Trump Is The Reason For The Season

November 16, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so you know how Republicans are all Super DeLux Brand Christians this time of year and pitch Holy Wars over the guaranteed fact that they can’t say Merry Christmas because we won’t let them?

And how they bemoan that Jesus is forgotten this time of year, especially on Starbucks cups?

Well, thanks to Donald Trump, that’s not true any longer.

They just changed Jesus’s name to …


Yep – Trump Christmas Wrapping Paper, complete with the name of their Lord and Savior.

You can go see it right here.  Or if you can’t bring yourself to do that, here’s a sneak peek.



This isn’t being done by some outlier Republican group. No sireeeeee. This is sponsored by the National Republican Congressional Committee.  Yeah, the big guys.

Their fundraising letter adds —



No, Honey, I suspect you’ll still be hawking this crap when Trump and everybody who had ever smiled at him is in prison.


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0 Comments to “Trump Is The Reason For The Season”

  1. spouse: Stephen Miller with an elf hat

  2. “Give the gift they’re afraid to open.”

  3. Trump ornament on a background of snowflakes…..

  4. crazy quilter says:

    I can see the unused leftovers in the free box at a garage sale next year.

  5. Odd that the word “Christmas” doesn’t appear on the paper; I guess that it’s because we won’t allow it.

  6. Dear Ronna Romney McDaniel,

    There’s a new trend in wrapping paper. It’s reversible. Like elections are reversible through impeachment. To raise funds and boost sales, include IQ4.5’s tax returns on bonus rolls. List his crimes on greeting cards. Include ribbon that can be woven into rope for a noose. Brighten up those Christmas stocking with tar and feathers.

  7. 70,000 children in cages so far in 2019

    No wrapping paper. Perhaps a bill board… laser imaged to Trump tower…

  8. Now if was toilet paper…

  9. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Am I overreacting when I remember a German Christmas tree topped with a swastika?

  10. Re edit:

    Now if IT was toilet paper…

    Much better!

  11. Not quite sure this is real

    Did not find it by starting at

  12. @Papa 10: Oh, there is toilet paper with the Orange Moron’s face on it. The store up the street can’t keep it in stock.

  13. TrulyTexan says:

    I will literally burn, unopened, anything I am given wrapped in that paper.

  14. Shouldn’t he be marketing wallpaper?

  15. Any gift wrapped in this paper can automatically either be tossed (as it would probably have Don jr’s screed) or tossed into the gift exchange-if you truly hate the people in the exchange.

  16. Grandma Ada says:

    Well, he is their savior – or at least they act that way. The Chronicle is reporting the free Kanye tix at Lakewood are going for $500 on the secondary market. Good old prosperity gospel at work!

  17. Is it manufactured in China?

  18. The toilet is the appropriate destination for anything with that
    egomaniac’s countenance on it. Purchasing that wrapping paper probably earns a bit of money for the bad guys, so use plain brown paper, free from Republican taint.

  19. Would be great for lining your bird cages!

  20. Okie dokie says:

    “Supplies won’t last.”. They’re already trying to unload what ever isn’t sold to Dollar Tree.

    Receiving something wrapped in trump paper is a hostile act.
