To Keep You Smiling All Weekend …
Texas Republican Congressfool Kevin Brady’s subcommittee on Health opened his hearing with frightful predictions that the ACA is going to destroy Medicare Advantage plans and old people were gonna die in the streets because of it.
Only problem is that Brady doesn’t know shoot from shineola. Medicare Advantage has never been stronger.
Republicans repeatedly called Obamacare a raid on Medicare despite the fact that their own experts, who were sitting right in front of them, disagreed. The scene was surreal. Republicans kept discussing how Obamacare is destroying Medicare while ignoring the facts that were being presented to them at their own hearing.
The hearing itself was another waste of time and money as House Republicans continue to try to convince the American people that affordable access to healthcare is a bad thing.
Don’t you hate it when that happens?
Admit it, Fools, Obamacare is successful.
Thanks to Alan for the heads up.