Trump Freezes Pay for Federal Employees

December 29, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Shutdown, Trump

Eight days into The Trump Shutdown where 800,000 federal employees are either furloughed without pay or still working without pay, Trump decided to add insult to injury by signing an executive order stripping away a 2.1% pay raise that was coming on January 1.  He cited “fiscal sustainability” as his reason, this after blowing a gigantic trillion dollar hole in the budget by ramming through an unseeded and cynical tax cut for his billionaire donors in 2017.  Happy New Year.

If you’re a federal employee and voted for this carnival barker, you’re getting what you deserve.  The rest of you, I’m sorry he’s been inflicted on you and the rest of us normal people.

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0 Comments to “Trump Freezes Pay for Federal Employees”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Spoiled little wannabe Despot Donnie is kicking everyone within range for his own st00pidity. He could be playing golf, if he had signed the original DACA deal that actually included a bloated 25 billion for his blunder wall. The stable genius deal maker insists on having things his way. Negotiating 25 billion to 5, then 1.6; next stop: 0. Heckuva win, Donnie!

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    25 the 45!

    “In the Year 2525” could easily be adapted for the 700+ eon seeming days of the Dotard45 maladministration.

    In the year 9595
    I’m kinda wonderin’ if man is gonna be alive
    He’s taken everything this old earth can give
    And he ain’t put back nothing
    Now it’s been ten thousand years
    Man has cried a billion tears
    For what, he never knew
    Now man’s reign is through….

  3. If we pay people, there’s not enough left for the Wall.

  4. Look at it this way: Another big, shinny 18 p. nail driven into the heart of the GOP. God Bless you President Trump.

  5. @George in Lee County #4


    Rump will probably do something worse to PO more people. More stakes through the heart of the GOP; well they asked for it. I can’t believe the GOP is so spineless to allow this @hole to kill their election chances for 2020.

  6. This plays great to his base.
    “Buncha overpaid lazy-ass moochers feeding from the government trough don’t deserve a pay raise. Why should WE support THEM, when the work they do could be done so much more efficiently by half the people making minimum wage? Privatization baby! The Kochs, Mercers, and Devoses deserve more opportunity to serve our country.”
    To each other.
    Remember the classic sci-fi film where humans belatedly realized that the alien’s stated purpose for their visit was not to assist humanity, but to add us to their menu?
    To serve man.

  7. He thinks federal workers are all Democrats so it’s all good.

  8. publius bolonius says:

    I was really looking forward to this death spiral. I figured after W that we really needed just one more incompetent GOP boob president to send them permanently down the drain. When Romney ran I was really hoping for someone much more stupid. At least Romney would have been competent. But Obama saved us that delay. DJT is the genuine GOP killer. Coupled with demographic trends, the GOP is, quite literally, dying.

  9. lazrgrl, at this rate federal workers will all be Democrats.

  10. “We’re going to build a wall with Mexico, and who’s gonna pay for it?”

    “Federal employees!”

  11. I started out as a Fed employee when I arrived in D.C. Have not been one for many, many years and frankly would not go back to being one inasmuch as it is so easy to hold them hostage. This is a crime beyond crime when you consider federal places like the National Institutes of Health where research is done on things like cancer and even patients are hospitalized there for treatment. Mu sister is a retired nurse. She has done many courageous things in her career but I am so glad that she is now on her own. I would hate to see her, as a widow, sacrifice the way the Golden Gibbon is forcing others to do. And don’t count on McTurtle to suddenly grow a spine and tell him to resign or face impeachment with the full participation of the entire Senate.

  12. And, oh yeah, happy new year!

  13. I was a federal employee for a number of years so we got used to being a political football. But as an air traffic controller we were exempt from layoffs. Can’t upset the airlines (contributors) I was one of the ones Reagan fired. Best thing ever happens to me. Went to law school, public defender, retired and now part time city judge.

  14. Is there any way our incoming Dem House can reverse Dump’s
    mean spirited Executive order? They sure have their work cut out for them.

  15. to anyone from Kentucky, or who knows what’s up there:
    Who can defeat McC in 2020?

