Trump Incites MORE Crime

August 09, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

Hillary Clinton has a tendency to “short-circuit” a lot, meaning that her thoughts are running so fast that her mouth doesn’t exactly catch up.  She says things that are actually from the middle of an internal conversation, or a short-hand statement that, in her head, is tied to a lot of other facts, but sits there naked and alone when it has left her mouth and sounds plain stupid.

Donald Trump does a lot of the same thing, except he has no accompanying thoughts.  It’s why he always trails off in the middle of a sentence, or comes up with little nicknames, or speaks in disjointed phrases.  His mini-chunks of verbiage actually sound like the notes you’d put on a 3×5 card for a speech, except all he knows is what he memorized on the card.  With Hillary, you know that there’s a lot of meat behind the shorthand.

Case in point: a few years back, Hillary was running behind in the primaries to Barack, but she wasn’t ready to back out, yet.  She was making the point that a lot of stuff was still ahead, including California, which is in June, and the reason she will always remember that is that Bobby Kennedy was killed in June of 1968 on the night of the California Primary.  Even 5-year-old Primo would always remember where he was when he heard about it: outside a HoJo in Dallas, on his way from Chicago to the HemisFair in SA in a two-door Dodge crammed full of Hachecristos.

But that’s not what she said.   All that came out was the part about Bobby, and then everyone went nuts, thinking that she had said, “Of course I will stay in the race.  Maybe Barack will die.”  Clearly, not what she meant.  Still…

Cut to Donald J Trump today:

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people – maybe there is, I dunno…”

I also dunno: is he advocating that someone shoot Hillary?  Or that someone shoot a Supreme Court Justice after Hillary picks him or her?

How do you top asking an unfriendly nation to cyberspy on your opponent in order to win an election?  Ask some nutjob ammosexual to win it for you instead.

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0 Comments to “Trump Incites MORE Crime”

  1. coprolite says:

    tRump isn’t making the Secret Service’s job any easier or safer. I would be ecstatic if the SS just walked away from the next public engagement that tRump has.

  2. When Hillary was running for Senator of NY, I went to a dinner where she was speaking for 30 -40 she spoke without notes standing in front 9th the podium.
    She was very impressive. No screw ups there.
    She was articulate and very knowledgeable. There was even a question and answer time and she was asked pointed questions about upstate issues.
    Most people left very impressed.
    I grew up outside NYC and having been hearing about Donald Trump for years. Pretty much what you see is what I have heard about him from friends and relatives that still live there.
    He is a menace to society.

  3. “Senator Mondale spoke cogently and had a good command of the facts. Governor Reagan did not drool on himself and appeared to know where he was. Pundits are calling the debate a draw.”

    As close as I can remember to an actual quote.

    These “Second Amendment solution” people– are they actually suggesting assassination or murder, or are they just yippy little drop-kick dogs squeaking, “Let’s you and him/her fight!”? Or does it matter if one of their over-armed and under-brained fans goes out and pulls the trigger?

  4. Pretzelogic in Philly, PA says:

    Well put, Primo. Now, how do you top asking “some nutjob ammosexual to win it for you instead”? Dunno yet, but I’m sadly confident we live in a universe where we’re going to find out, sooner than later.

    Charlie Pierce also had a pretty good piece today on this latest outrage ( ). In it, Charlie wonders if NOW we can all agree that Hair Chump has finally “crossed the line”. Unfortunately, in his apparent belief that there IS a line any more, I think Charlie may be assuming facts not in evidence. We can’t get through the next 90 days or so fast enough.

    Keep America Great Again!
    Clinton/Kaine 2016

  5. Pretzelogic in Philly, PA says:

    @Rhea: Does it matter? Ask Gabby Giffords.

    (And yes, I understood that the question was, essentially, “rhetorical”. I guess my response would be as well.)

    – Deja Moo: The feeling that you’ve heard this bull before.

    Keep America Great Again!
    Clinton/Kaine 2016

  6. JAKvirginia says:

    If anyone out there is even remotely expecting something “different” or “presidential” from Trump, let me assure you that you are wasting your time.

  7. I wouldn’t spit in that man’s ear if his brains were on fire.

  8. maryelle says:

    If Drumpf’s staff was suicidal before this guns-for-hire remark,
    now it’s curtains. Pull up the rug, shut off the lights and bar the door. It’s over.

  9. Unfortunately, this is exactly the stuff that fires up Donnie’s base. And it’s classic 17 year old bully syndrome. “That’s not what I said”. Just like many have said, having a national candidate say these kinds of things legitimizes them to a lot of people. I feel pretty certain that for 8 years now, these things have been said a LOT in private. Now there’s the nominee of a major political party saying it right there on T.V. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

  10. Proscriptive. Thats what Trump was being and why the hell the Secret Service hasn’t hauled him off to a secret room somewhere and sweated the hell out of him has me stumped. Any judge would find him dog whistling to his worst pack of Trumpites and they do not need him to finish his sentences. They damn well know what he wants. If anything happens to Hillary his ass is such grass!

