Trump’s Latest Tax Return Fairytale

May 21, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

OK, this one is rich.  Trump’s latest excuse about not releasing his tax returns?  He’s being audited.  That’s right, that’s not new; his new reason is that he’s being audited because of his strong Christian faith and that the IRS is biased against Christians.  That’s right – he’s being audited because he’s Mr. Super Duper Christian now.

Jesus.  Literally.


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0 Comments to “Trump’s Latest Tax Return Fairytale”

  1. megasoid says:

    I’m gonna chug a bottle of Pepto if we find out King Herod was given an ordained minister’s license and doctorate of theology from the same place he received his bone spurs exemption.

    Of course Herod died from worms eating him alive. So there’s that!

  2. So the orange lying king is lying once again!! Boy! am I surprised!

  3. Glad I wasn’t drinking coffee when I read that. Would have been a real mess to clean up.

    I look forward to seeing proof of his tithing. We already know about his charitable foundation.

  4. thatotherjean says:

    Isn’t there some commandment in the Bible about bearing false witness? How come a super-duper Christian like Donnie (gag!) would do a thing like that? /s

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Actually, Donnie fits right in with the KKKristian hypocrisy of self absolving their own sins. Newt Gingrich, Denny Hastert and many others demonstrating that Republicons and KKKristians are birds of a feather. IOKIYAR is their rightful and righteous dogma.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    Hahahahahaha . . . ( deep breathe) . . . hahahahahahaha

  7. I can just hear his new campaign line – – “you know who DOESN’T get audited? Immigrants! Muslims!”

  8. @Ted – According to the NY Times, he lost 1.17 Billion from 1985 through 1994. How does tithing work when you’re losing money? Does the church give you back 10% of what you lose? Knowing this family, it’s probably an angle they’re looking into. Maybe Jerry Falwell Jr. has some loose change to send the guy with loose morals.

  9. megasoid says:

    Before we pass the collection plate, let us turn once more to hymn 1969.

    “When I die and they lay me to rest, gonna go to the place thats the best…”

    The Cayman Islands ( :- {P >

  10. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him to cast his bait among Trump supporters and he will feast the rest of his days.

  11. I thought this was funny too. For a little while.
    Until it occurred to me that some nut job who shoots up a courthouse when the IRS starts garnishing his wages, or starts running people with Beto or Bernie bumper stickers off the road because “they vote to empower the Christian-killing deep state revenuers”, it’ll be because Donald f**king Trump “told him to”.
    Trump will incite as much hatred against US as he possibly can, violent consequences be damned, just to stay in power.
    Just being openly liberal is gonna increasingly make someone more likely to be the target of a hate crime.
    It hasn’t been funny to folks who’ve traditionally been targeted for a long time.
    A lot more of us are about to have a greater appreciation Martin Niemoller’s poem “First they came”.

  12. I think the general populace is really, really waking up to Trumpitis and the harm it can do. there are already growing numbers who turn their TV and radios off whenever Trump says anything. This man and his jawbone have exhausted them. And I do agree that those few who do listen to him can be induced to overly and overtly bad behavior. Look how Hitler persuaded gangs to beat up on Jews and anyone else. Jawboning hatred. Eventually Hitler cost himself his own life at his own hand.

  13. Susan Dress says:

    You do realize that link goes to an article written in Feb 2016?
    So that’s not likely his most recent excuse.
