Trump and the Tweet Machine

May 08, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so here’s how he explains being the biggest loser in America.



Yeah, we know about that.  There’s even a term for it: “Tax Fraud.” And, apparently you were the best in America at it.

Somebody, please cue Elliott Ness.


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0 Comments to “Trump and the Tweet Machine”

  1. BarbinDC says:

    Funny how his real estate developer Daddy didn’t report losses on his tax returns. Just sayin’.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    As with any sport or game, there is a loser. Hairplug Himmler should be very worried about Allen Weisselberg who knows the family tricks back from the days of Fred. Unlike IQ4.5, Allen knows the pardon pen doesn’t extend to crimes in New York. Whitewash Willie Barr can fire off all the to whom it may concern missives of ‘executive privilege’ he can muster. But it’s doubtful Letitia James will be impressed. Tick tock …

  3. Trump should consider moving onto a floating White House, 200 miles offshore in international waters. Or maybe he has an asylum deal already worked out for a room at the Russisn embassy in D.C.? His door could have embossed gold letters on it so he’ll feel right at home:

    T R U M P

  4. Ralph Wiggam says:

    As I recall, one of the 12 spin-off cases from Mueller’s work was an investigation for tax fraud. Remember when Cohen said that Trump valued his property at one level for tax purposes and another level for bank collateral? That’s fraud and more in New York.

  5. To lose $1 billion over 10 years…

    – Trump lost $11,416 per hour

    – Trump lost $274,000 every single day

    – Trump lost $8.3 million every month

    – Trump lost $100 million every year

    For a decade.

    * via Jessie Ferguson on the Twitter Machine

  6. The ‘sport’ was in seeing how much he could get away with. Given his litigiousness, the IRS never pursued him very hard, so he got away with a lot. Just another way in which the corrupt system is biased against people of ordinary means.

  7. Fred Farklestone says:

    Substitute Bush for Trump is how I hope it ends!

  8. Fran seyer says:

    They got Al Capone on taxes…..whatever it takes to get this slime and his buddies out of DC……out out dammed spot.

  9. Lunargent says:

    Okay, this doesn’t represent actual losses of $1billion. The writeoffs on real estate for depreciation etc. are substantial. And we’ve already had revelations about how the Trump family would pay for alleged vendor expenses when it was a front corporation that they owned, and they were essentially just moving money from one pocket to another.

    That being said, it’s still a shit-ton of money. All accounting tricks aside, it take real incompetence to lose so much for so long. The only way he could have burned through more cash would have been with a blowtorch.

    God, I just despise him, and his whole criminal family!
