Trump Awakens from Ignorance Coma

March 16, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus

It appears that a score of doctors, public health officers, scientists, immunologists, and world leaders have finally broken through Trump’s Big Beautiful Wall of Ignorance and he awoke for a short period of time this afternoon to acknowledge that the Coronavirus pandemic that is overrunning global medical care facilities is “bad”.  Only a few days ago he was blabbering that the virus would just disappear, “like magic” and that people shouldn’t worry about it.  During his mixed word salad serving, he even admitted that the pandemic is not going away anytime soon.  He relapsed almost immediately, giving himself “a 10” for his response to the crisis by managing the entire threat with his head up is ass for months.


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0 Comments to “Trump Awakens from Ignorance Coma”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    No worries – now we’re getting in deep with Iraq again. That’ll take the pressure off.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Grandma Ada @1 that is exactly “the thing” with this maladministration. While IQ4.5* and Mikey Dense are distracting us with a pandemic, Pompeo is out and about sowing hate and discontent in the world. Meanwhile on the homefront Betsy DeVile is no doubt busy researching ways to use COVID-19 to permanently do away with public schools, others are pillaging our national parks and Wilbur Ross is teaming up with Jughead Kushner on ways to raid the national treasury to benefit Trump Properties. The expression “stomping out brushfires” doesn’t begin to describe the difficulty of tracking all the damage being done by Donnie* and crew.

  3. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I think a batting average of .010 sounds about right.

  4. giving himself “a ten”…

    On what? A scale of 1000? Even a 10 would be too high.

  5. maryelle says:

    So The National Disgrace-in-Chief has the unmitigated gall to
    blow his own sleazy horn over this shameful mess resulting in suffering and death. I cannot bear the sight of him.

  6. Sorrryyy, sorry everyone, but I just can’t help myself. Especially since charles phillips beat me to “germ of a man”.
    When I read “giving himself a 10”, the first thing I thought was that he’s been giving himself ten inches for sixty some-odd years. As opposed to 10 centimeters don’tchaknow.

  7. twocrows says:

    The damage he’s doing cannot be overstated. This evening, on Facebook, someone got onto an unrelated page and asked, “Is the media using the virus to hype its ratings? Is it really that big a deal?
    While it was heartening to see a number of people attempting to educate this person, far too many griped about the grocery stores being out of toilet paper and agreed with the premise that the media are invested in making it bigger than it is.

    What’s really frightening is that these people are going to contribute to the problem, make it far worse than it needs to be and THEN the scales will fall from their eyes, “Well, I guess it was a big problem after all.”
    I’m betting dollars to doughnuts they won’t even realize how their actions contributed to that outcome.

    P.S. I’m not ruling out the idea that the original poster and possibly many of the responders were Russian bots sowing disinformation and dissension.
    You KNOW Putin will use this to give the US yet another black eye. Trump’s presidency is delivering more than he could possibly have hoped for.

  8. maryelle says:

    Speaking of Russia, what is the status of COVID infection in Putinland? Haven’t heard anything, but then Vvlad’s stranglehold on information may be preventing anything from getting out.

  9. Suzanne Melton says:

    Trump busted.

    Was he tested?

    Doesn’t seem like it.

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    He’s on TV right now claiming that he’s done a better job than the government in 1918-1920 with the Spanish Flu. I guess he didn’t realize that they actively hid the extent of the virus due to WWI and the only reason it’s called Spanish Flu is because neutral Spain reported on it! Biden is right – he needs to just be quiet!

  11. Linda Phipps says:

    Just today I heard Mnuchin state he was leaving to meet with REPUBLICANS on the hill to discuss a trillion dollar deal with banks. Evidentally, the Democrats are not offered any input?

    Also the Orangevirus he know it was a pandemic a long time before people were suggesting it. I would love to see the
    video of him saying that in Jan/Feb.

  12. I know someone who is scared to death at the moment. He swears it is because the media is “avalanching” this whole thing out of proportion and this causes the stock market to dive which will end in a world wide depression. Not one word about the suffering and the death rates. He’s been told to put his big boy panties on but it doesn’t do any good. Anybody have any ideas ho to handle a situation where you are actually trapped in a room with someone like this? Outside of mortal violence?

  13. maggie:
    Imho, you’ll never convince them of anything that casts doubt on the reality they’ve been consuming. Now. And maybe never.
    The only chance is to get them to compare the lies they’re being fed now with what actual journalists are saying. They won’t believe it. But our current situation may be the best opportunity we ever get because it’s developing so fast that foxsplaining can’t keep up. My only suggestion is that if this person can at least hear some valid predictions now, then see them validated in fairly short order, the seeds of doubt might, maybe be planted in their trusted liars.
    It’s a stretch. And I think it’ll only work if the valid predictions are presented as “what ifs” to not be so threatening to their fragile reality. They have to believe they’re seeing it for themselves. Trying to “force” it on them will only close them off
