Trump Fiddles While Russia Meddles

April 26, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Russians, Trump

Today, Christopher Wray, Trump’s own appointee as FBI Director, warned that the Russians were continuing their efforts to interfere in the 2020 presidential election, even announcing that he’s transferred other agents from their normal duties to counter intelligence to stop the effort to meddle.  Wray said in a statement,

“We recognize that our adversaries are going to keep adapting and upping their game. So we are very much viewing 2018 as just kind of a dress rehearsal for the big show in 2020.”

Trump has stubbornly and continuously ignored the problem, fearing that acknowledging it would make it obvious that his election in 2016 was illegitimate.  He’s even cut budgets to stop the Russians from interfering.  If anyone has any doubts about Trump’s allegiance to the Russians, one only need listen to and read his words.  He’s not going to do a damn thing to stop the Russians, because he knows that their interference is the only way he has a prayer of winning again in 2020.

It’s hard for me to believe that I’m even typing these words that the Fucking President of the United States is conspiring with a hostile foreign power to cement his own victory to maintain power.  The damage that he has done to our nation (especially our judiciary) will take decades to repair, if we even can.  In the meantime, I have a bottle of champagne set aside that we’re going to crack open when we see this treasonous son of a bitch walked out of the White House, hopefully in handcuffs.


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0 Comments to “Trump Fiddles While Russia Meddles”

  1. El Jefe, here’s toast to the perp walk! I’m with you!

  2. BRAVO~

  3. slipstream says:

    Wray said the Russians were attempting to interfere in our election?

    Trump will fire Wray. Sanders will lie about the reason, but we all know why.

    Let’s start a betting pool the date Trump fires Wray. I pick July 5.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    slipstream @3, bad bets. That Donnie will maintain until July or that Wray, Comey or Rosenstein possess the stones to testify truthfully before Congress and risk the wrath of IQ4.5.

    We’re writing our Congress people to go with drawing to an inside straight, Sally Yates.

  5. Trump continues to encourage his Russian supporters, and today talked up his Confederate voters. The much needed Cold War and Civil War part of his base he’s counting on for the 2020 election.

    Probably not what Jesus would do, but that doesn’t seem to matter with evangelicals.

  6. Sam in St Paul says:

    In Minnesota, the GOP is refusing to release federal funding for election security; they only want to spend money on voter ID and other measures to disenfranchise eligible voters. The whole party is eaten up with evil.

  7. They’re getting bolder and bolder about declaring that there’s nothing they’re not willing to do to win elections and stay in power.

    In order to put their hyperpartisan judges on Federal benches.

    In order to get favorable rulings on cases upholding laws and policies enacted by their bought and paid for legislatures.

    That are designed to get everything the ultra-rich and big corporations want.

    Which is mainly to be totally free of any kind of oversight and accountability.

    In order to be able to make more money than God.

    And so far it’s working.

  8. Actually, it’s the American way.
    The way our nation was run for it’s entire history before the early twentieth century.
    When those dirty socialists came along and stirred up folks into thinking that everybody really oughta be treated equally. Fairly. Minimum wage, 40 hour work week, safe working conditions.
    Things that made it hard for well-deserved rich folk to make a profit.
    But have no fear. Through the hard work of great Americans like the Kochs and the Mercers, by enabling honest educators like Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter, the common man is reawakening to the benefits of pure capitalism.
    The opportunity to get rich.
    Without the pesky constraints of regulations to treat people fairly.
    And bullwhips.

  9. Charles R Phillips says:

    Yup. All that, and then some.

  10. The Democrats keep confirming his supreme court appointments instead of BLOCKING them!!

  11. Charles R Phillips says:

    Dan, if every dem senator voted against Trump’s SCOTUS pick, that pick would still be on the Supreme Court. Bitch McConnell changed the rules so now you just need a simple majority, and the repugs rule the senate 51-49.

  12. Gary Halter says:

    What if the Russians decide that trump is the mad man he is and decide to get rid of him.

  13. ______________________
    Trump-Pence 2020
    The Ends Justify The Means

  14. Buttermilk Sky says:

    We still don’t know what Putin and his stooge talked about in their last meeting. The interpreter’s notes were confiscated, and neither the Congress nor the media is even asking about it.

    The Constitution spells it out: “Treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors.”

  15. This is why the Founders were afraid of factions, i.e. political parties. They didn’t foresee a party getting control of two or in our case all three branches of government, so that their carefully constructed checks and balances fell apart. If the President is corrupt but Congress refuses to impeach and convict him, which requires a supermajority of both houses, and if the Congress keeps approving biased judicial nominees, and if the courts, including the Supreme Court, strike down laws intended to make elections clean and fair, there is very little that we the people can do about it. We can try to vote the bastards out of Congress and the White House, but they have incumbency, big money, and propaganda behind them, and we have to prevail in a supermajority of districts in more than one election cycle to really clean house. This is a long road and it’s going to take a lot of work.

  16. With the inane Iranian oil sanctions, coupled with increase price for oil, all demented donnie will aicheve is to fatten putins bottom line.
    Russia has been living on oil revenues. When the price of oil dropped so precipiosly during Obama admin. one of the by products was to put putin in a finacial bind resulting in a curtailment of his military build up for lack of funds.
    Now not only will russia enjoy a windfall but the US will get the blame, rightfully.
    So more money to russia enableing a greater military budget while yet another diplomatic black mark against the US.
    Basically a win win for putin and demented donnie in further undermining the west.

  17. maryelle says:

    Trump has no interest in shutting down the Russians. He is counting on them to get him re-elected.

  18. maryelle says:

    And the Republicans want Russia help too.
    That’s why none of them will speak out against them.

  19. I went through the disappointment of Fitzmas, and now Muellermas… I’ll believe it when I see it…

  20. I am so mad at Democratic Senators did not prevent the conformations by whatever means!

    Democrats must oppose every illegal, immoral, and criminal nominees that the imposter nominates!
