The Jenga Tower of Trump

March 24, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

One of the recent joys of my life is to witness the self-inflicted snacilbupeR meltdown. Whether this is a full-blown suicide remains to be seen, but it will cost them the whole entire 2016 election, perhaps even the House. Right now, there is no scenario I can see where they win the Presidency, or maintain their current leads in the House and Senate, barring some disaster.

This has been a long time coming. Since Nixon, but most especially since the first Clinton Presidency, the GOP has been building a brand based on lying about the efficacy of their own programs, making up and then investigating Democratic “scandals” and finally by denying reality itself across the full economic, scientific and geopolitical spectrum of human endeavor.

This is why they cannot run candidates on the real issues, and why their current infestation of candidates cannot offer full and robust policies about ANYthing. Any. Thing. Not a-one. Because a full and fair hearing of GOP policies versus Democratic policies at any point over the last 30 years would have been disastrous for them, but wonderful for the rest of humanity.

Instead, they have used a friendly Supreme Court to gerrymander Congress and the statehouses, to suppress minority voting, to pump up the amount of cash they can receive from their shrinking base of support, and to outright STEAL the Presidency in 2000 and 2004. They can’t win in a fair fight. So they reduce the efficacy of voting, lie constantly about themselves and their accomplishments, and falsely denigrate and dehumanize their opponents.

They are not in it alone, however; they have been aided by compliant media, or abetted by complicit media, including FOX’s outright pandering as the party organ, as well as numerous purveyors of online bullshit like Breitbart.

GOP Jenga

by primo – click to enlarge

They also have come to the pathological conclusion that they can NEVER admit to having been wrong (i.e. LIED) about ANYTHING. Because once you admit that, on just one issue, their entire legend comes apart.   It’s a giant Jenga game: the whole rotting edifice would come a-tumblin’ down  if just one of their foundational myths were shown to be the cynical electoral ploy it was at the time it was woven out of whole cloth.

The Trump candidacy is merely the last 50 years of Republican political lying on STEROIDS! They did, indeed, build this. He was able to slap his brand on it because he knew these people would believe ANYTHING, like America is a loser, led by losers, voted in by losers. (He’s only half right.) The surest way, then, to save their party is to come clean, come back to the real world, and admit and debunk all the lies their lying liars have been spewing.

Otherwise, they will continue to suffer the ultimate humiliation at the hands of a credulous base that they’ve been deluding for decades and who really DO believe that Obama is a Muslim, climate change is fake, and Donald Trump is Presidential.


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0 Comments to “The Jenga Tower of Trump”

  1. You have no idea how much I wish you were wrong. Sadly, you aren’t. Sigh, so much for the loyal opposition.

  2. I never liked playing Jenga much. Now that I am lead to believe that it, as opposed to oh say Monopoly, is the official game of the nacilbupeR partay, I really don’t care for Jenga.

    There is more truth in these coupla snips than the ‘Merikan body politic can safely digest, “…The Trump candidacy is merely the last 50 years of Republican political lying on STEROIDS!… a credulous base that they’ve been deluding for decades and who really DO believe that Obama is a Muslim, climate change is fake, and Donald Trump is Presidential….”

  3. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    No one ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American populace but it can still work with Republicans & elections.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Primo Encarnación, political wit and new master of the graphic! That plank below the Jenga could be the Myth of St Ronnie. You really should send a copy to Eliot A. Cohen, Bush41 advisor and the man who wiped Jebya’s tears, while demanding he put on his big boy pants to endorse Crooze.

    Eliot and his pals loath Crooze. Just goes to show how much they fear T-Rump exposing their lies and shenanigans.

    Wishing them a nice lake breeze to fan their flames of destruction in July. Vote and hand them their cold ashes in November!

  5. I wish I could believe the voters had finally wised up, but I have my doubts. If voters decided based on issues we’d have had a Dem House, Senate and Presidency for the last 30 years.

    The Repubs use fear and hate very effectively. So far it’s been working except for the Presidency.

    I also have concerns on the Dem side. With some exceptions (Warren, Sanders, Clinton) they still seem inclined to go along to get along rather than to fight. In 2010 they failed to defend the ACA and the Repubs had huge gains in the states. I don’t see the Dems prepping for a better 2020, especially regarding voter turnout and making sure Dems have the ID they need.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    Dog finally had his/her/its fill of fauxknee kristians and has visited a plague on the wingnut party, It is disguised as tea-baggers and the head germ is Drumpf who will lead the party to biting itself to death once and for all. Too bad,so sad.