  16. @maryelle: Yes, there is. When Nancy Pelosi becomes the Speaker again, she has already said that the House will pass legislation opening up the government. Then, it will be up to the Senate to go along with it. Hopefully, there will be enough votes in both houses to override any Orange Foolius veto. A lot of Rethuglican Senators are up for reelection in 2020. As bad as the scenario was for Senate Dems in the last election, the next is a whole lot worse for the Rethugs.

  17. Linda Phipps says:

    Has anyone actually pointed out to Individual-1 that both houses of congress are still Republican held at this point and they control the purse strings? He IS dependent on Democratic support for his hobbies for sure, but this is not our fault. There are also Republicans who do not support his worthless plan.

  18. He really is totally bonkers, isn’t he? If only it were the toys in his head he was playing with. Instead, it is real live human beings. The “temporary” impoverishment of all the feds can statistically lead to actual deaths among that cohort. D.C. is one of the most expensive places this side of London to live. The COL in this area is the driver on all things. It greatly impedes and even eliminates the ability to save anything. This is never so obvious as when a furloughed fed has to fork over money on things the health insurance doesn’t cover while trying to keep up with the rent/mortgage, food, utilities, etc.

  19. Maybe this will wake up the workers of this country and they will clearly see the hypocrisy of of this President and the GOP as a whole. Trump without apology has funneled billions of taxpayer money to the corporate farmers for a crisis he created and yet everyday working people are the victim of his false bravado of this “great economy”. If he hadn’t given a huge tax break to the corporations and top wealth holders of America we wouldn’t have the huge deficits for the year. This goes beyond Trump, it is a pox of greed and corporate control of congress. Time to wake up ad stop this madness before it is too late. Time for a Democratic Revolution!!

  20. I’m curious if Moron #1 thought this up by himself, or did someone suggest it to him? If the former, shouldn’t someone have told him to STFU, and if the latter, shouldn’t they be outed and held accountable? Where’s an anonymous WH staffer when you need one?

  21. And those farmers who got some help found it was very, very little and too late. they are supposed to be getting another round of help but for many it is way too late. They have already filed for bankruptcy and put their stock and equipment up for sale along with the land and structures. These people feed us all. When I say all please remember to include the entire military and maybe recall the old saying an army travels on its stomach. We once held as a nation the lead in numbers of privately owned farms and agricultural production. We exported as fast as possible. The tariffs are not helping one damn bit where food is concerned. The tariffs tRump dumped on various countries were met by fight fire with fire tariffs. Farmers prefer free trade. On top of this, check the number of farmers committing suicide. Some of these suicides are listed as “accidents”. And if Thomas Jefferson is rolling over in his grave about all this, I hope he also digs a tunnel right into the White House!

  22. Linda Phipps says:

    I am waiting for him to propose firing all federal employees and filling a few jobs (work harder,not smarter) with anyone who has a red hat. He’s that nuts.

  23. @P.P.

    To Serve Man. Twilight Zone 1962.
    One of my favorite episodes. Richard Kiel portrayed the gigantic headed alien. It was a cookbook!

  24. Micr:
    Thanks! I would’ve gotten around to Googling that eventually.
    It really does serve as a purty good metaphor for the .1% though doesn’t it?

  25. I am fully expecting that if this shutdown drags on into mid January we will wake up one morning to hear he has sealed off our border with Mexico. The Dow will go into a tailspin and there will be chaos in the economy, especially in Texas.

    Maybe then the GOP big money donors will call the Senators they own and tell them to pull the plug on this nut job or get their donations cut off. That ought to do it..

  26. AlanInAustin ... says:

    While traveling, I’ve made it a point to thank all the TSA workers who are putting in time on the promise of eventually being paid. They all seemed to appreciate it.

  27. As I’ve mentioned here before, my late father was a career US govt civil servant, an engineer with the Dept of Interior/USGS. He “only” had a bachelor’s in engineering but many of the other engineers he worked with had master’s. Not a job Joe off the street could do. Dad worked with computers back in the 1960s when they were room-sized with gigantic tape drives, but his main tool was his slide rule. Dad would often bring home computer printouts to work on in the evening at our kitchen table (while listening to the classical music radio station). Being nostalgic here. There were a few government shutdowns late in his career but I’m unclear how they affected him as I was already out on my own and we didn’t discuss it. Oh, and dad was a lifelong Republican but the moderate kind. He would be appalled with trump and the current crop in Congress.


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