Trump’s On Twitter Right Now, Bragging about His “Ratings”

March 29, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Corruption, Trump

Over the last hour, Trump has been bragging on Twitter about the “ratings” his WH briefings are getting.  Let’s be clear here…2/3 of Americans are confined to their homes.  There were 3 million new unemployment claims this week.  There are over 100,000 confirmed cases (most of any country in the world), God knows how many actually infected since we don’t have testing available.  Millions of Americans are terrified.  And what is Trump doing this morning?

BRAGGING ABOUT HIS FUCKING “RATINGS”.  This is all just reality television for him to stroke his own festering ego.

The level of loathing I have for this cretin cannot be described in English.

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0 Comments to “Trump’s On Twitter Right Now, Bragging about His “Ratings””

  1. Mari Gadberry says:

    I am one of the oldies and have told my children that my goal at this point is to live long enough to vote that S.O.B. out in November.

  2. Sometimes I don’t have enough middle fingers. he is such a narcissist.

  3. megasoid says:

    OT Sober as a judge? Larry Kudlow says “HIGH!”

    Was Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro drinking before her Saturday night show? The internet sure thinks so

    Edit: After her “Justice with Judge Jeanine” show was delayed due to “technical difficulties” for 15 minutes, the host appeared and apologized for the delay before she began to discuss Donald Trump’s plan to take the U.S. out of quarantine by Easter, telling viewers, “Just the other … day the president talked, or was hoping, about the possibility of reopening everything on Easter Sunday, uh, in a way where we could kind of come out of this quarantine, as loose as it may be, that we’re involved in.”

    Commenters were quick to point that that she didn’t seem her normal self and that her hair was rumpled, which led to speculation that she might have had a drink or two before her appearance.
    You can watch clips below as well as what commenters on Twitter were saying.

  4. As if we didn’t need further proof that #IMPOTUS is unfit for the office, these boastful tweets today absolutely nail it down. It’s all about HIM. No empathy for the sick, the dying, the families of the sick and dying. No empathy or support for the healthcare providers. No empathy or support for people who have lost jobs or income, or were already in dire straits. (Proof of that is the Dept of Agriculture wanting to challenge Judge Beryl Howell’s correct ruling that SNAP benefits can’t be removed for capricious reasons. Though now I see the Dept has walked that back. For now.) And the worst: holding back needed equipment from governors and states who won’t kiss his ass. It’s murder by neglect. OK, so that should have been the nail in the coffin.

    A woman on MSNBC this morning made the point that #IMPOTUS is, with his daily “briefings” during the evening news hour, keeping people from seeing their local news, where they might actually get some truth. That, in turn, is keeping his approval ratings higher. At least for us on the West Coast, his spewing is on in the afternoon. That’s when I change the channel or turn it off.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe, it seems almost everyone in America is learning, except that guy* and his* maladministration. Even the land of keyboard commandos with an initial false beach going bravado is giving way to social distancing and other science based measures to cooperate and contain the novel coronavirus. Meanwhile, the ratings ***king moron* is swamped in his* own* massive ego. Those around him* having about as much success curtailing his* Easter Parade & Buffet as they did with his* Military Parade for Himself*. Ratings? Probably inflated due to 2/3 of the people stuck at home watching TV with all the sports eliminated and the usual inaccuracies of polling data.

    Time for “be best” Messy to fire one last shot from her anti-bullying campaign. One shot, Messy. Make it good and the entire nation will “hold your beer” to thank you.

    megasoid, has Pirro ever been sober? That might have been the rare one occasion when she was sober showing what she looks like when hungover. Drunk or sober, she is consistent with her crazy talk. That voice. It’s a match for the crazy inside her head.

  6. treehugger says:

    NPR in Washington state has stopped carrying any of his daily floggings aka briefings. Many other network stations have stopped showing the floggings unless Fauci is talking. In the meantime I keep seeing videos from health workers talking about lack of respirators and having to now decide between patients who come in in dire need of them, who gets the last one and who gets sent home to die. Reading more reports of people who have fevers of 102 being told they cannot get tested, so stay home. They have have 102 fevers and coughing and they cannot get tested, so stay home. They can’t get tested until they are wheezing and short of breath. When the young woman who posted finally displayed those symptoms, the doctor told her to get to the ER, which she did and she was then tested and admitted. She has not yet received the results of the test. How can this be happening here? It’s happening because Pompeo gave all our stockpile of masks and respirators to Chine back in December and then told CDC not to worry about rapid replacement because, Agent Orange said this was all a hoax to make him look bad. And we don’t have enough tests, so stay home and suffer and not to infect your spouse and children.

