Trump’s On Twitter Right Now, Bragging about His “Ratings”

March 29, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Corruption, Trump

Over the last hour, Trump has been bragging on Twitter about the “ratings” his WH briefings are getting.  Let’s be clear here…2/3 of Americans are confined to their homes.  There were 3 million new unemployment claims this week.  There are over 100,000 confirmed cases (most of any country in the world), God knows how many actually infected since we don’t have testing available.  Millions of Americans are terrified.  And what is Trump doing this morning?

BRAGGING ABOUT HIS FUCKING “RATINGS”.  This is all just reality television for him to stroke his own festering ego.

The level of loathing I have for this cretin cannot be described in English.

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