Trump: Continental Army “Took Over Airports”

July 04, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

During Trump’s 45 minute teleprompter drone this afternoon in front of the rain soaked Lincoln Memorial, he clearly stumbled while reading the narration of the Revolutionary War.  Quote:

“In June of 1775 the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander-in-chief. The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown.”

Then Trump had a brain fart:

“Our Army manned the air, it rammed (?) the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do. And at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”

The US Army took over the airports?  During the war for independence or in 1812?  Two hundred years before there were airports?  Just another example of Trump’s mindless recitation of lines written by someone else.  If he loses track, he just substitutes phonetics, much like Beatles cover bands in Bangkok.  If it’s close, it’s good enough for this guy.  Clearly, Trump spent more time on watching Fox News for instructions than rehearsing his speech for his “lifetime experience”.



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0 Comments to “Trump: Continental Army “Took Over Airports””

  1. Sounds like an episode of Drunken History.

  2. Blithering idiot.
    I’ve heard drunk speed freaks make more sense at 3 AM.

  3. Sam in Superior says:

    Chris Meloni

    Putin sky dives in and hands Donald a rose

  4. So that’s what happened to my bag …

  5. Once the British carrier pigeons could no longer land at the airports, it was “nothing but victory.” After capture, Colonel Trump’s Continental Fried Pigeon Wild Wings became a favorite among the troops. Especially when dipped in his famous Secret Tax Return Sauce.


  6. Addlebrained Butthead embarrasses the morons.

  7. slipstream says:

    There’s dumb, there’s dumber than dirt, and then there’s Trump.

  8. Lunargent says:

    Uhhh, that would be over ONE hundred years before airports.
    But still, point well taken.

    I wonder if someone hacked the TelePrompTer, and Trump read out, “I’m just a vile sack of rancid dog vomit and dirty sheets, and you’re all idiots to bother with me”, whether he or anyone in his audience would notice.

    I was going to record it, but it wasn’t listed on any of the regular channels. I did see a posting that CNN was airing it, but cut away to cover the earthquake in Cal. Boy, I’ll bet they were grateful for the diversion.

    So between the earthquake and the thunderstorms, I’d say that Gaia was today’s MVP – you go, Girl!

  9. Linda Phipps says:

    Debbo: “Addlebrained Butthead embarrasses the morons.” Um, no, his audience is rarely embarrassed. There was a short recap on the morning news, and again sickened by his preacherly cadence. No wonder the evangelicals love him, it’s like church. (And I rarely listened to the words).

  10. Honest to God,
    Sarah Palin made more sense when she gave a speech then Trump.
    And that is not saying much.
    This is our history he is disrespecting. As POTUS, he should at least be able to talk about American history. He could golf, but he could not take an hour out of his day to review why we celebrate the 4th of July?

    It is disgraceful and deplorable.

  11. Joe Hill says:

    I woke up today to find that this clusterf*ck of a speech is getting good reviews from the media. He ‘stayed on topic’, ‘inspired the crowd’ yada yada.

    Dear God is this what we’ve come to? He gets a pass because he DIDN’T drop his pants on camera? Jesus…

  12. Airports???? Who wrote that stuff anyway! We know he didn’t. The speech was full of big words like “the”. Also, my apologies for misnaming the venue in a previous post. When He first came out with this “idea” a number of places were mentioned rather than the Lincoln Memorial. Then I got over-busy with way too many things and lost track of the development. Also, spoke with family member who still ives in the mid-west in an area that was once economically secure. She views the Golden Gibbon as psychotically insecure and assures me that all of her friends, neighbors, family etc. see him the same way. The economy they now face is a total kick in the gut.

    At any rate, the real Independence Day celebration happened just down the river at Mt. Vernon where 51 individuals were sworn in as American Citizens. The color photo of the group in the paper looked like a flower garden of many colors. As for the Know Nothings, this is the way it has been for decades. It is not a recent occurrence that they link to weak immigration laws. Bless these people! May they have the best of luck!

  13. Texas Expat in CA says:

    Yet ANOTHER new low that doesn’t seem to get much press is the fact that this moron doesn’t even PRETEND to have written any part of his speeches. When he reads them, he often makes comments like “That’s so true” that baldly admit that the words aren’t his. Sadly, he can’t even read them competently. Sigh.

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    History has never been my forte, so I’d be inclined to cut Orange Foolius some slack. But. Kill Devil Hills and the Wright brothers, a little history from 1903 that most of us remember. And, unlike Cadet Fake Bone Spurs, those of us who actually served know the year 1947. Not knowing that second little factoid is all the reason needed for tossing IQ4.5 from the plane without the courtesy of a parachute.

  15. To be fair to people in Bangkok, a lot of Asians speak English better than Trump. Or W.

    There seems to be a pattern with Republican presidents.

  16. AlanInAustin ... says:

    As Paul Revere Ware said, “One if by land, two if by sea, three if by air.” And, as the rockets burst into the air, someone remarked, “Wouldn’t this be a great place for a fort and a song?”

  17. eyesoars says:

    Along with confusing the Revolutionary War with the War of 1812, he was clearly short on small details on the latter… like who won. “At Fort McHenry, … nothing but victory”?! Forsooth.

    Dear president* is an ignoramus.

  18. maryelle says:

    What a colossal waste of money his education was. And now he is wasting our money on his own self-promotion.

  19. This just in. Louie Gomert thought is was a wonderful fact filled speech

  20. Steven Young says:

    Stupid is as stupid says and does. Shit for brains would be giving some people’s POTUS too much credit. Remember how many times he’s said how smart he is, a frickin genius. Smarter than his generals. His base believes everything he says, so they’ll be pumped up to vote for him again. A bunch of real geniuses.

  21. slipstream says:

    The Wharton School must be so very proud.

  22. Malarkey says:

    The airport thing truly baffles me, but my bafflement started here:

    “In June of 1775 the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander-in-chief.”

    Boston and New York are named after George Washington? What?