    Loathing and hatred do not begin to describe the depth of blackness I feel against these people.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    We have less than 300 days until he is perp walked out of the White House. Until then we have to be super watchful because he will try to pull something to stay. These tweets just show he considers these “briefings “ nothing but political posturing. He’s trying to mess with the Inspector General regarding this up coming bailout, his friend Vlad is hiding his Venezuelan assets after our government indicted the Venezuelan President on drug running – and that’s just the paper today! Eyes open, and be ready to vote!!!

  8. We’re a captive audience in the worst possible meaning of the phrase. Probably a step up from immigrant children in cages, though (kids who might show up as dependents on his 2019 tax returns, if we could see them)

  9. Jane Kowalski says:

    It has been absolutely gorgeous the past few days so I find it very hard to believe he hasn’t snuck off to get in some golf. Anyone monitoring the local links or even Camp David? I know there’s a small course there.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe and others, Job’s Anger provided a series of charts as to what people are thinking as to novel coronavirus. That’s the thinking, and it sure seems out of whack with Donnie’s* approval number ~50%. cognitive dissonance? cabin fever?

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Jane Kowalski @8 Donnie* seems to be campaigning in place in our White House, while the rest of us are quarantining in place. If only he* would go golfing to allow the science people to do the talking. Uh, let me rephrase that, the qualified science people which eliminates those tied to Donnie*. He* sure can find some “winners” ….

  12. Buttermilk Sky says:

    He has no time for golf. Yesterday he called renowned experts Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez. Then he went to Norfolk to take credit for the hospital ship Comfort. Then it was time to abuse the media and the governor of Michigan. He’s always working.

    Don’t you love how he re-tweets the “failing New York Times” when he thinks they’re praising him? (They weren’t.)

  13. Liberty Belle says:

    He’s on the teevee right now saying he doesn’t care about ratings. Just sayin’.

  14. twocrows says:

    Unfortunately, his rating ARE the best they’ve been during his *residency.
    Americans have this thing. We rally behind our leaders — even Trump — in times of crisis. It’s in our DNA.
    I remember being disgusted when, after 9-11, W’s ratings went through the roof.
    I never thought I’d be praising him, but at least he had the decency not to brag about it, out loud, at the time. He probably was privately gloating, however.
    Then the reality of how he handled the crisis + the Iraq war came to light and his ratings plummeted like a stone.

    Hang in there. The crisis will pass and the truth will out. Hopefully, before November.

    The networks aren’t helping, though. Just like they did in 2016 — they just keep on covering him. They admitted, back then, that all that free air time really helped him get elected. And he’s getting free coverage again as he uses COVID-19 as a substitute for his rallies.
    When will they wake up?

  15. And apparently John Prine, who wrote Angel from Montgomery and reams of other songs is on a ventilator in critical condition with Covid 19 symptoms.

  16. P.P.
    As John Prine said along time ago, but currently apropos of Trump’s ratings:

    “… blow up your TV… “

  17. And speaking of ratings, could Fox News be held liable for killing their viewers?

    “When I’ve been talking to Fox insiders over the last few days, there’s a real concern inside the network that their early downplaying of the coronavirus actually exposes Fox News to potential legal action by viewers who maybe were misled and actually have died from this. I’ve heard Trish Regan’s being taken off the air is, you know, reflective of this concern that Fox News is in big trouble by downplaying this virus…”

  18. crazy quilter says:

    He really does live in his own little world.
    I think I’ll go live in my own little world and binge watch Star Wars on Disney+

  19. Opinionated Hussy says:

    This particular tweet thread from Twitterman makes me feel physically ill.

    What’s keeping me sane? Right now, the anemone bulbs I planted last Fall are coming up purple and lavender and white around the birch tree…they’ll be a thick 2″ high carpet in a couple of years. The forsythia is making a golden swatch across the hill just above my computer screen. And the daffodils – which have been glorious this year! – won’t get snowed on until tomorrow night.

  20. Beststash says:

    Trump figured out a long time ago that being nasty is “popular” for a large segment of our population in America. He is a legend in his own mind.

  21. Rick @ 17:
    And FOX is doing it again.
    They had a doctor on this afternoon who said that NYC’s problem is the fact they live cheek-by-jowl.

    While that’s true in the most literal sense, he did not go on to note the fact that, in Washington, people died in cities and out in the countryside. Ditto for California. And, ftm, across the state of NY. He just said that living close together is the problem.

    So how many people will breathe a sigh of relief and start going out and about, pick up a mild case and take it back home with them where some vulnerable person gets very sick and, perhaps, dies?

    The stupid. It burns.

  22. Bev Adler says:

    It’s called “The Culling of the Herd!”
