Updated: Trump’s Fashion Don’t at the Royal State Dinner

June 03, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Update at the bottom.

Trump embarrassed himself (and us) on the first day of his visit to the UK, ranting on Twitter about boycotting AT&T over CNN, attacking Meghan Merkle, and generally being the buffoon in the most sophisticated and proper society on the planet.  For those expecting more faux pas, Trump didn’t disappoint tonight.  We know that Trump dresses like a soup sandwich, wearing dumpy suits, cheap Made in China clown-length ties, and ill fitting everything.  Let’s face it – a seventy plus fat guy who lives on Big Macs, fries, and soft drinks pretty much looks like crappola in virtually anything he puts on.  But tonight, the guy who describes himself as “really, really rich” looked like he rented his white tie and tails from the aisle with the flashing blue light at Kmart.  He appeared tonight looking like some overweight gamer wearing a Fred Astaire costume to a Halloween party at the local YMCA.  His appearance, especially alongside Prince Charles was laugh out loud funny.  To wit:

Notice the white vest, known as a “waistcoat” in white tie parlance.  Look at Prince Charles, and the look at His Orangeness.  See the difference?  Trump’s waistcoat, obviously designed for someone who’s ACTUALLY 6′ 3″, hangs down a good 4″ below his tailcoat.  Prince Charles is fitted correctly, with his waistcoat, not bought off the rack, slightly shorter than the front of his tailcoat.  It’s a small, but very telling faux pas.  Trump passes himself off as an upper class elite billionaire who’s an expert in all things, including technology and climate science.  The problem is, he doesn’t know shit about proper formal dress, and obviously ignored any advice to the contrary.  For contrast, here’s how past presidents have worn the look.

I know this is nitpicking, but our female politicians suffer this criticism on a daily basis.  I find that all’s fair, so Trump deserves mockery for desperately begging for mockery for the way he’s dressed.


One of our readers sent in this correction to the royal photo:

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