Truman Demands Romney Release His Tax Returns

July 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The last of God’s creatures on earth has demanded that Mitt Romney quit dilly-dallying around and  “either release his tax returns or give me a treat.”

Hairy S Truman (see below) said yesterday that if Mitt doesn’t release his tax returns, he’s apt to be nipped on the ankle by dogs and every darn political commentator in the country, from George Will to Erin Burnett.

Burnett said Romney was cruisin’ for a bruisin’.

“If he refuses to release them, it is because one, he had a lot more money in tax shelters in prior years than he does now,” she continued. “Two, he did something shady. Or, three, he’s stupid.”

And Matthew Dowd nipped, too.

Political strategist and ABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd said “there’s obviously something there” in Romney’s tax returns that he doesn’t want to release publicly, adding that Romney’s refusal to produce his prior returns was a sign of “arrogance.”

And there’s even growling Bill Kristol

Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol called Romney’s refusal to release more than two years of tax returns “crazy.”

“He should release the tax returns tomorrow,” Mr. Kristol said. “You’ve got to release six, eight, 10 years of back tax returns.”

Stupid? Arrogant?  Crazy?   Whoa, wait, isn’t that already the motto of the Republican Party?

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0 Comments to “Truman Demands Romney Release His Tax Returns”

  1. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”
    Napoleon Bonaparte

  2. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Mitt is in a tunnel with an oncoming train. And he can’t figure out how he got there or what to do about it.

    My only complaint is that the lighting is not suitable for photography. I want a picture of his expression when reality finally hits him.

  3. Bo Leeyeau says:

    James Carville claims Romney showed his tax returns to John McCain in 2008 and McCain chose Palin.

    Just how long can someone continue to run for president against Ron Paul?

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Sgt Mike is right. Let Mitt keep acting the fool. At the end of the day, Americans know the difference between confidence and arrogance.

  5. Truman needs a dog biscuit shaped like a dollar bill. That way, he can be sure that “the buck stops here!”

  6. Seems like most of the speculation on why Romney isn’t releasing more information circulates around tax dodges or shady earnings.

    But I wonder if it might, at least in part, be massive donations to the Mormon Church that are somehow documented in those returns or supporting paperwork. I don’t begrudge the Mittster his right to support the organizations of his choice, religious or otherwise, but I imagine gargantuan donations to a church many consider to be a cult might not play so well in this campaign.

  7. Claus in CPH says:

    The Obama campaing does not need to win over voters, it just needs to give them a credible excuse for not voting for Romney.

    There is plenty to dislike about Mitt, so that should be easy.

    My only worry: Is this too early in the campaign ? I hope they keep some ammo for the end.

  8. “Stupid? Arrogant? Crazy? Whoa, wait, isn’t that already the motto of the Republican Party?” Uh … yeah!!!

  9. What do you wanna bet there were years that Mitt paid no taxes at all?

  10. trixicopper says:

    I would guess that even IF everything in Mittens tax returns is legal. there would be a LOT of questions from regular people on WHY this stuff is legal.

    As my Daddy used to say… “Just because it’s legal, doesn’t make it right”.

  11. Crazy Ron Paul is calling for Romney to release his tax returns

  12. Goodhair and the National Review have both called for the release of Romney’s tax returns

  13. Rekster says:

    To me the killer is the fact that Mittens Tax Return is over a thousand pages. When the teabaggers who file their returns on the 1/2 page 1040 EZ see >1000 pages I think someone will have to do the “Hindlick” maneuver to remove their little tricorner hats from their windpipes!

  14. Bill in Paducah says:

    Best theories I have read:
    1. He paid no taxes in 2009, or worse got a refund without paying any taxes.
    2. He made a bundle sell short during the crash.
    3. He gave a huge amount to the Mormon Church.
    4. He gave very little to the Mormon Church, making him both a cheapskate and in trouble with the church elders.
    5. My favorite, he and Ann took advantage of the IRS amnesty for illegal Swiss bank accounts.


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