Trump Threatens to Cut Off German Car Sales

May 26, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

And in other news from the front lines of Cheeto Jesus’ Embarrass America Again tour, at a meeting with European leaders yesterday, Trump threatened to cut off German car sales in the US.  That’s right folks, no more German cars.  In the meeting, he threatened to cut off sales and impose a 35% import tax.  He also called Germans “very bad”.  What an ass (sorry Momma).

In this latest episode of urinating on allies, Trump forgot a few things:

  • The BMW X3, X4, X5, and X6 are built in the Bavarian state of…North Carolina.
  • The Volkswagen Passat is built in Southern German state of Tennessee.
  • The Mercedes C Class, M Class, and GL Class are built in the German state of Alabamdama.
  • Other countries where German cars are made are Mexico, Hungary, Slovakia, and France.

The facts are that a huge number of German cars sold in the US are made in the US.  More importantly, of the top 15 productive auto plants in the US, 7 are foreign owned.  Like other industries, the global auto industry is complex.  Some cars built in the US are actually exported to…Germany.  Some are sold here, and some are exported to other countries.  The issues of trade and trade imbalances do not lend themselves to platitudes and childish name calling.

As in most issues Trump has talked about, he takes a simpleton approach to complex issues.  Slapping a 35% tariff on imports from Germany would have an immediate and catastrophic effect, costing Americans thousands of jobs and driving costs up for everyone.  If Trump spent less time on pissing off allies, and more time getting his own goddam house in order, we’d be the better for it.  Or, would someone please just get him a Coke and bag of Cheetos and put him in front of a television so he can just flip channels all day?

It’s zero days since we were embarrassed by this parasite infesting the WH.

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