  7. LynnN: I’m with you. I want to believe the R’s have totally mussed their game, but I fear it’s not really going to happen the way so many are now saying it will. I once heard a quote -don’t know who to attribute it to – but, Nothing is foolproof because fools are ingenious!

  8. How many incumbent R congressmen lost their primary?

    IMO, when we see that happen, then I will believe their grass roots are angry.

    Looks to me like they no longer have a reason to hide the cold hearted mean sumbitches they are.

  9. Sandridge says:

    Y’all may be “wishin’ n’ hopin’ ” all you like, but we are just one properly timed major domestic terror event from cascading the November elections into national rational oblivion.

    And notice how I subtly worded that to allow room for a certain level of “conspiracy theory/CT” to season to taste…

  10. bud malone says:

    Primo. Pretty damn neat.

  11. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    Don’t overlook the fact that a very large number of jurisdictions record votes electronically on machines manufactured and services by loyal Republican companies. It’s been proven that those machines can be easily programmed to ‘count’ more Republican votes than Democratic votes and it cannot be detected. Election judges could — could — register 50 Republican votes and 50 Democratic votes and then look at the totals, but other than that, we just have to trust them. Like Charlie Brown trusts Lucy to hold the football.
    There is no paper trail, no receipt.
    If the machines are compromised, the Republicans may well win even though the National sentiment favors Democrats. we need to raise a ruckus to get rid of electronic voting machines. A manually-counted marked paper ballot may take longer to count, but at least it’s honest.

  12. charles r. phillips says:

    Superb, absolutely YOOGE!

  13. Neighborm says:

    I also am concerned that the Dem “ground game” has not been improved to adjust to the duplicitous voter id rules, reduction in polling places, absentee and provisional ballot hank panky, and sometimes the challenges made at polling places. (In my Ohio county of Summit, over 800 absentee ballots were not counted because the USPS does not always date stamp the ballots which of course is a requirement.)

    Greater coordination and effort are needed to overcome the hurdles. Dems need to be more strategic.

  14. If you haven’t yet seen “The Big Short”, I highly recommend it. In it there is a scene where some of the characters start doing a happy dance as the value of the world economy starts to fall apart. The fundamental problem is that the repercussions of this “game” being created in the first place are almost unimaginable.

    Hope for the best…

  15. Old Mayfly says:

    I agree especially with Pete Peterson. Whatever Diebold wants, Diebold gets.

  16. Patticakes says:

    I am terrified of waking up on the morning after the election and finding out that we have President Trump or President Cruz in our lives for the next 4 years. OMG Over the past 40 some-odd years I have worked on elections, invested time, energy, emotional and financial support to campaigns, candidates, and their families. Nothing like that kick in the gut to make you want to throw in the towel and move to a beach in Mexico permanently. This upcoming election scares me $$htle$$.

  17. maryelle says:

    Oh how I want Primo’s assessment of the Bullsh*t Mountain to come to pass, yet I do fear the RKlan devious deviants and their money/power to rig this election. That’s why Karl Rove went apoplectic when he saw that Obama would win in 2008. The fix was in place, but something went terribly right for us. Let us hope and pray the Force is with us again.

  18. Cheryl Ann says:

    I’m with you Patticakes! As far as voting machines, why aren’t we internet voting???? If you don’t have to stand in line, just think of the turnout!

  19. I can do without voting with the computer. DH worked for a contractor who got work from the Feds. We got a notice that the government was hacked and somebody has our SS and his fingerprints. If the Rs would pay as much attention to minding the store as they do to Hillary’s e-mail, we prolly would not be getting calls from Hungary.
    I want a paper ballot.

  20. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    A paper ballot’s good enough for me.

  21. Jodi devries says:

    Patty cakes, I’m walking precincts on Saturday. We can only do what we can do.

  22. The problem with the GOP blowing itself to pieces is that the rest of us are likely to be hurt by the shrapnel.

  23. Uncle Dave says:

    Gotta ask, is snackelbooper the correct pronunciation of snacilbupeR?

  24. I don’t know what Jenga is, or how to play.

  25. daChipster says:


    I pronounce it SNASS-ul-Booper
    So it rhymes with Castle Blooper
    Politi-phonics, you see
    Taught me soft “C”
    for a worn-to-a-frazzle Con trooper.

  26. daChipster, I do almost the same. The difference is I make the ‘a’ long. So the first syllable rhymes with ‘race’. Hence, snace-ul-booper.

    Another way I pronounce it is ‘dumbass f*ckheads.’
