Trump Incites MORE Crime

August 09, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

Hillary Clinton has a tendency to “short-circuit” a lot, meaning that her thoughts are running so fast that her mouth doesn’t exactly catch up.  She says things that are actually from the middle of an internal conversation, or a short-hand statement that, in her head, is tied to a lot of other facts, but sits there naked and alone when it has left her mouth and sounds plain stupid.

Donald Trump does a lot of the same thing, except he has no accompanying thoughts.  It’s why he always trails off in the middle of a sentence, or comes up with little nicknames, or speaks in disjointed phrases.  His mini-chunks of verbiage actually sound like the notes you’d put on a 3×5 card for a speech, except all he knows is what he memorized on the card.  With Hillary, you know that there’s a lot of meat behind the shorthand.

Case in point: a few years back, Hillary was running behind in the primaries to Barack, but she wasn’t ready to back out, yet.  She was making the point that a lot of stuff was still ahead, including California, which is in June, and the reason she will always remember that is that Bobby Kennedy was killed in June of 1968 on the night of the California Primary.  Even 5-year-old Primo would always remember where he was when he heard about it: outside a HoJo in Dallas, on his way from Chicago to the HemisFair in SA in a two-door Dodge crammed full of Hachecristos.

But that’s not what she said.   All that came out was the part about Bobby, and then everyone went nuts, thinking that she had said, “Of course I will stay in the race.  Maybe Barack will die.”  Clearly, not what she meant.  Still…

Cut to Donald J Trump today:

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people – maybe there is, I dunno…”

I also dunno: is he advocating that someone shoot Hillary?  Or that someone shoot a Supreme Court Justice after Hillary picks him or her?

How do you top asking an unfriendly nation to cyberspy on your opponent in order to win an election?  Ask some nutjob ammosexual to win it for you instead.

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