  11. Sandridge says:

    After watching tonight’s PBS coverage of this latest, very deliberate, tRump provocation, I’m beyond disgusted with “news media” of every stripe.

    Even that (formerly) almost, more objective of the lot, PBS has degraded, devolved, into a kennel of mewling lapdogs.

    Two PBS programs tonight, NBR (Nightly Biz Rpt), and the NewsHour, covered tRump’s blatant assassination bait statement so lightly and biased as to be co-conspirators if something should develop from this.
    Their weak, marshmallow, mealy-mouthed wording (questioning? ha), choice of talkingheads, and outright failure to call a spade a spade was beyond disgusting.

    And watching a NewsHour interview with Maine’s Sen. Susan Moosenose as she spouted complete bullcarp nearly chucked my dinner.
    She even had the gall to play the old Rethug “both sides do it/equivalence” joker card when asked about Papa Don DuTrumplier’s call for a crowd-sourced assassin to crawl from the RWNJ cesspool. And Sen. Collins is even supposed to be the most reasonable, centermost Rethug in Congress!

    Time to clean these treasonous sumbitches out of our government, top to bottom.

  12. Old Fart says:

    You realize, of course, that if a Dem slipped up like that with a veiled death threat, we would never hear the end of how lawless and violent liberals are…

    I was reading an article about Texas professors suing to stop firearms in their classrooms on “The Blaze”… The comments pretty much amounted to “what wimps, they can’t put up with our intimidation”.

    I guess I was ignorant of the warm snuggly feeling of having a firearm all my life.

  13. two crows says:

    A few days ago, I signed a petition asking the FBI to investigate Trump’s ties [and those of members of his staff] to Putin. I’m betting there will be at least one more in my inbox tomorrow asking the Secret Service to investigate his inciting his supporters to assassinate Clinton.

    Note to Trump: When you find yourself in a hole, you might contemplate the idea that it’s time to stop digging.
    ~ ~ ~
    A few days ago, I felt proud of her when Clinton didn’t cringe when those animal activists rushed the stage. From now on, I hope she ducks.

    Let the Secret Service sort it out, Hillary. YOU just make sure you stay safe.

  14. I lack words that are acceptable here in the shop. Hell, even words that are not acceptable aren’t enough.

    Scumpf advocates foreign nations spying on this country by hacking our computers. Now it’s assassination he’s suggesting. Hasn’t a crime been committed? Treason? Inciting violence, homicide?

  15. Okay, so please please, anyone who hasn’t seen Elizabeth Warren’s tweet from a few hours ago, Google Elizabeth Warren and check it out. Keyword coward. Do yourself a favor. Please.

  16. I’m pleasantly surprised that nobody’s taken a serious shot at Obama. When he and Michelle started walking down PA Ave, I cringed, but years later he’s still here, touch wood.

  17. “I wouldn’t spit in that man’s ear if his brains were on fire.”

    That would happen if several cells tried activating at the same time. You could probably smell smoke out his ears if you wanted to get that close.

    One source for Warren’s remarks, which I love:

  18. Anyone expecting Trump to change should remember Aesop:

    A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
    scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
    frog asks, “How do I know you won’t sting me?” The scorpion says, “Because if I do, I will die too.”

    The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
    the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
    paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
    but has just enough time to gasp “Why?”

    Replies the scorpion: “Its my nature…”

  19. Lunargent says:

    I’m watching Lawrence O’Donnell, who’s interviewing a guy named Boris Epshtyn, a Trump spokesperson. I Googled him, because I thought he might be a mob lawyer. Not so, according to his online bio. But what a shyster! When he leaves the studio, the cleaning crew is gonna have to get right on the trail of toxic slime that he leaves.

  20. What Elizabeth Warren said! And Gabby Gifford’s remarks on those who would seek infamy!

  21. e platypus onion says:

    Any wingrats jumping ship over the latest Drumpf gaffe?

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Do the snacilbupeR politicians have no sense of smell or temperature? What will it take before they insist that Donnie Drumpf cease peeing on their legs and calling it rain?

  23. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, they’re jumping. But the last two, Senator Collins and Lyin’ Ryan, completely missed the life boats and took spills into the Trump Titanic’s sewerage stream. Meanwhile, Mike I’m Not Putin Pence proved he really is as dumb as he looks.

  24. “Threat is good for me” Trump headline over at Huff Post. Well, not when it will be used against you in court,smart ass!

