Trump Tweets Out US Intelligence Photograph

August 31, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Yesterday, Trump tweeted out a photograph of an Iranian launchpad after an explosion of a rocket occurred there.  Civilian satellites had taken photos after the incident but they were fuzzy, difficult to make out detail.  Trump’s photo was highly detailed with notes on it showing buildings and vehicles and was clearly taken by one of unknown US intelligence satellites orbiting earth.  A US intelligence official confirmed late yesterday that indeed the photo is from US intelligence.  Here’s the tweet:

So, let’s be clear about what just happened – the President of the United States, who had just received an intelligence briefing using photos from a classified US spy satellite took a photograph of that classified photo and tweeted it out to 62 million followers for the sole purpose of trolling Iran.

Can you imagine the fire storm over at Fox Noise had Obama done anything nearly as stupid?  At what point does the CIA and NSA stop giving Trump classified briefings?  At what point do they take away the nuclear codes? At what point does Mitch McConnell grow a spine and stop this guy?  When is enough enough?


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0 Comments to “Trump Tweets Out US Intelligence Photograph”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    As Trump lies constantly, at what point does Iran take Yrump’s denial of U.S. involvement as an admission of guilt?

  2. Sadly, I believe we are on the spectrum near ‘never’ as far as when is enough going to be enough. Voting the amoral fools out can’t happen soon enough. Impeachment would be nice but I remain baffled at what Pelosi might be waiting for.

  3. From my readings, the photo also conveys the USA invaded Iran’s airspace to get that picture.

    Looks to me like impeaching Trump is a timing thing.It would probably hit McConnell’s desk a couple months before election day.

  4. Pelosi is waiting for evidence and testimony to be unlocked by the courts, so the Dems can present a case so compelling that the 24 RepubliKKKan Senators up for re- election next year can’t deny it, if they wish to remain in office.

    It’s all politics. The longer Trump goes on, the more of the GOPNAZI Party he takes down with him. It’s just a matter of time. We either vote so overwhelmingly next year that democracy must be reinstated, or we allow the fascists to steal the election and cement their foothold. Impeachment is a political game. If there was anything left of the GOPNAZIS at all they would evoke the 25th Amendment. So all we have left at this point is the political game.

  5. AliceBeth says:

    He is going to get us all killed.

  6. I hope the agencies are giving him fake or inconsequential info and keeping the highly classified stuff from him. He’s ignorant, impulsive, and dangerous.

  7. We stopped wondering if he would ever act Presidential a long time ago, as it became clear he could never learn the responsibilities of the office. Now we cling onto a thread of hope that he won’t reveal too much classified intelligence through his own stupidity.

    Lousy President? Or lousiest spy?

  8. charles phillips says:

    Note to Rick; how do we know he isn’t giving Putin all the intelligence he asks for?

  9. Beststash says:

    The entire world (not just the US) is suffering from Trump fatigue. Everyone just shrugs these days with another lie, another nasty comment, another attack on anyone that doesn’t praise him. It has become the new normal. I fear that we will not be able to return to basic civility once he is gone.

    The Christian pro-trump crown has basically re-defined Christianity and is a 21st century version of the Protestant Reformation where anyone that doesn’t support their beliefs is subject to damnation and even worse. The empire is crumbling before our eyes and the GOP are the enablers. 2020 will define who America is in lots of ways.

  10. Two thoughts:

    1. It was more than two years from the Watergate breakin to Nixon’s resignation:

    2. Having this post right above a Florida Man post allowed me to realize that The Current Occupant likely picked up Mar-A-Lago in order to become peak Florida Man.

  11. Anybody else remember the outrage the thuglicans demostrated when Jimmy Carter, while trying to stop the boondoggle of the B-1, stated that it was unnecessary because the US would have stealth before the b-1 had finished its bonfire of money and became operational.
    That everybody had been working on “stealth” and that it was immenent was a bit of an open secret at the time. ( Open secret – everybody who cares already knows but lets pretend otherwise)
    He was right.
    In first Gulf War Stealth flew all B-1’s were grounded.

  12. Grandma Ada says:

    It will never be enough and Mitch will never grow a spine. I am hopeful that the codes and briefings will be gone November 4, 2020!

  13. Jonathon P Hubbert says:

    2 rules for dealing with trumplthinskin:
    1. In any/every conversation he either lies or violates intel sec.
    2. If inconclusive narrative exists refer to Rule#1.

    El Jefe is absotively correct about Gillibrand & Franken. Even if Al be guilty, he’s still entitled to due process in the Senate.

    Pres. O’Bama is a 0ne-of-Legislator who was also an effective executive Either Biden, Bullock or Mayor Pete should be our Presidential nominee with Klobucher.

    Governance from the center governs more efficaciously.

  14. Papa,
    Juanita and her Bubba are engaging in their favorite pastime outside of politics and are enjoying a good ballgame! If any of the other members of the WMDBS are in the Midland-Odessa Texas area please stay safe.

  15. Trump is a dangerous incompetent clown and thus a serious national security threat. IMPEACH!

  16. martin mercer says:

    The short answer is never.

  17. The white in the middle of the picture is probably a cellphone photo flash. Out on twitter via Trump’s personal account.
    So, taken with his personal unsecure cellphone. Classified info.
    Hilary? Lock him up!

  18. thatotherjean says:

    Just grand! So now they know what we know, and how clearly we can see what’s going on. Also, thanks to our sorry excuse for a president, so does every other country that might be interested, whether we wanted to help them find out about it, or not. Trump is a menace to every aspect of the welfare of the United States.

  19. But at least he wasn’t wearing a tan suit.

  20. Linda Phipps says:

    Mollusk: Of course Trump will become the epitome of Florida Man: I doubt he will ever set foot in New York again.

  21. I thought people were keeping important things out of what is left of his mind. Someone should be fired…..well, we know who and may he take his fools and jesters with him…..

  22. AlanInAustin ... says:

    EL JEFE: Are you *sure* this was a ” classified US spy satellite” image? I’ve done some remote sensing work and this looks a lot more like drone imagery. If taken from a U.S. asset, the image would still be classified and represent a documented violation of their air space.

  23. I can understand why so many people, including the Dems in Congress, would have their hair on fire over this. I can’t understand why all we hear from the Repubs on the Hill is the sound of crickets. What kind of a picture wood it be that would grow them a spine? An up close and personal pix of the presidential butt?

  24. @alan Yeah, I’m pretty sure. And other people are, too. Flying a drone in Iranian airspace is really provocative, and would likely result in a shootdown. This is from a classified US intelligence satellite. Oh, and Trump telegraphed to the Iranians, Chinese, and Russians by stupidly tweeting it out.
