Trump’s 2020 Strategy – LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE, then LIE Some More

September 23, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Alternative Facts, Lie, Trump

We all remember it – in the sunup to the 2016 Trump lied thousands of times over 6 years that Barack Obama was not born in the US.  The lie was outrageous, silly, and debunked before he spread it, but it didn’t matter to him.  Subscribing to Joseph Goebbel’s philosophy, of “The Big Lie“, Trump repeats his lies in a continuous loop no matter how outrageous, and the list is long; from his lies about immigrants, the border, the economy, environment, nonexistent voter fraud, the Clinton Foundation, and even the weather, no lie is too big for Trump. If it serves his purpose, lying is his first and only offensive tactic.

Carrying that tactic to 2020, you can read the roadmap.  It’s pretty obvious that Biden is the leading and strongest candidate against Trump, and he knows it.  That’s why 14 months out from the election Trump has implemented the strategy of the Big Lie.  And that Big Lie is that Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden engaged in years of corruption and coverup of corruption with the government of Ukraine.  Never mind that there is ZERO evidence of any corruption or scandal; Trump and his henchmen have been prosecuting an offensive and defensive war against Biden, one to smear the Democratic frontrunner, and other to cover up the actual scandal, which is Trump and Giuliani soliciting the assistance of a foreign power to help him defeat an American political opponent.

Trump breathed life into the latest Big Lie today at the UN when he denied any wrongdoing in seeking foreign assistance in the next election by lying about the conversation saying he was withholding aid to Ukraine BECAUSE of the non-existent corruption between Biden and the government of Ukraine.  Did you see it?  Trump brushed aside his actual corruption by spinning the lie that he was actually trying to get Ukraine to stop helping Biden.  The notion of this lie is laughable, but it’s  not.  This is how it starts.  The echo chamber will pick it up, just like they picked up the birther lie, the Benghazi lie, the voter fraud lie, and even the weather lie.  By tomorrow, normal people will be slacked jawed when Trump’s bullshit will transform into an article of faith for his sycophants.

This WILL happen, and Biden’s team needs to be ready to aggressively call Trump’s bullshit uh, bullshit.

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0 Comments to “Trump’s 2020 Strategy – LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE, then LIE Some More”

  1. Bidenghazi! Bidenghazi! Bidenghazi!

  2. “… which is Trump and Giuliani soliciting the assistance of a foreign power to help him defeat
    —>and American political appointment—<."

    You mean 'an American political opponent', right?

  3. I saw this headline over at NBC:

    “Trump suggests he tied Ukraine funding to corruption, cites Biden allegations”

    Really? Trump wants to clarify his unreleased conversation with the President of Ukraine by bringing up corruption? Please, tell us more.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    A loooong time ago when I was in college, a marketing class professor made us study Goebbels 19 Points of Propaganda. Trump must also have a copy.

  5. Memo to Ashit Pai: That dog won’t hunt and your shit won’t fly.
    Go piss up a rope!

    Federal appeals court quashes FCC attempt to weaken media ownership rules in ‘tremendous victory for the public’

    “This decision is telling the Trump administration that it can’t ignore us as it pushes regulations to enrich big companies and hurt our communities,” he said. “We will build on this victory and support and expand diverse voices in our media here, and nationwide.”

    Alongside the public interest groups, the two Democratic FCC Commissioners also celebrated the court’s decision. “This is big,” Jessica Rosenworcel, who opposed the rule changes, wrote in a pair of tweets. “Now the FCC needs to go back to the drawing board and get it right.”

    FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks also took to Twitter Monday to praise the decision and share a statement in which he called for further federal research on diversity in media ownership.

    “Today’s opinion is clear: the FCC’s approach to setting out media ownership rules needs a dramatic overhaul,” said Starks. “We must recommit to our goals of promoting competition, localism, and diversity. We can no longer get by with the bad data and shoddy analysis—problems that have been highlighted far too often by courts and interested observers in recent years.”

    Pai, for his part, released a statement (pdf) on Monday accusing the majority of judges who have served on the appeals court the past 15 years of “blocking any attempt to modernize these regulations to match the obvious realities of the modern media marketplace.” The chairman added that the FCC intends to seek further judicial review of the decision.

  6. Grandma Ada
    Thanks for that. I remember reading that years ago and it was interesting in a historical sense.
    Trying to figure out how a civilized society let themselves become such an abomination.
    It’s a little different now that we’ve become the enemy referred to.
    By our own countrymen.
    Because our difference of opinion threatens their sense of supremacy.
    And in the alternate reality carefully cultivated over decades, that’s all it takes.

  7. thatotherjean says:

    Liars gonna lie, and their dupes are gonna believe, in spite of no evidence. Fortunately, there are still more sensible people out here, and Democrats in the House are meeting tomorrow to change Nancy Pelosi’s mind about impeaching the Liar of all Liars (who added a couple more whoppers to the list today), so there may be hope for us yet.

  8. Linda Phipps says:

    To paraphrase the words of a future Nobel Prize winner, Greta Thunberg, “How Dare He!”.

  9. Grandma Ada, yup, I bet he does and its right next to the English translation of Mein Kampf on the table next to his bed.

  10. All of us with working brains know the orange toad lies. He cannot open that obscene mouth without an outrageous lie popping out. The saddest thing is that the brain dead cult BELIEVES each and every one of those outlandish lies, then holds to them like they are the life preserver in an angry sea. I am so sick of reading/hearing them regurgitate those lies that are so far from reality.
