Trump has Normalized THIS

February 04, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists

Last night in Saline Michigan a meeting of parents in the local high school was held to discuss the problem of rising racism in this small town.  The town is mostly white, but also is populated by immigrants from Latin America and south Asia.  Racism against these children of immigrants including verbal and physical abuse.  During the meeting, Adrian Iraola, who immigrated to Michigan in 1980 from Mexico, was telling his experience with his son who has been verbally abused by white students.  In mid-sentence, Iraola was interrupted by a white guy sitting behind him saying, “Then why didn’t you stay in Mexico?”  The crowd in the room responded as you can imagine, but the man seemed non-plussed, and acted as if his behavior was somehow OK.

The problem we have building in America is that the current resident of the WH has made this attitude somewhat acceptable, at least in conservative circles.  This is the cancer in our society that has metastasized, threatening the entire body politic helped along by Trump.   Here’s a video of the incident.


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