helped any woman in Texas obtain what was then a legal medical procedure, an abortion after 6 weeks of pregnancy.  Up until the court, packed with radicals, took away the constitutional right for a women to have autonomy over their own bodies this law was in effect.  These two rulings go against everything the Constitution stands for, and now endangers other rights enjoyed by Americans for decades.  The gateway to this decision was the Texas Vigilante Law, but now it’s time for payback, and California governor Gavin Newsom has served up the first serving of Whup Ass.

This week, Newsom signed into law the Firearm Industry Responsibility Act, which, adopting the same tactic used by Abbott and Patrick, allows anyone to sue any person or company that sells or manufactures dangerous weapons that violate California state law.  He also signed laws that banned ghost guns as well as other safety measures that citizens can now cite in their lawsuits against gun traffickers.  By putting enforcement of these laws into the hands of individual citizens, he puts the SCOTUS on the hot seat, daring them to overturn the same tactic that they just supported.  The move is brilliant, and stands to save lives by going after those profiting off the selling death by gun.

At the same time, Newsom is trolling Abbott by taking out full page ads yesterday in the Austin American Statesmen, Houston Chronicle and El Paso Times turning his own words around on him saying, “California’s answer to Texas’ perverse bill.”  It continues, “If Texas can ban abortion and endanger lives, California can ban deadly weapons of war and save lives. If Governor Abbott truly wants to protect the right to life, we urge him to follow California’s lead.”  Here it is, click the little on to get the big one.

I’m getting to like Newsom’s style, especially as he’s encouraging Dems to get off their ass and start kicking ass.  I’m personally sick of the party, especially in Texas, just rolling over year after year and taking the relentless bludgeoning by radical social conservatives who have actually moved from conservatism to fascism.

Enough is enough, and the time is now.

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0 Comments to “Turn About is Fair, Right?”

  1. G Foresight says:

    Yes, Ds, stop looking for the illusionary swing voter or “bipartisanship” nonsense and put full bore, front and canter, what Ds stand for and relentlessly repeat the message 24/7 on *all* possible media. Bottom line is the choice is between democracy and theocratic authoritarianism.

    Newsom’s tactic is a start at least. Full page ads in newspapers won’t reach the youngsters who mostly don’t read newspapers (pulp or digital). Contrast between the end of May and June PA D Senate candidate John Fetterman* racked up 225,000 total interactions on FBook alone, and FBook leans toward an older demographic too. Ds need to go full bore into *all* social media. (AOC’s media strategy could be a pattern to study and apply.)

    * Fetterman article:

  2. G Foresight says:

    RE#1: “full bore, front and center,” that is. 🙂

  3. Yes. Awake! Arise!

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    This has been going around but still funny: A man walks into a bar and orders a cold beer. He sees an old antique looking lamp and asks the bartender about it, but the barkeep thinks someone must have left it. The man starts examining the lamp, notices a couple of smudges and tries to rub them off with his shirtsleeve, when Poof! A genie appears and of course says, “I’ll grant you three wishes!” The man thinks about it and says,” I want you to make Greg Abbott a pregnant woman stuck in a small apartment with no power, air conditioning or fridge due to our Texas power grid failing on a 104° day.” The genie smiles and says, This one’s on me!”

  5. My kind of governor!

  6. Yes! We need to start channeling Lyndon!

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    It’s about time someone steps up, takes a leadership role and is fearless. Newsom seems like the real deal. 2024?

  8. Katherine says:

    Grandma Ada, you just made my day!

  9. thatotherjean says:

    Grandma Ada, mine too. Empathy is not Republicans’ strong suit, but. . . ..

  10. treehugger says:

    I hope hope hope this works for Newsom. It’s genius. I’m sick of Dems cowtowing to the Republicans. First I read that the Dems are never going to win because they too aggressively demand change, whether guns, climate change, whatever. Then I read that Dems are never going to win because they are too timid about demanding change. Dems will never win trying to work with the current GOP, which doesn’t want to work with anybody, even people in their own party. Just today I read that Abbott will win because Dems have been to critical of him. We need more leaders like Newsom.

  11. jen_jay says:

    Alas, I don’t think CA’s new law goes into effect until July 2023. Here’s the bill text: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB1594

  12. Sam in Mellen says:

    While the Republican “justices” on SCOTUS love this law when it applies to abortion, they hate it when gun ownership is threatened. They’ll find a way to overturn California’s law. They don’t need to uphold the Texas law any longer, it was merely a placeholder for the total ban.

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The repugnantican “justices”- that would be the federalist society puppets masquerading as an impartial court for all the people. Hardly. They answer only the the federalist society ideologies and screw the majority of Americans and frankly the Constitution.

  14. Mary Anne says:

    I am with Grandma Ada!

    Furthermore, I demand Congress pass a bill outlawing the little blue pill! Any one knows it causes abortions and is dangerous after 4 hours.

    Send it to Biden to sign, then let them file a law suit, take it to the Supreme Court, see what they do!