  25. I object to everything Trumpanzee says but I am sick of his apologists including the “neutral” media. I did hear one smart lady on CNN nail Cory the female mauler saying the man is not Presidential and never will be. The US doesn’t need their leader to be followed behind by thousands explaining what he meant and bull on not being held to standards of public speaking. Oh, he’s a businessman…did he grunt and point in front of bankers or city governments when starting his “projects”? For years there were these motivational business deals all over US — companies would buy a table worth of tickets and there would be speakers from politicians to business people and Trump was usually mentioned as a speaker and was a selling point. I do think he would be less objectionable if he did just point and grunt. Warren Buffet learned years ago if he wants to sell his company or build something he has to communicate. Every business person does. Trump is 70 years old and a child can speak better than he does. I’m waiting for the media to say this.

  26. Steve The Returned says:

    Last night on one of the news channels, Alan Dershowitz said that Trump’s words may very well constitute a criminal act. The FBI and Secret Service are reviewing the matter. Trump was calling for one or more of the following: (1.) the assassination of Hillary Clinton; (2.) the assassination of Hillary Clinton’s judicial appointments; or (3.) an armed uprising by gun rights extremists in the event Trump loses the election. This is in no way, shape or form a “joke.”

  27. Stochastic terrorism.

    I just read a piece about this very thing in that brilliant political rag Rolling Stone (?!?)

  28. Sandridge says:

    Son of a bitch, Micr, that goddamned &*&*&#@%$ rollingstone link you stuck in there is one of those muthafrakking ones that begins some huge streaming media elements that start jumping around and blaring in the speakers. F’em in the cola…
    Enough of that bullshit, doubledamn it to f’ing Hell. I once did look at RS once in a while, fock them, never again.

    (And I have done everything on my systems possible to prevent ‘active media’ from ever running unbidden, Flashkillers, scriptkillers, etc., whatever I can find; and that mofo’in’ page still cut loose…sonufabitch. Irritating the livin’ chit outta me, and stealing my limited bandwidth, the thievin’ effen bastards, JFC on a flour tortilla…)

  29. Sandridge says:

    BTW, Micr, that subject was covered heavily at Daily Kos since yesterday.
    And the term “Stochastic terrorism” was actually coined by a DK denizen therein (a tech buddy of mine) called/ID of “G2Geek”, several years ago.

  30. @Sandridge

    Have you tried “Click to Play” setting in your browser options. I use Opera at home and am required to use M$IE at work. Both have similar ways to tame Flash for lower speed connections.

    My little bride appraised me of “stochastic terrorism” this morning. She knew the phrase would give me mental scoliosis because a stochastics course in COLLEGE turned me every way but loose. I still react like an abused hostage when confronted with phrases like “random pattern unable to be predicted precisely” etc

  31. Primo Encarnación says:

    “stochastic terrorism” –>

    It includes a link to an article that includes the link to Sandridge’s friend’s article on Daily Kos

    I’ve been calling this a “Lone Wolf Dog Whistle” in social media and comments.

  32. Sandridge says:

    Micr, Yes, I use every setting known to kill that kind of chit, always have (and I’ve been in hitek/puters since the ’60’s, long before the avg zen knew what one of them, or the inaartoobz, wuz).
    Been using Opera (my fav) since the ’90’s (version 1), and all the other toys too.
    I’ve used an app called “SpywareBlaster” for eons, it has always had a universal browser “Flashkiller” option that I use religiously (Flash has always been regarded as a virus by many of us).

    Eeexxccept I’m at the moment using a ‘new’ machine I recently got, and have been turning up, on which I haven’t yet loaded SB (and some others!!
    It’s a great little (literally) HP 8300Elite USDT (UltraSmallDeskTop), not much bigger than a book, but crammed with i7 Intel quadcore power, etc., just sips electricity too. Got it as a Newegg refurb, second one actually, the first is going to be the ship’s computer.

    If that crap webpage was doing Flashshit, it looks like my bad in not being fully set up for max protection.
    Now I’ll have to cleanse the directory/file system, because Flash/MacroMedia/Adobe sneaks all kinds of crap onto your machine, without any notification, just like a virus.
    Don’t you just pine for the (much) simpler days of yore?

  33. Sandridge says:

    Primo, et al.,
    Here’s the direct DKos link to G2Geek’s original expository piece on his “stochastic terrorism” premise. I’m (and others) assuming he was the one who coined it, although maybe it was buried deep in some shadowy gubmint spook place:“stochastic terrorism”
    It dates from 20110110, long time; G2 is one of the smartest dudes around anywhere (although we tangle from time to time).

  34. JAKvirginia says:

    “random pattern unable to be predicted precisely”.

    Are you serious? Was that in a textbook or a lecture utterance? One of the best “well…duh!” phrases I’ve ever heard. Thanks!

  35. @JAK
    I took that Stochastics course in 1974 or 1975. That’s as close to lecture quote as I can get using current brain cell conditions. It’s the reason I left Maths as a major and went down the hall to another department.
