Tomorrow is Good Friday. Make Them Shut Up.

March 24, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Can we make Donald Trump and Ted Cruz shuddup about each other’s wives?

Since they are all such good Christians, can they just get a hotel room and read scripture to each other on Good Friday?

Y’all keep sending me emails with the subject line “Have you seen this?”  No.  No, I have not.  Don’t show me.  I do not want to know.  (Okay, I was kidding about that part.  Please send them.)

Just make them take a rest over the holidays.


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0 Comments to “Tomorrow is Good Friday. Make Them Shut Up.”

  1. Fear not. Aint neither one of them Christian by any objective measure. One is greedy, hate-filled, a political opportunist. Hmmm well that wrecked badly. Both are greedy, hate-filled, political opportunists. Hmmm. Will neither one of ’em are Christian!

  2. KKKristians aren’t any better on Christian holidays than on any other day. In fact, their God Of Hate tells them to ramp it up.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Whatever the holiday, expecting those two mental midget variations on a myna bird to take the vows of silence for 24 hours is asking the impossible. However, they both do enjoy climbing on an imaginary cross and playing the victim. For you Miss Juanita Jean, I am willing to donate the lumber and my skills with a nail gun to make that dream come true for both of those victims of their own overly active imaginations.

    In fact, we should celebrate Nail Them to the Cross Sunday to ‘honor’ the snacilbupeR. Or, Nail a Fraud Frolics for those not spiritually inclined.

  4. PKM, good idea. Everyone who advocates torture as a US policy should spend some time up there with the wood and the nails… on the receiving end.

  5. Linda Phipps says:

    Teddy will take over the services at whatever Kangaroo Church he attends, and Donnie and Melania will find one that has good parking so they can leave asap.

  6. PKM, this sounds like a winner – “Nail a Fraud Frolics”. I’m sure Hallmark will create and sell cards to honor and celebrate the occasion.

    Hmmm. What will the cards be like? A pop up card and a very shoddily assembled, splintery cross pops up. The logo on the back says “Trump” in gold block letters. Below that, in the very, very small print, “Made in China (And it’s Tremendous.)”

    Or . . . . . . ?

  7. Trump and Cruz both fall very deeply into the uncanny valley. It just seems odd that any human woman would marry either of them.

  8. maryelle says:

    Cheech and Chong did a funny bit called, “Sister Mary Elelphant”, years ago. the poor nun substitute teacher, was attempting to get the high school class to read their essays (What I did Last Summer) and of course the ruffians keep tlaking and laughing over her, so periodically she loses it and screams, “SHUDDUP!” I think we need her to get Oozy and Drumpf to give us peace.

  9. Sandridge says:

    Has anybody heard any confirmation of the buzz about DetesTed Cruz having a number of affairs with various mistresses?

    Hard to believe any woman could find that repulsive POS attractive, but money and power overcomes all.

    This might account for that $500,000 ‘contribution’ to Snarly Failorina’s campaign last year too. Hush money?

    If there’s any truth behind the smoke it will create some serious panic amongst the Talibangelicals and Cruz’ newfound supporters, and his old buddies like Abbott.

  10. Linda Lester says:

    All the wives stuff going on right after the attacks in Belgium–but these attacks are much more important to these fools–yet Obama is criticized for attending a ball game while in Cuba? What was he supposed to do–stop his already planned visit to jump in to help the Belgian law enforcement officers do their jobs–or better yet, may be they would like Obama to be the gentleman in the room and say now now Donald and Ted–please stop this bickering–focus on what is really important.

  11. StringOnAStick says:

    The multiple affairs by Cruz story is gaining traction, with the National Enquirer spread posting 5 photos with black eye bars. The media has already id’d two: the crazy lady who represents tRump on TV (the one with the necklace made out of bullets), and Amanda Carpenter. Did they save this especially for Easter weekend?
